• Wugmeister
    5 days ago

    Extreme/insane positions on everything. Not just one or two insane positions, not just political extremism; when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. No nuance allowed. And it has to be fully sincere, otherwise you are dealing with a Jreg.

    There are milder versions of this, but I have rarely met a child that didn’t have a strongly held insane belief formed from their limited experiences. My favorite was a kid who told me that eating pasta supports fascism because it comes from Italy, so loving Italian products means you support Mussolini. Pizza is fine, though, because that’s American.

  • Todd Bonzalez
    405 days ago

    They like people like Lenin and Stalin.

    It’s a wakeup call for a lot of young people when they start to recognize the absurdity of anti-communist propaganda, but a lot of kids swing too far the other direction and figure all the bad things they’ve ever heard about history’s worst communist leaders are lies.

    It doesn’t mean that Communism is uniquely bad, but these men were violent tyrants who don’t share values with most mainstream western leftists today.

    Some never grow up and say dumb shit like that radical gender expression was common in the USSR or something…

    • @chobeat@lemmy.ml
      225 days ago

      Larping as a tankie is definitely a thing of immature, terminally online kids, but I wouldn’t throw Lenin in the bunch. While Stalin is mostly condemned as a reactionary psychopath by pretty much everybody except a few leftist basement-dwellers, Lenin is still read and taught throughout the world. Nothing edgy in reading Lenin.

      Edgy kids on the internet worship other psychopaths like Pol Pot or Hoxha.

    • Asherah
      145 days ago

      Stalin maybe. Lenin? He was a hero to the working class. I’d really like to see your sources on how Lenin was one of “history’s worst communist leaders”.

      • @socksy@discuss.tchncs.de
        04 days ago

        I suppose there’s not a lot of communist leaders to choose from in general, but Kronstadt happened on Lenin’s watch and it would be a bit disingenuous to pretend this was controversy free amongst the left and working classes.

    • @MataVatnik@lemmy.world
      25 days ago

      It was always a thing, had a tankie friend in high-school. Though you’re right, most people grow out of it. But I don’t think this guy did last I saw him

    • @ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
      -25 days ago

      tHeSe MeN wErE vIoLeNt TyRaNtS

      The kulaks and the monarchists and the nazi collaboraters deserved it. Communists have been vindicated by history every single time.

            • Todd Bonzalez
              14 days ago

              This is exactly the kind of shit Republicans say about growing older and becoming more cynical. Same regressive bullshit, different ideology.

              • @ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
                14 days ago

                As we all know, getting more militantly progressive because you see the repeated failures of the liberal worldview is exactly the same as getting more conservative because you own more property 🤡

              • @Cowbee@lemmy.ml
                3 days ago

                Ah yes, if a Communist is young, they are naiive, and if a Communist is older, they are cyncial and regressive.

                The double-think is strong with you.

                Where’s that Parenti quote?

                “During the cold war, the anticommunist ideological framework could transform any data about existing communist societies into hostile evidence. If the Soviets refused to negotiate a point, they were intransigent and belligerent; if they appeared willing to make concessions, this was but a skillful ploy to put us off our guard. By opposing arms limitations, they would have demonstrated their aggressive intent; but when in fact they supported most armament treaties, it was because they were mendacious and manipulative. If the churches in the USSR were empty, this demonstrated that religion was suppressed; but if the churches were full, this meant the people were rejecting the regime’s atheistic ideology. If the workers went on strike (as happened on infrequent occasions), this was evidence of their alienation from the collectivist system; if they didn’t go on strike, this was because they were intimidated and lacked freedom. A scarcity of consumer goods demonstrated the failure of the economic system; an improvement in consumer supplies meant only that the leaders were attempting to placate a restive population and so maintain a firmer hold over them.”

    • @frazw@lemmy.world
      466 days ago

      Because you are a kid and you don’t know but are pretending to be an adult. Nice try!

    • SeaJ
      85 days ago

      Everyone knows you hop on another kid’s shoulders and put on a trenchcoat, fedora, and sunglasses and gave the name Robert Businessman.

  • @Snowclone@lemmy.world
    1636 days ago

    Very confidently wrong, poor reading comprehension, poor grammar, limited vocabulary, emoji gore, catch phrase/pop culture quotes/talking points repeated with no comprehension of what they’re saying, clearly not aware of how many things in life work, religious regurgitation while being surprised everyone doesn’t agree with them. Very easily impressed with basic factual statements, clearly thinking confidence is the main thing that makes someone correct. Thinks their mom telling they they are handsome is a valid point. Idk, that’s all I got.

    • @bolexforsoup@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      6 days ago

      very confidently wrong

      Lmao dude that’s just people in general especially on forums

      There’s also nothing wrong with people learning new info, no matter how simple it may seem. That’s kind of a pretentious/egotistical way to operate.

      Most of this list is actually pretty garbage. Emojis? Using slang/catch phrases? This is basic social stuff.

      • @Snowclone@lemmy.world
        5 days ago

        What I wrote – Very easily impressed with basic factual statements

        What you think it means – there’s something wrong with people who are learning new things.

        Does ‘‘basic factual statements’’ mean ‘‘new information that someone is just now learning’’. Can it also apply to information they already know, or believe is true? Can it also be referring to basic knowledge nearly everyone knows?

        Does ‘being very easily impressed’ include a situation where someone reacts to information in a typical fashion? Does it exclude adults learning or recognizing factual information and responding with a simple agreement, such as ‘yeah that’s true’? Or is this an indication that an overreacting response is the dead giveaway?

        1. Did the sentance make a claim something is wrong with being a child?

        2. Did the sentence claim that learning new information is likewise something wrong?

        Please write one 5 sentance paragraph explaining your opinion on the above two numbered questions. Proofreading will not be necessary.

    • @Freefall@lemmy.world
      26 days ago

      Those first two…and a couple others, also apply to a lot of adults I have had political conversations with the past several years…

      • @Snowclone@lemmy.world
        25 days ago

        It’s like I tell my kids, an adult is just a child who got old. It’s also why a lot of cultures have a concept of adulthood that has nothing to do with reaching sexual maturity alone.

    • This is like reading a reverse horoscope - you’ve just thrown as many negative traits as you could think of at the wall, knowing at least a few will stick.

      Nothing on your list couldn’t also apply to an adult, especially those most privileged and entitled in society.

  • @IzzyScissor@lemmy.world
    2126 days ago

    I remember reading that when national parks tried to make a ‘bear-proof’ trashcan, they found that there was a larger overlap between the smartest bear and the stupidest human to make a viable product.

    I feel like it’s a similar situation here. The smartest kid and the stupidest adult are far more similar than we’d like to admit.

    • @AmosBurton_ThatGuy@lemmy.ca
      686 days ago

      Tbh I find it much more surprising that there’s an overlap of bears and stupid people than I do smart kids and dumb adults.

      I’ve met an unfortunate amount of people that would struggle to dump water out of their boots with the instructions written on the bottom of the sole.

    • SeaJ
      176 days ago

      Side note: the National Park Service has an awesome team running their social media accounts. Their posts are always hilarious and informative.

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      45 days ago

      Funny, I came here to make the exact same analogy. I totally agree - a mature kid and an immature adult have a lot of overlap.

  • @oxjox@lemmy.ml
    225 days ago

    When someone asks what’s a dead give away someone is a kid, it tells me they’re not old enough to remember the ASL days.

  • @shneancy@lemmy.world
    225 days ago

    slang mostly, I mod a strictly 18+ space and recently someone used the word “skeet”, and would you believe it, they were a minor

    • @chetradley@lemmy.world
      85 days ago

      Skeet? Really? Lil Jon’s “Get Low” came out 22 years ago.

      Now if they had said “Skibidi” that would be a different story.

    • Tbh, no. I expected they would be about 32 using the word “skeet.” I’d expect the youth of today to say “cummies” or some other abject disgrace of a word lol.

      • @shneancy@lemmy.world
        35 days ago

        Well the exact phrase used was “can’t wait to skeet on your face with [my dick]” so

        and I’ve seen grown adults well over into 25+ saying “cummies” lmao

  • @rbesfe@lemmy.ca
    6 days ago

    Using a year as an extremely long period of time, never uses “talk it out” as a solution to anything, mentions a YouTuber you’ve never heard of as if they’re a global celebrity.

    Also related to the first point, losing their mind over something that delays their education/life plans by 4 months or more.

    • @Alice@beehaw.org
      25 days ago

      Ugh, the second one… I used to lurk on relationship subreddits instead of just watching soap operas like a normal person, and it’s wild how quickly people jump to divorce. And if the OP makes an update where they talked it out, a lot of the commenters get mad.

      I don’t know that they’re kids, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

  • “Redditors of Reddit, how do you sexily sex the sex out of sexy sex???”

    Serious response: you can’t really make a very general rule. There are a lot of people who write quite maturely since their teens, and a lot of people who are morons since their teens and have endless dedication and determination to remain in that state for as long as they breathe.

    • The Bard in GreenA
      5 days ago

      I do remember some posts on r/sex back in the day that were absolutely kids (teens) and you could tell by how

      • Freaked out they were about totally normal stuff.
      • Excited they were about how great sex is.

      I remember there was a funny day when there were two top upvoted posts on r/sex (probably in like 2017) where one was like

      • It turns me on when my boyfriend masturbates to me, am I normal?

      And the other one was like

      • I (female bodied, they/them / nb) am a furry and my wife and I like to pretend that I’m a wolf and I’m hunting and eating her. What can we make that will look and feel like real organs I can “rip” out of her stomach and eat, and what could we use for fake blood that would be the easiest to clean up?

      People kept linking the second one in the first one and reassuring this poor girl that she’s totally normal.

      • I (female bodied, they/them / nb) am a furry and my wife and I like to pretend that I’m a wolf and I’m hunting and eating her. What can we make that will look and feel like real organs I can “rip” out of her stomach and eat, and what could we use for fake blood that would be the easiest to clean up?

        Absolutely based, all the rest of us plebs just need to learn about the depth and power of their kinkiness. Cheers to their banquet.

        • Wugmeister
          25 days ago

          Honestly that was my first thought as well. They sure know exactly what they find fun.

  • @TheFonz@lemmy.world
    385 days ago

    For me personally the first tell is when they are morally loading every statement in an argument and are unable to engage with a topic directly. Adults should be able to discuss or debate certain topics on the value of the arguments alone without feeling pressured to include a declarative virtue signal in every clause.

    • @chobeat@lemmy.ml
      65 days ago

      “debate me” kids are another stereotype on the internet though. The idea that ideas should be entertained and discussed for the sake of it and come without implications attached is just another form of edgyness. It’s another thing that often goes away with age or with touching grass. I know because I was one of them. Now I understand that the fact itself of discussing something publicly has moral implications.

      • @TheFonz@lemmy.world
        55 days ago

        Yea, I agree. That’s why I used the word discuss because when the debate-bro mindset kicks in you’re definitely dealing with an angsty teenager (also the constant invocation of logical fallacies).

  • @NauticalNoodle@lemmy.ml
    385 days ago

    I can’t say there is one. Every time i think to myself something like “goddamn, this person is immature” I remind myself that there’s a high number of immature adults in the world including myself, so…?