First I was afraid, I was petrified
I didn’t know if I could live with silica inside
But then I spent so many years buried under all those layers
I grew strong
I learned how to be a stone
And now I’m back
From underground
I don’t erode so fast as all this crumbly sandstone all around
I’ve been transformed by all this waiting into something that could last
You just hang a sign around me and you send those tourists past
Jolly good show, chap!
Can we please not post horribly cropped comics? Find the original source for respect to the artist.
(already made a previous comment but I thought I should repeat it here … I agree, we should always include the artist and their work with every new post)
Fairly Decent Comics
From the artist’s Instagram -
Thank you!
Fairly Decent Comics
From the artist’s Instagram -
Updating, tyvm.
(⌐■_■) I was blind, ( •_•)