OK, now I’m imagining dinosaur archaeologists (monocles and brushes, not bullwhips and quips).
Birds are considered to be dinosaurs. Birds exist now. We are finding dinosaur fossils now.
That’s what the XKCD that was posted says. Mostly.
There’s always a relevant xkcd
The popup text on that one is quite funny.
Any idea how to access the pop-up text on a phone?
It says:
Sure, T. rex is closer in height to Stegosaurus than a sparrow. But that doesn’t tell you much; ‘Dinosaur Comics’ author Ryan North is closer in height to certain dinosaurs than to the average human.
As a tall person I feel cooler now
On my android, I just long press on the image, and it appears at the top of the popup menu
There are fossilized humans. Fossilization really doesn’t take that much time, geologically speaking; it just requires very specific conditions.
About how much time are we talkin here?
Where are the bodies?
Where’s Rachel!?
Where are the other drugs going?
I don’t know, swear to God
For some reason, I don’t entirely believe you. Might be the whole God of Madness thing. You turning back into Jyggalag anytime soon? I’d like to know when to short the shit out of the entire market.
I know there’s some animal fossils in New Zealand that date back to its colonization by the ancestors of the Maori, so about the 1400s. Though I don’t know if they are partially or fully fossilized.
It is more chronologically accurate to show a t-rex being hit by a car than it is to show a t-rex eating a stegosaurus
I said I’m sorry. But if you’re going to let your T-Rex out at night you should at least put a reflective collar on it.
Hi, I was just calling because I live down the street from you, and your daughter come to my house today and she kick my t-rex.
Your daughter come to my house today, And she come on my property and then she kick my t-rex. And now my t-rex needs operation.
How cruel.
My T-Rex ist mostly armless
That would be a knee slapper if I could reach.
We don’t know you
The only interaction I’ve seen between a T-Rex and a collar is that one scene from The Lost World. Based on what I saw there, I have to assume that collars wouldn’t really work for them.
And people mocked me for my human-tyrannosaur slashfic on ao3. Well, who’s laughing now?
This is the comparison I was looking for. It’s great to explain that media shows them together but untrue, it is a totally different idea to explain the staggering time difference between the two.
You made me scroll up to the picture again, looking for a T-Rex or a car
Also, water you are drinking has probably been peed by dinosaure. Several time. But probably not peed by a human.
Second relevant xkcd of the comments https://what-if.xkcd.com/74/
guzzles water
This meme made me gasp loud enough that my girlfriend was worried something was wrong.
Then I had to explain that I’m 41 years old and was just shocked by a dinosaur fact.
To be fair, things can fossilise very quickly given ideal conditions. Still dinosaurs reigned for a lot more time than mammals and frankly nature is still feeling the loss in certain ways.
Another fun fact (dino facts are the best facts): There are more “dinosaur” species alive today than there are mammal species.
11,000 bird species alive today (approx)
6,000 mammal species alive today (approx)
Also, my favourite fact is we know almost nothing about dinosaurs from jungles and mountains. Most of our knowledge comes from wetland and oceanic creatures because of the way fossils are formed.
Forty-one?! You’re practically a fossil!
Well, there are human fossiles aswell and we have been here for a pretty short time.
Speed running fucking it up too
Well, there are plenty of hominid fossils and we humans are plentiful.
[off topic]
The Gryphon’s Skull is a fun read. Two Greek traders, circa 300 BC, discover a dinosaur fossil…
If you like fun but also well-researched stories about people living in pre-modern times, you might also enjoy the weird medieval guys podcast :) They actually did an episode on fossils recently. Another funny story they mention is the one of Johann Beringer’s “Lying Stones”.