SocialMedia is part of your daily diet - so why not make it healthy?
Corporate platforms feed you ads, algorithms, and infinite scroll designed to keep you hooked on junk food. The #Fediverse is different:
✅ No ads, no algorithms ✅ Real communities run by real people ✅ Diverse cultures and positive content
Stop feeding on junk. Switch to something organic!
I definitely don’t think, that federation is a cure for unhealthy social media. You can waste time here too.
TBH, I think this is a little counterproductive. It makes corporate social media seem like a delicious treat. Exhorting people to do the right thing like “eat your veggies” probably isn’t the best way to convince them. Something like this seems like a better comparison. Something bad for you and gross, but uses flashy marketing to convince you otherwise:
Bold of you to assume there is a healthy form of doom scrolling.
Exactly. To extend the junk food analogy, this is like making donuts from scratch in your own kitchen: customized to your preferences, maybe tastes better, but ultimately you’re still making a mess in your kitchen and eating unhealthy.
Its better than a donut, harump!
You should cross post this to /c/propagandaposters
Friendly reminder that reddit-style community shorthand is less helpful here. Old habits die hard but on Lemmy communities require context of instance as well.
Edit: but agreed, this is very propaganda-like
I’ve got news for you: Many people from other places don’t particularly like xenophiliacs treating them like zoo animals.
Many of those who do play along with it are trying to get something out of you. Shitty people exist everywhere.
Is this in response to the “diverse cultures” part?
Yes. You don’t actually get to explore other cultures, you just get a bastardized, commodified version of it. The commodification of cultures for global dissemination is destroying unique cultures around the globe. It’s a massive humanitarian crisis, but it gets a free pass in the eyes of the western public because they get to eat tasty food and make pithy comments online directed towards people they hate. Xenophilia is a cancer.
High quality positive content
It took 3 hours and we already got to gatekeeping culture.
Believe it or not, some people actually like having more than a single mono-culture in the world. Everybody everywhere doesn’t actually want Lego and the Marvel Universe to dominate their own societies.
I recognize that issue but I don’t need necessarily read the example on OP, as exemplifying that.
Disclaimer: I’m a white North American (ergo no culture) so I’m open to discussing this further as I’d like to hear your experience.
Not gonna lie, I’d still love to eat that donut.
Should’ve used one of those photos of McDonald’s where they look at an ad for a menu item and then show a sad photo of the real thing.
Organic food is a scam.
“organic” food
I agree with the issues others have raised but I also question directing people first to Mastodon?
I am someone who kinda tries to live a more healthy lifestyle, if somebody tells me there is something that is good for my health i expect some scientific research to provide evidence of that. the health industry does provide things that have no scientific evidence that they are effective (so called “big placebo” companies).
I wish my app would give an option to have pages rather than an infinite feed.