Hmm, “1200-600 CE”?
Looks like it should be 1200-1600 CE (or AD).
If it squeaks when you squeeze it i’mma freak out
Careful with the drugs.
It’s beautiful but the neat part is he’s smiling
You can’t convince me that that’s not an Orca.
Orcas have always been friends to humans that do not own yachts.
“Saruman the White has ever been our friend and ally” Get away from that computer, killer whale!
But ye, fuck yachts
No wonder they called killer whales. They trying to end the entire planet.
He looks like he belongs in Dragon Quest
Looks like a Pokemon
Guess Nintendo’s going to have to sue Akira Toriyama’s estate, then.
It looks like a fun chair.
It’s funny how only the sex toys have survived this long
I can’t believe that took 600 years to carve
Oh no, nobody tell Nintendo about this. They’ll be sharpening their copyrights and salivating over patents.
It’s so happy to be here
Maybe whales looked different back then.
That whale has seen some things