Given recent CEO news, he should probably be more concerned with a different kind of “Blowback”… Him putting out something like this just adds fuel to the fire.
Witty, clearly reading from a script and dressed casually, defended his industry against accusations it refuses people vital coverage saying “we guard against the pressures that exist for unsafe care or unnecessary care.”
Witty, a British former pharma executive who is known as Sir Andrew Witty in the UK after being given a knighthood by the late Queen Elizabeth, is facing a Department of Justice probe into insider trading allegations.
“Unnecessary care” is so unbelievably evil, given the american healthcare system.
a British former pharma executive
If only he were a farmer before that, then he’d be a former former farmer pharma executive.
Thanks dad.
I wonder if he ever has coverage denied.
He made $25 million in 2023. He doesn’t have to think about whether a procedure will be covered. Even a $25K procedure, would be 1% of what he made.
0.1%, actually
Thank you for correcting my math!
But it’s not about the money see, it’s about guarding against unnecessary or dangerous care. His company is just looking out for the little guy.
As long as the shooter is at-large I can dream that this guy is next.
That guy is either going to get arrested, die in a standoff, or join DB Cooper on a beach in Tahiti. Whatever happens, he wont be assassinating any more people. These guys need to be worried about the copycats.
Yeah, he’s done his part. Now he just needs to get away with it to show others it’s possible
I’m confused by your use of the word “earned”. I don’t think it fits in this context.
The fact that this was leaked should be telling. Should.
You guard against unnecessary or dangerous care? Fuck you. A patient’s doctor is who determines the care, subject to his license, the state board and the justice system. If you truly need to double check a doctor’s decision, Only an impartial board of doctors, with no financial interest and subject to their liability, should override the doctors decision.
Thoughts and prayers /s