im 29 yo. recently lose my job, and thinking about use some of my saving money to school for programming, for the sake of not being homeless, but idk consider of my age, will it helps me in the future to survive if i have a degree on programming.
pardon my english
okay, thanks ill start looking for resources… are there any resources you can recommend for my zero knowledge brain about programming?
pardon my english
A good place to start is the University of Helsinki Java MOOC, it starts from zero knowledge and has lots of practice exercises.
thanks a lot sir… edit : can u tell me why is it good to start on ur link?
It uses a strongly type language so it teaches good practices, it’s based on a widely used language in the industry, it’s a bloody good course that teaches the fundamentals of programming very well. If you learn better with videos, I recommend this course, but it’s not free.
okay sir, ill try with your given links. thanks a lot
thank you