Tuberculosis bacteria:
Wait you can get TB from raw milk?!
Among other things. TB was one of the main reasons we started pasteurizing milk in the first place.
So you know the “is this toothbrush approved by the dental association of America” line from Home Alone (approximate transcription)
my new joke is asking “is this milk pasteurized?” in that voiceI mean, we should have an image of the Germans who applied it to milk, pretty sure Pasteur did it for the booze and some other dudes were like “hey bro we did that same technique on milk and now way less babies die.”
Thank you for this! At least according to the Wikipedia article you’re right, and Pasteur invented the technique for wine. Beer came soon after, by others, but it was a long time until it was used on milk.
I’ve heard this! Apparently, he was researching why beer was spoiling, and he had done no research on milk whatsoever.
Pasteur did it for the booze
Make room Robin Williams, I have another hero for the top spot on my hero list.
My man
This fun fact made me literally lol. Llol, if you will.
By the time RFK jr. is done, the vegetables will have a warning label for Haber–Bosch nitrogen and MAGA will insist their food be grown on untreated human feces.
It is already a well established fact that plants crave electrolytes.
Yeah, but what are electrolytes?
they’re what plants crave
But what is Brawndo?
It’s got electrolytes!
More like
I think the best redirect would be to convince them to “self-pasteurize” their milk. You can make an entire ecosystem of grift products on the best home pasteurizers to avoid harmful toxins or whatever the current buzzword is.
Counterpoint: this would prevent people who can be convinced to drink raw milk from getting listeria
But you could also use it to separate them from their money, which is an even greater good.
Also, it potentially keeps the people in their care who have no agency from getting listeria, which is up there with lining your pockets via virtuous con artistry in terms of moral virtue.You incorrectly assume the grift products have to actually do anything. Just give them a few lights and a little fan at the back which spins for a few minutes to make it sound like it’s doing anything. Can be super cheap to make, it doesn’t even need a heating element!
I believe with all my heart this will happen lol.
Any problem or process that can be moved to the consumer
no man, you gotta just let evolution take its course.
Who in this day and age wouldn’t drink pasteurised milk?
Besides like, properly stupid people, or people who think it’ll give them religious powers and other such nutters.
The word you’re looking for is dipshits.
dad, no!
“Yes, son! I can’t fulfill my destiny as Mooman any other way…”
The Meatcanyon videos will be glorious.
So, RFK?
Raw milk is silly…but also, now are the banned cheeses unbanned? Probably not cazu whatever the fuck, the Sardinian maggot cheese but there’s stuff like brie, but raw, that’s apparently yummy.
Someone commented on Lemmy a whole ago that cheese with raw milk is different. Coles notes is the good bacteria out-competes the bad ones.
Who drinks milk at all? I get a giant zit immediately after having some.
Growing up I used to down pints of milk, couldn’t get enough of the stuff
I’m lactose intolerant but I use a little bit of lactose-free, 0% fat milk for my coffee in the morning because the alternatives (almond or oat milk) just don’t taste as good with coffee.
It’s really brand dependant. Honestly recommend trying brands till you find a good couple. Some oat and almond are smooth AF. I like Vitasoy and So Good, for example. Not a shill, just took brute forcing brands.
Just drink it black. After two cups you get used to it.
Yuck, why bother?
Fair point but when you drink it black you don’t need to bother with the overly processed milk anymore
Hey look some who thinks pasteurized milk is “overly processed”!
“lactose free 0% fat milk”
Then you just have the overly-processed coffee.
And? Adding overly-processed milk to overly-processed coffee cancels out the processing or something? Don’t drink it then.
It depends if you like coffee, or coffee flavored milkshakes.
Hmm, put that way, most definitely the milkshake. I’m not sure I even like coffee, it provides a break at work and energy in the morning, with enough milkshake ingredients of course.
If it’s ultra pasteurized you should be fine, but as in all things, do your own personal threat analysis.
Half & half in coffee. We go very unprocessed and cook in my household. So I buy half and half which is just milk and cream. It’s delicious in coffee. It’s also ultra pasteurized. A little heat in the name of microbe death is great.
Apart from that, milk is a cooking ingredient. Again, ultra pasteurized.
properly stupid people
This study is 20 years old.
Raw milk is a disease vector for H5N1 right now, and as been for most of the year. (Location for the sick worker in the article: Texas)
Why it doesn’t matter so much for those of us not working directly with cows is pasteurization. In my household, we’ve since switched to ultra pasteurized in the cases we’ve not been doing that already, just to play safest.
The more humans that catch H5N1, the more likely it is to take and make a vector out of humans.
To be fair, it is often good to avoid processing your food. However this does not include the cleaning aspect of that food. Would you suddenly stop washing your fruits and vegetables? Flashing a little heat on the milk for safety is fine. It doesn’t create the milk equivalent of beef jerky or a ritz cracker. If you’ve ever spent any time in a milking barn, among cows, or seen the milking process you might not even drink milk after. You’ll want bacteria and virus death in your milk.
But wait, Zeph, surely this process is only effective for bacteria, we’ve always been taught that the same means of death for bacteria don’t typically work on viruses. (Antibiotics). Pasteurization is it’s own thing.
TF is “ultra-pasteurized”?
It was invented by Nigel Tufnel.
Meanwhile Charles Darwin looks on approvingly…
I don’t think it’s fair to attribute the bigoted dumpster fire of Social Darwinism to Darwin himself.
Dear gen Z, raw dog means to fuck without a condom
Yes, they fuck their milk.
Fuck 'em right in the ass.
The term has also been further bleached to just mean doing something raw, rough, hard.
Dear boomer, words evolve.
and they’re about to find out what that means.
The sentiment still applies.
Edward Jenner floating right next to him going “looks like it’s going to get more crowded in the afterlife.”
Darwin approves.