Pump Up The Jam by Technotronic
Baby Shark
Each “Doo” could level a forest
Darude, Sandstorm
Either Never Gonna Give You Up or Darude - Sandstorm
-The internet (10-15 years ago)
The brown note.
I shid
Everyone shad
Thou hath shod
Thus the great shaddening began.
Darude - sandstorm
What song is that?
Dududududu Dududududu dududu
At first it goes like synth and then it is dudududu dudududu dudududu dudududu dudududu dududuuddududuuud shiuush dududududududuuuuddudddududududddududdudududduududududu
That’s true, but you shouldn’t forget that there is a large part of it that goes dudududuuuu dudududududuuuuu dudududududuuu dudududududuuuu
Darude - Sandstorm
Never gonna give you up
Nothing since a radio telescope isn’t a fucking speaker.
Aw boo! Where is your sense of fantasy!?
I’m actually surprised you got so many up votes for that level of technical correctness. This is a tough room
you must be fun at parties
the THX intro sound
Pathetic, everyone knows that the BF3 intro will shake any rust off any car near by.
That was dope was the game any good? I only played 2 but I loved it as a kid.
It was fantastic with a lot of comradery and clans. I wore out 3 Microsoft Sidewinder Joysticks playing it.
Nah, I can hear a shit ton more bass in the BF3 intro
CBAT. Get the rest of the galaxy in the mood.
That was awesome! I never heard this band before!
Well played. I’d forgotten all about that :-)
Video killed the radio star
A (wo?)man of culture
You guys remember this?
Cotton eye joe