I think the best redirect would be to convince them to “self-pasteurize” their milk. You can make an entire ecosystem of grift products on the best home pasteurizers to avoid harmful toxins or whatever the current buzzword is.
Counterpoint: this would prevent people who can be convinced to drink raw milk from getting listeria
But you could also use it to separate them from their money, which is an even greater good.
Also, it potentially keeps the people in their care who have no agency from getting listeria, which is up there with lining your pockets via virtuous con artistry in terms of moral virtue.You incorrectly assume the grift products have to actually do anything. Just give them a few lights and a little fan at the back which spins for a few minutes to make it sound like it’s doing anything. Can be super cheap to make, it doesn’t even need a heating element!
no man, you gotta just let evolution take its course.
I believe with all my heart this will happen lol.
Any problem or process that can be moved to the consumer