• hope
    5 months ago

    Not to argue for creationism, but this argument sucks. Lead can be produced by supernova, not just through decay of heavier elements. But even that’s besides the point, since if you believe some entity created the universe, surely said entity could have created whatever ratio of lead to uranium they wanted. It’s not a falsifiable claim, there’s really no disproving it, unfortunately.

    (Not so fun fact: the environmental impact of leaded gasoline was discovered by trying to estimate the age of the earth using the radio of lead to uranium in uranium deposits, but the pollution from leaded gasoline was throwing the measurements off.)

    • @wise_pancake@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      Also this doesn’t say anything about the Earth.

      Plus you can give a liberal reading of the bible to be:

      1. god created the heaven and the earth. God created the heavenly bodies.
      2. God created the sky - earths atmosphere and climate
      3. God separates oceans - creates continental forms, and plant based life
      4. God creates the moon and sun and stars. This one seems out of order to me… maybe just the earth and solar system stabilize. I don’t know how plants exist without the sun, so maybe it’s microbes or something.
      5. God creates birds and sea creatures. Maybe birds are dinosaurs.
      6. God creates modern land animals, then creates man and woman. That makes sense, mankind is certainly new with only a few hundred thousand years of records before civilization starts.

      That doesn’t have to imply the earth is 4000 years old. Even the original wording could be read as eon instead of day.

      • @krashmo@lemmy.world
        315 months ago

        The Bible is a couple thousand chapters long. The creation story is the first two chapters. It’s pretty obviously only attempting to establish that God created the universe in some ambiguous way and move on with the story. That doesn’t stop people from inferring all sorts of things from what is essentially a poem.

        • @Blue_Morpho@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          So you are saying when the Bible says Jesus died for our sins, it doesn’t mean he actually died, it’s only a metaphor.

          • @krashmo@lemmy.world
            105 months ago

            I know it’s tough to pay attention for four whole sentences but if you read them again slowly I think you’ll see that I did not use the words Jesus, sin, or metaphor in any form which should make it pretty clear that, no, I’m not saying that at all.

            • @Blue_Morpho@lemmy.world
              -35 months ago

              You handwaved away glaring inaccuracy in what is purported to be the word of God with “it’s just a few paragraphs before the story”.

              If you get to pick and choose what is truth, then anyone else can do it too.

              • @krashmo@lemmy.world
                25 months ago

                No one is having a comprehensive theological discussion with you jackass. We were talking about a very specific thing. Stop being obnoxious.

                • @Blue_Morpho@lemmy.world
                  -25 months ago

                  It’s science memes. It’s not serious. I can reply with whatever I want.

                  Funny how you think only your posts are appropriate.

      • @Blue_Morpho@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        The original wording can’t be read as eon instead of a day because plants and trees could’t last for an eon before the sun was created.

    • @TaTTe@lemmy.world
      135 months ago

      Also I’m amazed by how people don’t seem to understand what half-life is. It’s not the time it takes for an atom to decay. It’s the time it takes for half of the atoms to decay, meaning there will be some U-238 that decay into Ra-226 in just a couple of seconds.

      So even if the Earth was created 4000 years ago with uranium but not lead (for some weird reason), some of that lead would have decayed into lead by now.

    • PaintedSnail
      165 months ago

      This is why you can never disprove creationism sufficiently to convince a young Earth creationist. The hypothesis is unfalsifiable.

    • @StaticFalconar@lemmy.world
      55 months ago

      Well there’s also no way to disprove that everything was created last Tuesday including the memories of things/events happening before last Tuesday.

    • @conciselyverbose@sh.itjust.works
      35 months ago

      The weirdest part to me is thinking the timeless omnipotent god that the Bible explicitly says considers a thousand years less than nothing actually literally meant that he created everything in what we’d perceive as 7 days when talking to whatever arbitrary scribe wrote down the creation myth for him.

  • @T156@lemmy.world
    205 months ago

    The problem with that argument is that it falls into the Last Thursdayist problem.

    It could just as well be argued that the lead was created instantly in that state, or mid-decay.

    • @ameancow@lemmy.world
      25 months ago

      The problem with this argument from the fundamental level is that 99% of religious zealots don’t give two shits about your science or facts. There is a whole segment of the human population that has no mind for factual information and just decides to believe whatever they feel.

      There is no real arguing with these people, they don’t care about evidence or science, I am quite convinced they don’t even understand things the same way as other people and don’t have an internal mind-voice that works the same way as other people. It’s just a totally different conscious experience, and despite making full use of our science and technology, they don’t exist in a world where that matters.

      The hard part about this understanding is you realize there’s no resolution. They can’t be changed because they’re not unsatisfied with their world. A smart person is never satisfied and will always ask questions and even ask questions about the questions. Not these people. They actively are annoyed by questions and even see learning things as a kind of sin or spiritual crime.

      So lets save our collective energy and instead focus on making classrooms better funded and knowledge available and unavoidable for the younger children growing up in this world and still developing their minds. I was pulled out at an early age simply by finding a few science books, others can be too.

  • @Mercuri@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I typically use the fact that there are trees older than 4000 years old based on tree ring data. Or that there are stars in the sky further than 4000 light years away that we can see in the sky.

    That usually makes them say something like how their God created an world that was already aged. So I usually counter with the fact that would make their God a lier and deceiver.

    Some hold firm and say God did it to test faith. Others back pedal and try to blame it on Satan. That Satan scattered all this false evidence just to make us question the notion that Earth is 4000 years old to make people lose faith in God. And then I have to laugh at how stupid their argument is and how weak their God is. Naturally no amount of evidence or logic will make them change their belief.

    • @Whats_your_reasoning@lemmy.world
      65 months ago

      The important thing is, you’re compelling people to examine their pre-existing beliefs. They won’t change their beliefs during your conversation, because deprogramming takes time. But the more seeds of doubt you plant, the better the chances are that some will germinate.

      I find that the most effective way to encourage people to question themselves is to discuss things calmly and in good faith, through in-person conversations. Challenging people to “convert me” has been surprisingly fruitful - after all, I honestly would love to believe that a benevolent deity is looking out for us all. (As well, tons of believers would equally love to be the one who “shows [you or me] the light.”) I want them to provide compelling evidence that can change my mind.

      Approaching the conversation in this fashion not only challenges the “missionary” types to think harder, but it also shifts the onus onto them to convince you. If they’ve never thought critically about their message, this kind of conversation may introduce questions that stick with them long after it’s over.

      • @kitnaht@lemmy.world
        35 months ago

        And even better because they start to come to their own thought-out conclusions. There’s less baggage in the way for them to eventually work their way through it. Especially when they’ve got to convince you - because mysteriously they always jump to all of this “proof” to show you.

        It doesn’t happen immediately, and if you try to speed it up you’ll just cause them to reverse course.

        I’ll sprinkle a little bit of … my own confusion into the mix? As an example, I’ll remain interested, but be like “wait, you said X but then you said Y - doesn’t that contradict X?” I’ll let them explain and not fight them on it, but send them off with a warm smile.

        Not everyone will break free of the programming, but some will - and that’s all I can hope for.

  • m3t00🌎
    95 months ago

    round numbers are always made up. change my mind

    • @Gork@lemm.ee
      285 months ago

      No. Nucleosynthesis of lead within stars generated from supernovae make up the bulk of the existing lead on Earth. Uranium decay does provide some additional lead inventory but would be fairly small in comparison.

      But the presence of it in the first place within second generation stars proves that lead is billions of years old.

  • sweetpotato
    5 months ago

    I genuinely don’t understand how uranium can exist a priori in this argument but lead not? I might be missing something.

    • @Pazuzu@midwest.social
      415 months ago

      The original post only gave half the explanation. It’s not that lead exists in general, it’s that lead exists within zircon crystals.

      Under normal circumstances that would be impossible, zircon crystals strongly reject lead atoms as they form. There’s no way to stuff lead into the crystal lattice in the quantity we find them there. But uranium and zircon go together just fine, we just have to wait for it to decay into lead. The trouble is it takes ~4.5 billion years for just half of those uranium atoms to turn into lead. So any zircon crystal we find with half as much lead as uranium must be roughly that old

      • @Jyek@sh.itjust.works
        85 months ago

        But that still doesn’t change the belief that a creator could have created the universe in whatever state it currently exists in. That’s why these arguments never go anywhere with hard core young earth creationists. It’s also not worth the energy arguing with them because they often believe that anyone trying to convince them otherwise is an antichrist trying to lead them astray.

        • DontTakeMySky
          65 months ago

          If God created it in that state then they should be curious to understand that creation. They look at rainbows as the beauty of creation but not the fact that lead exists in these crystals. It’s all equally beautifully complex. So why not try to understand it.

          If God made the world look like it was created billions of years ago there must be something worth learning from that, even if you believe it was snapped into existence 6000 years ago.

          • @PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
            15 months ago

            Tbf for your specific example, rainbows are specifically mentioned and “explained” in the Bible. After drowning all life on Earth except for Noah and a bunch of inbred animals, God sent the wainbow down as a pwomise that he would nevew do it again 👉👈

        • Billegh
          15 months ago

          It doesn’t. It was never the point of his post. You can still believe that if you want. His reasoning for why he doesn’t is outlined there.

          It comes down to whether or not you find processes that we have researched and documented time and time again to be compelling evidence, or you want to believe it is a practical joke (while reductive, it is pretty much that argument breaks down to being).

      • @xx3rawr@sh.itjust.works
        35 months ago

        This the explanation I’m looking for. OP didn’t make sense to me, lead could be created in supernovae and shit just like every other heavy element

      • mosiacmango
        5 months ago

        “God put all of that there, and then made it work to ensure we had quality lead gasoline, pipes and paint to poison our brains with cause freedom.”

        • @Comment105@lemm.ee
          15 months ago

          Is that what were doing now? Regurgitating stereotypical insults on a post where the “pro science” side dropped the ball and leaned on a ridiculously stupid misunderstanding to disprove something stupider?

          You all fucking disappoint me.

  • @affiliate@lemmy.world
    595 months ago

    unfortunately i don’t believe in uranium or numbers higher than 200, so this argument doesn’t work on me

  • @iAvicenna@lemmy.world
    335 months ago

    I assume someone saying this is a creationist and can just say god created Earth already with the lead in it. Therefore it is a pointless discussion.

    • @Ultraviolet@lemmy.world
      205 months ago

      Which raises the question of why he would create a planet with the illusion of age and send you to hell for falling for his own trick.

      • @AstridWipenaugh@lemmy.world
        15 months ago

        Because believers will listen to Christianity’s divinely inspired interpretation of the Bible that says that. Non-christians won’t listen to that. Therefore anyone who believes the earth is older has rejected Christianity. He did it to help identify the non-believers because he’s a petty bitch.

      • NostraDavid
        45 months ago

        “for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God” - Exodus 20:5

        Says it all, really. This whole character trait is that he’s a jealous little asshole. He’s like Dolores Umbridge.

        I’m aware Christians may make counter-claims, but I’ve read the old testament, and all he does is to come off as an absolute asshole - you either worship me, or else!

        I wasn’t too surprised (but it made sense) that he (Elohim) originally came from the Canaanitic pantheon. How else can you be the only god, yet people shouldn’t worship other gods? He’s not, that’s how.


        • @redhorsejacket@lemmy.world
          25 months ago

          Not that it really matters, but trying to learn about (Christian) God by reading the Old Testament is like trying to perform maintenance on your 2024 vehicle using a manual from the 2000 version of that car… Like, yeah, that was relevant once, and there’s some overlap, but the situation has evolved since then. It’s called the Old Testament because it is based on something outdated (again, from a generically Christian perspective). The Old Covenant (which is what the Old Testament is testifying to) was between God and the Jews, and was based around compliance with the law. That’s why the OT is so full of rules and punishments.

          Then, Jesus arrives on the scene and changed the game. His birth, betrayal, and death, represent a new contract between God and humanity (not just the Jews) wherein mankind is saved by God’s grace alone. In fact, God has done a 180 on the whole obedience to the law thing. Turns out, God loves sinners, and prostitutes, and tax collectors, and prodigal sons, and all sorts of ne’er-do-wells that the God of the Old Testament would have reviled. From the death of Jesus forward (and maybe retroactively too, I don’t know dogma all that well), the only thing necessary for your salvation is God’s grace, and that is given to all, as long as you accept God into your heart or something like that. Basically, God is Darth Vader, and he has altered the deal, pray he does not alter it further.

          Of course, as with anything A) religious and B) 2000+ years old, there’s a lot of disagreement on like every aspect of the above. But, I think I’ve got the gist of it correct from a generic, if Catholicism influenced, perspective. It’s been a long time since I had to sit through a theology lecture.

          With all that being said though, I imagine that the reason the OT has stuck around in Christianity is that it’s characterization of God as vindictive and capricious and obsessed with toeing the line is a very useful tool for keeping the plebs compliant. They get to have their cake and eat it too, as it were. “God loves you unconditionally sweetie, remember that, but also if you have sex before marriage you are DAMNED to HELL for ETERNITY!”

      • @Zink@programming.dev
        35 months ago

        And use his omnipotent power to hide from you while watching your life play out in exactly the way his omniscience let him know it would before he even created the earth or you.

    • @Ashelyn@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      75 months ago

      I always found it funny how they’ll sometimes try to justify their claims scientifically to give it an air of legitimacy. If god created the stars close to one another and expanded them to fill the sky over a single day, the skies would be dark for billions of years. A YEC could easily say “oh well god put the light there to make the stars look like they’ve been in the sky for a long time” but very often they just don’t have an answer because they didn’t think of one. Unfortunately, there’s almost that will stop them from doubling down on their beliefs and just becoming more prepared for the next person they talk to

      • @CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        45 months ago

        The debate between Bill Nye and a creationist is so rage inducing. It’s a terrible premise and the fact that Bill even agreed to it gave the creationist credit.

  • @ClassifiedPancake@discuss.tchncs.de
    5 months ago

    You can throw as much science at them as you want. God could have just created everything in whatever state he wanted to. Same thing with the virgin mary discussion. Who cares if it makes sense scientifically, god can just make a fertilized egg appear. How lame would god be if he could not do that? This is the basis christians start from, so why even bother trying to debate that?

  • @pyre@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    the answer completely disregards the fact that people who even remotely understand how these things work wouldn’t believe stupid shit in the first place. there are so many ways for this guy to just dismiss this.

    how would you even know, you can’t have studied these for billions of years

    who says lead only can exist in this manner

    what if this is true but god also made lead along with the earth

    etc etc… this is very weak if the goal is really try to convince this guy to look into some things rather than smell your own farts.

    • @MonkderVierte@lemmy.ml
      5 months ago

      There are many scientists who are strict belivers. They just move the act of creation to the big bang and it’s still in gods plan.

      • @pyre@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        yeah the insistence that creation must mean it happens in an instant is just demonstrably pointless. we already say god created us. and we know we don’t come into existence in full adult form in an instant. we have a whole birth-baby-toddler-kid-teen-adult transformation. and before that we know there is a whole process in the womb. so when god creates a person he puts an entire process into motion. why can this not be the case for the entire universe? why not evolution? are they saying that god couldn’t have thought of a system? I find it weird.

    • @mineralfellow@lemmy.world
      105 months ago

      I was a YEC before going to university. I studied geology. After two years, I accepted that evolution happened. After four years, I was an atheist. I went on to get a doctorate, and I have published quite a few papers about rocks that are >2 billion years old.

      As a kid, there were literally 0 authority figures in my life that accepted that evolution happened. It was taken as a given that it was ridiculous. My biology teacher skipped the chapter on evolution, saying, “this is controversial.”

      Patience, love, and making critical information available gives kids like I was a chance.

  • @humanspiral@lemmy.ca
    95 months ago

    But the half life of polonium 210 is just 138 days. other is a few days. radium 226 is 1602 years. Why couldn’t the earth have started with a lot of radium 226? Checkmate round earthers.

  • @nialv7@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    this argument isn’t going to work on someone who believes god created said lead… and also, pretty sure not all lead was created from nuclear decay.

    i get dunk on people feels satisfying, but this is just bad science communication through and through

    • rockerface 🇺🇦
      145 months ago

      Some lead might have been created from supernova fusion, probably. I’m not actually sure if it’s the right isotope or if lead even has radioactive isotopes that we know of

    • @werefreeatlast@lemmy.world
      45 months ago

      There are exactly 1.6 x 10^18 kilograms of lead on earth but every three minutes or so a brand new gram is welcomed into existence due to the radioactive decay of uranium.

      Calculate that flat earthers!