Remember kids, when making graffiti, always cite your sources.
It looks like a mouth, it needs eyes.
And some lipstick.
Funnily, that’s not really true. Such studies showing that exist but are sponsored by… paper towel companies
Fucking dystopian late stage capitalism… Every fact is not actually a fact cause it’s sponsored by corporate interests
Is this true? Seriously curious.
Good time to share How to use one paper towel (to thoroughly dry your hands in a public restroom).
Shake. Fold. It really does work.
that was a nice watch, but more times than not I just use my pants
Can’t watch at the moment; is this the guy who says to shake 7 times before you dry?
12, but I do 7 or 8 usually.
And yes.
Why 12?
Why 12? 12 apostles. 12 tribes. 12 zodiac signs. 12 months. The one I like the best it’s the biggest number with one syllable.
It just gets a lot of water drops off your hands and the air drying helps
The next person in line breathing in your neck dries your neck as an added bonus!
Eyyy I love this guy!
But I thought all the piss sterilizes them.
Include the publishing year in your reference.
My vandals get a zero if they don’t use MLA citation.
That’ll cost them two points off their grade on the paper, shame
I particularly hate those airblade things even more than regular air dryers. I like that they’re faster and typically not as gross and warm but they are designed in a way where you feed your hand in to a narrow gap with powerful air jets in front of and behind your hands in this gap. Your hands are not a completely uniform symmetrical shape, so the jets buffet your hand around and they inevitably touch the parts of the device where the jets are located, right where everyone else has had the same thing happen. It grosses me out.
And also incredibly loud too.
Yeah after the first two times trying to use them and my hands got blown into one of the sides i said fuck it, I’ll use my shirt if no paper towels are available.
Japan doesn’t have paper towels or air dryers in their bathrooms.
Because everyone carries a handkerchief to dry their hands. They even sell them at airports when you land.
I’ve been trying to bring back the handkerchief in the States, but not as many places sell them
I’ll just leave this here:
Hygiene associated with the product has been questioned in research by the University of Westminster Trade Group, London and sponsored by the paper towel industry the European Tissue Symposium
It’s ok to be cautious, but if the data is accurate then it doesn’t matter much.
This has been debunked btw. Fwiw, there is a huge behind the scenes fight between big towel and big airblow.
I’m not kidding. But basically drying via air is much more hygienic in actuality.
As long as you use soap at the very least. How can you blow germs around if you just killed most of them?
I just wish people would know how to use paper towels so that they don’t end up wasting huge piles of them for nothing. 1 sheet is enough. You don’t need 5. Do it like this:
- After washing your hands, brush excess water off each hand using your other hand. Your hands should not be dripping wet when you reach for the paper towel.
- Take a single paper towel. Don’t scrunch it up, and don’t just clasp the towel. Use all parts of the paper towel to deliberately wipe your hands. The paper towels are quite absorbent. They don’t need to be 100% dry to remove the water from your hands.
The end. If you do this, your hands will not be wet. You will not need a second paper towel.
I mean if you need two or three, that’s still way better than grabbing 20.
You missed something. You gotta fold the paper in half. The capillary action will trap more water in between the folded halves than it could unfolded.
The Shake & Fold method. There was a Ted Talk!
Yea, wouldn’t want to use 2 sheets. Not like that stuff grows on trees.
Funny joke. But yeah, the creation, distribution, and disposal are not free - even if they are created from trees. Using two sheets isn’t a big deal, but why use double what you need?
Anyway, I’m not trying to say we need to be super-frugal with our paper towels. I’m really talking about people who just keep grabbing more and more of them until their hands are dry. I’m sure we’ve all seen bins overflowing with barely-used paper towels. We don’t need that.
Yet, the best hand dryers are still your trousers
Zero waste and zero bacteria spread, truly perfect.
Denim is naturally anti-microbial
How can it spread germs if the germs are 99% gone after having washed your hands with soap? We’re assuming people aren’t washing their hands properly, right?
Some microbes will survive the hand washing process, and need to be removed by drying. Those Dyson air blades collect germs from water from washed hands and the toilet environment, then blow the germs around. It’s gross.
Also, Mr Dyson is a fucking dick.
Yes you can assume all people don’t wash their hands correctly.
It sucks that the only device that works spreads germs. Will humanity ever find a hand drying method that not only dries hands but is also safe?
Paper towels?
The strong bleached ones which pollute the environment or the brown ones which tear apart on wet skin and you have to pluck pieces of them from between hair on your hand?
I was about to ask how much hair you have on your hand but then i saw your username…
POV: you’re Naomi, explain your wiping strategy
I thought it was the dumb ass shape of them and how it just mists and sprays the bacteria on and off the walls. The old ones were fine. Point it straight down. Who cares if a couple of drops touch the ground
Machine should have a “blow” vent above a “suck” vent with a drip tray that drains away. Any air that passes in close contact with the heating element would be sterilized.
Why are there germs on your hands right after washing them? Didn’t mythbusters already test it and concluded that they are only bad when people don’t really wash their hands.
that they are only bad when people don’t really wash their hands.
Well, yes.
The followup question is “how many people think getting their hands wet without soap is sufficient hand-washing” and the answer is not terribly comforting.