I have read a TON of contemporary SciFi authors. I really enjoy

Stuff I like

Iain M. Banks

I liked the Martha Wells Murderbot books.

I loved We Are Legion, We Are Bob and have read all the books by him.

I like Alastair Reynolds. I liked the Poseidon’s Children trilogy better than Revalation Space Series (but I liked that too).

I really like G. S. Jennsen - even though she’s cheesy. I think I like her because of her progressive attitude and powerful female characters.

I like Charles Stross, but I didn’t like Accelerando. I like his other books a lot.

I liked A Memory Called Empire and A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine.

I like Corey Doctorow, sometimes. Walkaway was good.

I like Daniel Suarez, most of the time for similar reasons.

I REALLY liked the Nexus series by Ramez Naam.

I liked the Red Rising books by Pierce Brown and I’ve really been enjoying the Sollan Empire books by Christopher Ruocchio, which I think are similar and even better.

I like Adrian Tchaikovsky and really liked The Final Architecture books and Doorways to Eden.(I didn’t get that into Children of Time though).

I usually like Neil Stephenson. (The Fall or Dodge In Hell is quite a tedious book).

I’ve liked everything I’ve read by Verner Vinge.

I liked Hyperion like everybody else. Unlike everybody else, I think I liked the Endymion books even better.

I read some Ken MacLeod (the first Corporation Wars book) and it was fine… but I haven’t felt like going back.

I REALLY enjoy John Scalzi, though I found the Old Man’s War books started to get stale after a while. It’s high calorie, low nutrition brain candy, but I know that going in and it passes the time.

I really liked Derek Kunsken’s Quantum Magician books. And started reading his prequel series, set on Venus, and I couldn’t really get into it.

I enjoy Space Race books like Erik Flint / Ryk Spoor’s Boundary series, Saturn Run by John Sanford and Delta V by Daniel Suarez.

I love the Expanse.

I find Kim Stanley Robinson hit or miss. I really enjoyed the Mars books and The Years of Rice and Salt was fun (though a little tedious). 2312 drags and drags and nothing happens and Aurora is the same AND also sad.

I liked Permanence by Karl Schroeder. It could have used a little more… conflict? I had this same problem with Becky Chambers. The characters are all too well intentioned and the dramatic tension suffered a little.

I read all the Star Kingdom books by Lindsay Buroker. I thought they were a super fun adventure that just kept delivering from the beginning of the series to the end, even if it was clearly aimed at a more YA demographic.

I REALLY liked Velocity Weapon and the sequels by Megan O’Keefe. I found her Steam Punk series much less impressive. I’ve been meaning to try her galactic empire series, but I haven’t quite been in the mood to start it.

I read Sue Burke’s Semiosis Duology. I wasn’t expecting to like it but I really did! The physical science aspects were a little softer than I would have liked, but the biological science was really cool, as was the anarcho-pacifist political philosophy.

I read Yoon Ha Lee’s Ninefox Gambit and the sequels. I thought they were really fun, I wish they’d explored Calendrical technology more.

I thought the Neo G books by KB Wagers (A Pale Light in the Black and sequels) were good. Her characters are great. But again, very light on the sciences and technology. I’m in the mood for something harder. Also, not realistic that the champion hand to hand fighter in the entire Earth space military is a 110 pound woman, but I just pretended she’s cyber enhanced.

I just finished the Wormwood trilogy (Rosewater and sequels) by Tade Thomson. They were great.

Stuff I Don’t Like

Orson Scott Card did not age well, unlike Timothy Zahn, who’s gotten a lot more progressive in his story telling in the last two decades.

I don’t like Niel Asher. His in your face Libertarianism and conservative ideology annoys me, which is too bad because other than that he’s a good story teller.

I find Peter F. Hamilton hit or miss for the same reason. But I really liked Pandora’s Star.

I find AG Riddle hit or miss. I like his thought experiments, but he doesn’t really care if his stories / characters are logically consistent. Ramez Naam and Daniel Suarez do what Riddle does but WAAAY better.

I didn’t like Blindsight. I know, this makes me some kind of heretic. I just didn’t find the idea of such a dysfunctional crew being entrusted with such an important mission believable.

I couldn’t get into Ann Leckie. I WANTED to like it, but I just didn’t find her writing very engaging. I’ve put the physical book down once AND turned the audio book off on a road trip.

I did not like Tamsyn Muir.

I did not like the Three Body Problem, although I see the appeal and it’s nice to read something by a non western author. I found the pro Chinese politics a little too heavy handed.

I cannot get into Greg Egan. I find his writing style way too obtuse. Reading is Egan is like having a PHD in mathematics and a PHD in quantum physics, then going to Burning Man and doing 16 hits of acid.

I finally got around to trying The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet and I could NOT get into it. I agree with reviewers who complain nothing interesting ever happens.

People keep recommending Mary Robinette Kowal, but something about the alternate history just doesn’t grab me.

People keep recommending Ted Chiang. But I don’t want short stories (Murderbot somehow managed to be an exception). The longer the better.

People have recommended the Last Watch by J. S. Dewes, but others have told me things about the book that makes me think I won’t like it. Standing guard at the edge of the universe makes zero sense, I think by proposing it’s possible you lost me. Edge of the galaxy… Maybe, with 10 septillion robotic war ships. But edge of the universe? I think I’m out. If you know something I don’t about this book, feel free to say so.

    • The Bard in GreenOPA
      1 year ago

      I’m half way through the Martian from like a year and a half ago. I forgot it’s in my Audible. I could restart it. If I don’t finish something, there’s usually a reason and I don’t often go back. But I don’t remember why I switched away.

  • @Voroxpete@sh.itjust.works
    1 year ago

    I got you comrade.

    Luna: New Moon by Iain McDonald. It’s most often described as “Game of Thrones in space”, which does convey the general tone of warring families well enough. But to a sci-fi fan, a better description would be “A deconstruction of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.” McDonald basically tears apart the libertarian politics of Heinlein’s book by imagining what a purely libertarian society would actually look like; the conclusion being, it would be fundamentally feudal. Hence, the Game of Thrones style politics of warring great houses / corporations.

    What makes the books a worthy recommendation though is that they’re just incredibly well written. As well as constantly interrogating social and political questions, they’re note perfect character studies, with a huge cast of characters, every one of whom is richly drawn with layers upon layers of depth and complexity. It’s the kind of book where it’s hard to even figure out who the “villains” are because every characters’ worldview, intentions and desires are so well thought through. Instead you simply have a group of believable human beings cast into a complex situation, as the reader watches conflict inevitably arise from their differing goals and intentions.

    And if all of that sounds very dry, the remarkable part is that it really isn’t. McDonald has plenty of fun with his premise, giving us a world of genetically engineered assassin flies, combat drones, dust bikers, werewolves, free-running water thieves, PhD ninjas, courtroom duels, and giant dicks drawn in lunar regolith.

    (Yes, I am basically now just the guy who recommends this one book series every time, but I’m gonna keep doing it until more people know about it, because they’re just that damn good).

  • @harsh3466@lemmy.world
    81 year ago

    I align very much with your tastes, here are some you didn’t mention that I thoroughly enjoyed.

    • Frontlines by Marlo Kloos. Military Sci-Fi, IMO better than both Old Man’s War and Expeditionary Force
    • Palladium Wars, also by Kloos. More good military sci-fi
    • Frost Files by Jackson Ford. Rollicking good time.
    • Doors of Sleep by Tim Pratt. Superb portal sci-fi/fantasy. Skip the follow up.
    • Mickey7 series by Edward Ashton. Clone hijinks.
    • The Passage by Justin Cronin. Post apocalyptic sci-fi vampires.
    • 14 by Peter Clines. I don’t want to say anything more than sci-fi apartment building. Give it a try.
  • @mfdoom@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    Roger Zelazny - Book Of Amber Liu Cixin - Dark Forest trilogy David Weber - Honor series David Drake, lots of good series to choose from Timothy Zahn - again heaps of series

    • The Bard in GreenOPA
      31 year ago

      Zelazny - Read it in high school, remember liking it.

      Cixin Liu - He’s up there on my list as someone I didn’t like.

      Webber - Read a bunch of the Honorverse books two decades ago, same time I was reading Bujold and Cherryh and McCaffery.

      Zahn - I’ve read literally everything Zahn has ever written, pleased to see him changing with the times (I mentioned this above).

      Right now, I’m interested in things written a bit more recently.

      • @mfdoom@lemmy.world
        11 year ago

        I recommend re-reading some of the series that you “remember liking”. I have done it with a bunch of series, including some large ones like WoT and Malazan, and have gotten wayy more out of them after a second reading and at a later age, than I have reading a bunch of new sci fi and fantasy authors.

        The bar to publish today has never been lower, so even though I still read a lot I don’t often recommend anything. Obviously there are a few stand outs, Andy Weir is a good example, the Expanse guys, etc. but they seem few and far between…

        One thing that worked for me when I was struggling to find good new sci fi was to go back through Hugo and Nebula award winners and nominations and read anything I haven’t read before. Found some gems in there I had never heard of that stick with me.

        Good luck with the search

      • @elephantium@lemmy.world
        21 year ago


        I was about to recommend her work until I saw this. She’s one of my fav authors.

        Some stuff I’ve read recently that you might check out:

        • This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar. Sort of a spy vs. spy through time.
        • His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik. What if they had dragons during the Napoleonic wars?
        • Psychology of Time Travel by Kate Mascarenhas. Time travel is invented in the 1960s, quickly resulting in a time travel Agency. This novel explores a lot of facets of how such an Agency would function.
        • Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky (and its sequels). It’s excellent, but I’m struggling to describe it succinctly, so I’ll just quote from Goodreads

        A race for survival among the stars… Humanity’s last survivors escaped earth’s ruins to find a new home. But when they find it, can their desperation overcome its dangers?

        • Ancestral Night by Elizabeth Bear (White Space series). Far-future salvage ship operators discover lost alien technology.
  • @MrNesser@lemmy.world
    51 year ago

    Bobiverse - I’ve just consumed these non stop worth the read. Expeditionary force - its 15 books !

    For something outside your comfort zone but we’ll worh it Dunfeon Crawler Carl

    • The Bard in GreenOPA
      21 year ago

      Bobiverse - It’s up there on my list. I’ve also read Taylor’s other work.

      Expeditionary Force - I started it… it would make a better Amazon Prime / Netflix series than book series.

      Dungeon Crawler Carl - WTF?! Lol, how did I not know this exists! OMG! Hahaha… amazing. Maybe this is it.

  • Shadow
    21 year ago

    Seveneves was great if you haven’t read that yet.

  • @Mautobu@lemmy.world
    21 year ago

    Warhammer 40k has a huge sci-fi universe. Lore has been building since the 80s with hundreds of books. I enjoy them, but I’m not particularly well read.

    • The Bard in GreenOPA
      11 year ago

      They’re OK. I’ve read several of them (also Battle Tech, Star Trek EU old Star Wars EU, MTG Novels, D&D novels, all a bunch of the same authors from way back when). Haven’t tried any of the more recent stuff.

  • @Spluk42@sh.itjust.works
    21 year ago

    Tried any Jack McDevitt? I like both of his main series (Alex Benedict and Priscilla Hutchins ones). Remember enjoying deep six, chindi, and seeker in particular. He has a unique feel which I think I saw someone describe as science fiction archaeology which I think is apt.

    • The Bard in GreenOPA
      21 year ago

      I liked Alex Benedict better than Priscilla Hutchins / Academy… but BOTH really suffer from “It is the far future and humans have spread across space into… an absolutely boring interplanetary monoculture identical to 90s era middle class American suburbia.” I could only take that for like… ten books, lol.

  • @systemglitch@lemmy.world
    11 year ago

    I devour books, so I’m bookmarking this as I am sure there will be some real good gems in here. Feels like a part time job finding new, and absorbing material.

  • noughtnaut
    21 year ago

    While you’re listing a ton of authors, for those of us (🙋) less well read it unfortunately doesn’t convey much about which styles or what content you like.

    So I’m going to take a few shots in the dark here.

    Have you read many online novels? I would recommend Worm (parahumans.wordpress.com) for its sheer length as well as its very different take on what a world with super powers might look like. I would also recommend Ra (qntm.org) for its very interesting approach of treating magic as an established branch of engineering. Both get sorta wild near their ends, but imho they are very well written.

    • The Bard in GreenOPA
      21 year ago

      Worm is awesome! There’s a fan created audiobook that’s MOSTLY quite good (a couple of the readers are hard to listen to). It got me through a big move where I spent a month driving 2,000 miles every weekend.

  • 𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒆𝒍
    11 year ago

    The Swarm by Frank Schätzing, I was glued to the book, A Canticle for Leibowitz is nice, Project Hail Mary was awesome, Martian too

  • @GhostTheToast@lemmy.world
    11 year ago

    I’m not as well read as you, so I’m not entirely sure how these stack up against your list, but I enjoyed:

    • Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. It’s a YA-Sci-Fi book mostly about what if superheroes were real. Similar vein to The Boys, but not as graphic imo. It’s pretty good and you might enjoy that. It also apart of a series called the reckoners

    • To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini. Paolini wrote the fantasy series “Inheritance” which I though was great and gave this a shot. It’s was pretty good, a little slow, but I think that was more to show how slow would be in space even at >C travel.

    • Probably missed it, but have you tried any of Andy Weir’s books? I really enjoyed Artemis and Project Hail Mary has been in my queue.

    • @LoganNineFingers@lemmy.ca
      31 year ago

      Martian read by RC Bray is infinitely better than Wil Wheaton.

      PHM is great

      But I’m mostly commenting to give a nod to the Reckoners series. It’s a YA novel sure but it’s a super interesting concept

    • @LoganNineFingers@lemmy.ca
      21 year ago

      Oooo and there’s also the Cytonic series by Brandon Sanderson. Again, YA but really good (or at least up until book 3, I haven’t finished 4 yet)

  • @Bruncvik@lemmy.world
    41 year ago

    You are indeed well-read, and I’m finding it difficult to give you an entire list, based on your tastes (which are remarkably close to mine). The two authors that come to mind, whom I haven’t seen on your list are

    • Greg Bear. Anything from him, but I particularly like the The Forge of God and Anvil of Stars duology. You complained about sad books, and these may be depressing, but it’s some of the best writing that’s still missing from your list.
    • China Mielville. Wonderfully weird and inventive books, in particular The City & The City and Perdido Street Station.

    And since you mentioned Timothy Zahn, in comparison with Card, I take it you already read his The Icarus Hunt? If not, it’s also highly recommended for its unabashed fun and good plot.