im 29 yo. recently lose my job, and thinking about use some of my saving money to school for programming, for the sake of not being homeless, but idk consider of my age, will it helps me in the future to survive if i have a degree on programming.

pardon my english

    223 months ago

    So, I will start by saying “Yes, you can do it. It’s not too late and programming is fun and fulfilling”.

    However! One thing my experience has taught me in seeing people approach and bounce off programming is: programming is a fail-til-you-get-it type of endeavour. Your first several years will be littered with broken code, because there are a thousand little things you have to bump up against before you unlock one more puzzle piece.

    So! If you go for it, persevere! You aren’t a bad programmer, or a slow learner, because you can’t get your code to work. Every single one of us ran into the same issue, and we just had to push through, learn to Google, and try again until it sorta-kinda works. You in 10 years will be embarrassed by what you write in your first years

    83 months ago

    Have a go on your free time and see if you like it. There is an absolute ton of free learning material online. You don’t need to pay anyone.

    Most programming jobs (e.g. making web sites) are easy enough for the average person to do, but I think most people would find programming far too tedious and boring to learn.

    It’s like law - there’s nothing particularly difficult about it but most people find it incredibly mind numbing to read legal documents.

    So I would have a go in your free time first to make sure it is something you could do.

  • NoiseColor
    33 months ago

    What you guys think how AI influences the progress of programming. In two years the profession will look a lot different than today. I’m a designer and even today I’m pretty much able to make apps for myself practically without coding. This will only get simpler with complex apps. I’m not saying they are coded well, but they work. In two years, in less, probably in a few months there will be swarms of ai agents programming the same thing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we won’t need you, the experienced programmers, but how much jobs will there be for new people?

    And I know there is a lot of ai hate on lemmy so please spare me with that.

    • MrScottyTay
      3 months ago

      People overestimate the ability of LLMs and programming. It’s very useful at times. I use it sometimes, but I have to be very careful because your can very easily go down a rabbit hole of doing things that are VERY wrong and not industry standard with lots of issues. And if you spot them and try to get the LLM to sort it you often go round in circles in solutions that do not work.

      I now mostly only use it to point me in the right direction of something I currently don’t know about, but I make a conscious effort to look at it’s sources rather than taking it’s word for it.

      And the other really good use of it is for debugging errors. That I have no qualms with. Errors are usually well documented online with solutions on how to fix them so LLMs mostly know what they’re talking about with them and can point you in the right direction of sorting it out way quicker than trying to find that info yourself due to how shit search engines are now.

      • NoiseColor
        13 months ago

        I don’t know about overestimating… Check this out:

        And it’s not about how this can’t completely replace developers. Maybe not today, but this product will just get better and better and better. This thing never sleeps and it costs way less than a developer. I think there are uncertain years ahead. Right now, I think that if I was at a point of my life to choose my career, I’d choose something that can’t be done remotely on the computer.

        • MrScottyTay
          13 months ago

          You’d never get anything new or innovative if we only relied on AI for programming. The landscape for how things are done is always changing. Even in 6 months time things will be outdated and insecure.

          The only jobs that were going to lose are the underpaid “You’re a programmer, I have an idea for an app, could you do it for me?” Kind of jobs. Which are always shit anyway.

    • hungrythirstyhornyOP
      13 months ago

      okay thanks for the advice sir,

      maybe that is a bad decision to jump intor programming at this point… and maybe if you have another advice for me, because idont have any safety net beside my savings

      ill have ur comment in mind, for future consideration

      pardon my english

    23 months ago

    Why not getting a job with flexible hours or even something in shifts. This will get you paid rather well and if haven’t got a wife or kids for the moment use your spare time to study.

    I’ve known a security guard who only worked nights, very well payed. As nights are call he used it to study.

    Many possibilities all depends on your willingness and personal situation. You do not always have to throw money against something to succeed.

    Like mentioned in previous posts. You really need the obsession to become great and that will take some years. Do kot expect the big $$ in the beginning.

    • hungrythirstyhornyOP
      23 months ago

      that is what i planned to do, find some flexible job, while learning to programming…

      and idk ive been thinking with my age rn, i dont asks for to much… just enough for survive and maybe for my building pc interest to healing

        3 months ago

        You’re young. I switched jobs and profession twice already. For me, it was the other way around and back again. Came from programming (10 years) then Linux adminstration (2 years) and decided to do Geography. Studied it and the programming skills helped me there, too.

        There is always something you can take with you to the next job or profession.

        I wasn’t lucky to get a job where I can use my Geography studies so I am now almost 2 years in web programming. I did not have much experience in the field, but I found a place where my Linux adminstration knowledge is useful and I improved web backend programming skills (PHP) on the job.

        Soft skills count, too. Reliablity, ability to work in a team. Recruiters look for those things.

        And btw. I got my Linux knowledge initially only from personal unpaid studies and projects in my free time.

        • hungrythirstyhornyOP
          23 months ago

          wow, from what i read i believe you’re amazing person, thanks for sharing sir… it means a lot

    13 months ago

    Absolutely! At 29, you’re still young, and learning programming can open up many career opportunities. The tech industry values skills more than age, so a degree (or even strong skills from self-learning) can definitely help you build a stable future. Go for it!

  • It’s never too late to start programming. To get a job though you need to show you can get things done. Even if you’re going for junior roles, you’ll benefit from being able to include links to some finished projects on your CV. For most basic entry level it is far far far better to have something that was finished, and works, but isn’t perfect rather than nothing at all.

    Don’t put too much trust in so called “certificates” from these schools. A company will, again, be more interested to see what you can do than what pieces of paper you’ve earned. Having said that some courses are good (some are not). Only sink money into it if you have scrutinised the reviews and seen good words about them on here or Reddit or other popular program discussion places. Don’t go off their own testimonials.

    If you were willing to be relaxed on salary (if the alternative is indeed homelessness) then you ought to be able to get your toe in the door somewhere. After that don’t feel too loyal, do what you need to, but study and build study and build in your own time and keep yourself out there open to job #2.

    23 months ago

    Programming is a great way to make money, even remotely, but it’s very difficult. If you’re interested and up for the challenge, going to school for programming (computer science) will help a lot in the future.

    What country are you from?

        33 months ago

        I think you could probably do it - You live in a country with good internet, good access to technology, etc.

        If you can afford to go to school, I would recommend doing that. If you can’t, try out Android app development: It’s not easy, but if you put in a lot of work for a year or two, you can make pretty good money (once you start making a few apps, you’ll be able to get 100k IDR/hour). Start with this tutorial installing Android Studio:

        If you can get Android Studio installed, let me know, I’ll find a good tutorial to help you write your first basic app.

        • hungrythirstyhornyOP
          23 months ago

          sir, i did all the video tells me, installed android studio on my laptop, and now can preview it on my android,

            13 months ago

            Congrats, that’s the kind of effort you’ll need :). Try this tutorial next: It will walk you through creating your first couple of apps. Again, it’s super hard and long, but if you can get through it you’ll be in a great place to start thinking about your own apps, doing more advanced tutorials, and applying for jobs:

    43 months ago

    Schooling for programming isn’t super necessary. Programming, at it’s core, is not super difficult. It’s effectively learning how to structure fundamental logic in a way to do what you want and then figure how to do that with the programming language you are using. There are various free resources online to get started.

    Once you’ve learned some fundamentals, you can start some random practice project and figure out how to expand it to challenge yourself and learn from practice.

    A lot of programming is also experience driven. As you code, you learn better approaches, new capabilities within your programming language, best practices, etc. Looking back at code from when I was first starting, I often find multiple potential improvements in the way I did it at the time.

  • MrScottyTay
    53 months ago

    When I was in uni for computer science we had a few older people at the time. I myself went a little older at 21 instead of 18 but there were others, notably one even at 50-ish changing careers from nursing to computer science. I’m pretty sure they’re doing pretty good now. If you finish with knowing your stuff, employers aren’t going to care that much about your age.

    • hungrythirstyhornyOP
      23 months ago

      okay so knowing my stuff means a lot of practices and a lot of trial and error, am i right?

      thanks for the advice sir…

        43 months ago

        Trial and error, oh my God yes. So much error. Such a trial. But also try to pay attention to detail… If something seems to generally work but then doesn’t for this one case, it might be completely broken and just spitting out plausible stuff the rest of the time. But anyway yeah, you’ve got the spirit.

      • MrScottyTay
        33 months ago

        Knowing your stuff is more about knowing how to learn rather than memorising how to do things exactly.

        Knowing where to look to find the information you need is way more important than remembering that information because it means you can adapt to anything and programming is always changing and you’ll always be learning new stuff.

      43 months ago

      I work for a school that specialises in career changes into IT. I’ve seen plenty of 50+ people successfully landing a job after our bootcamp.

    43 months ago

    I’m in my late 30’s and I’m a junior dev, having been in the role for just over a year. If you are persistent you can do it. From my experience it has been a hard and at times frustrating job simply because there is so much I don’t know, but that comes with the reward of the eureka moment, where when something works it is one of the best feelings.

    Now in terms of doing a school, if it’s a scheme where you pay for the training and they say they’ll get you a job at the end, please be cautious. I have a few friends that went down this route and they say they were the lucky ones to land jobs, but in their groups everyone else was left out in the cold at the end.

    This was just my process but I did the Java MOOC course that taught me enough to get going, I was doing this at the same time as working in IT. It’s completely free. For frontend learning I’ve been using Scrimba which has free content but also a paid for subscription, it has been alright and the way they merge the recordings with the IDE is good and the free content feels more substantial than what you’d get with Codecademy.

    I’m still just a noob at all of this, and there is so much I don’t know but I’m happy to try and answer any questions you have.

    • hungrythirstyhornyOP
      23 months ago

      no i mean the school for degree…

      thanks for the link dude… ill try to access the link

      i believe you have a lot of knowledge, and you will become pro someday…

  • NostraDavid
    2 months ago

    Luck should be taken into account. Once you are done with your degree, perhaps the market will have recovered a bit, because I’m hearing a lot of negative feedback lately.

    edit: If you’re not sure, you can take a peek at this graph of free MIT YouTube courses. Choose something interesting on the right, then figure out where to start on the left to get to your chosen point. Each course can easily take about 100 hours, which sounds a lot, but if you do them you can take that knowledge and more easily extrapolate information in the future.

    • hungrythirstyhornyOP
      13 months ago

      sorry my english is very bad, but what im digest from ur comments is there is a luck included to get a job in programming, am i right?

      ill look into it tonight for sure

      thanks a lot sir…

      pardon my english