As long as there’s no toxic behaviour from them, I’m more than OK with this
I’m sure I’ve read this headline before and nothing came of it then.
Automattic declined to share a time frame as to when the migration would be complete, given its scale, but a rep for the company called the progress so far “exciting.”
Yeah, they’ve been talking about this for years now.
With all the decades of poorly made freshman intern tier spaghetti code Tumblr is built on it’s no surprise adding anything takes a long time.
I’ll believe it when I see it
of all platforms I didn’t expect the hellsite to federate.
We’re gonna need a blocking button.
Oh hellsite
As long as the NSFW comes over. The block button is right there for anyone who doesn’t like it
( . )( . )
( . Y . )
( o )( . )
I thought tumblr’s porn part never recovered after the 2018 purge
I welcome our colon three posting brothers and sisters
some of us are already here :3
Wow, way to try staying relevant I guess? They had a huge following and the porn was flowing during the good times. They blew their chance and now it’s a shell of itself. Fuck Tumblr.
Can anyone eli5?
Will it federate with AP platforms?
Oh you mean the one run by a conservative who’s a massive bigot? Greaaaaat.
how do you link pixelhub and lemmy to tumblr
Is it still the same SJW hellhole it was a decade ago?
As with the fediverse, there are a lot of user curated blacklists to get rid of the problem children.
Just don’t trust shinigamieyes, that shit got taken over by terfs a few years back and now lists a lot of innocent trans bloggers.
thebadspace has no real rhyme or reason either and lists a lot of folks I think are fine, and also gives (almost) no reason or receipts.
Wait, what? That’s disappointing. I use Shinigamieyes, haven’t noticed anything weird yet.
Lol, people are still using SJW as a snarl world in 2025?
No, the word is DEI now.
In the '80s and '90s, everything these people didn’t like was ‘satanic’. Then that nonsense seemed to disappear for about a decade. Until those people returned with updated terminology that makes them look like ‘free speech’ warriors to all the kids and not the dogmatic psychos that they are.
So since then we’ve gone from SJW to woke to now DEI. But it’s always been the same fucking people, or types of people, that told me that all the cartoons I watch and music I listen to was ‘evil’ and ‘satanic’ when I was a kid.
I actually almost fell for the SJW thing myself back in the day. I was circling that drain. Until I opened my eyes and saw the company that I was in. Since then I’ve been borderline ‘SJW’ myself because fuck those people.
Those people ended up driving me into being a queer DEI Satanist lol
Neocities is Tumblr if it were worth anyone’s time.
I’ve been on Tumblr since the David Karp days and I’ll be there for the rest of my life.
Maybe if they did something about their porn bot problem I’d be happier to see this
There’s always the block button.
What an amazing concept right? Being able to personally filter out individually what you don’t like.
I will applaud tumblr for having a good block button. But it doesn’t solve the porn bot problem.