Ah, you don’t know.
It’s because Biden’s latest border actions are a violation of international law. Restricting asylum seeking by shutting down the border is illegal. The ACLU is suing to stop him from committing a crime against humanity.
Here is the ACLU statement on the lawsuit.
Nowhere does it say it is a “crime against humanity”. Meanwhile the ACLU sued Trump over 400 times.
(Note that the say they have sued literally every president since their inception)
So chill the fuck out. There are only two choices for president and one is objectively the better choice for legal management of the border.
No, but it does say:
“The Biden administration’s latest asylum rule runs roughshod over our laws and treaty obligations, choking off a crucial lifeline for people seeking safety. It exacerbates chaos at our southern border, undermines the vital work of humanitarian and legal aid groups, and will result in wrongful deportations of refugees to countries where they face persecution and torture.
This is an abomination. It’s just Trump’s targeting of asylum seekers all over again. Yes, I was editorializing by calling it a crime against humanity (I think it is, but that’s not the ACLUs position) but I was correct to call this a violation of international law. We have an obligation to asylum seekers that Biden is ignoring, just like Trump did.
I get it, Trump is bad and worse in some ways (I think being extremely stupid is actually a point in his favor because he fails at most of the shit he tries), but why won’t you admit that Biden is also bad?
Oh, I absolutely agree Biden’s policy is bad too. Personally I think any more immigration restrictions beyond quarantine for highly communicable diseases is wrong. But saying that Biden is anywhere near as bad as Trump is just factually incorrect. It’s like comparing a paper cut to a bullet wound. Criticize Biden all you want once he is reelected, but until then you are only helping Trump get back into office by acting like they are at all comparable.
No, it’s like comparing a minor gunshot wound to a much larger gunshot wound. Calling this a paper cut is a cruel understatement. They are comparable and you’ll appeal more to voters if you admit it!
Biden is trying to expand and streamline asylum. Trump wants to cut it and deport millions on top of that. It’s comparing apples to the literal opposite of apples.
That’s an outright lie. He’s literally shutting down the border in violation of our treaty obligations.
Saying he is shutting down the border is an outright lie. He put a limit on illegal immigration.
Biden ended the Covid era restrictions Trump put on the border that blocked nearly all asylum seekers. He sent thousands more staff to more quickly process asylum requests.
Biden expanded the path to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of immigrants who are married to citizens.
Keep up with the news.
This is in violation of the rights of asylum seekers and a violation of our treaties. It also includes other bullshit like making it more difficult to make credible fear claims and thus easier to deny asylum (when they bother to have the border open).
Legally he shouldn’t be able to just blanket deny asylum claims, but America never lets the law get in the way of fucking nonwhite people over.