It will widen your horizon, they said. And here I was, foolishly thinking I could get away with half-assing statistics during my degree.
As somebody with a degree in bioinformatics, I have never seen something more true in my whole life.
Some more lies from my time in academia:
- “Planning and executing medical trials” = 6 months of statistics
- “Machine Learning” = 6 months of statistics
- “Pattern Recognition” = 6 months of statistics
- “Health Data Science” = 6 months of statistics
- Biostatistics = lol jk just 6 months of statistics
Biostatistics was the only part of my biomedical engineering PhD course load that I enjoyed
Guess who doesn’t have a PhD
Almost every Baby Boomer ever.
I thought the punch line was that biostatistics is actual biology, and biology is statistics :)
Whatever course you do in STEM, you don’t want to half-ass the first semester of calculus, linear algebra and statistics.
In fact, you probably want to go out of your way to actually learn linear algebra (because I’ve never seen anybody really learn it on the course, you need to apply it) and statistics (because you want to go deeper).
Linear algebra, absolutely. But I kind of hoped to get through my whole degree (mostly EE) without properly knowing statistics. Hah. First I take an elective Intro AI class, and then BioInf. I guess I hate myself.
Oh you can get through most degrees without properly learning linear algebra or statistics.
But those 3 are the knowledge that will pop here and there on everything you do, and leave you confused, incapable of understand things, and incapable of extending things if you don’t know them. Usually, you won’t even have to calculate anything, you just have to know them.
Whatever course you do in STEM, you don’t want to half-ass the first semester of calculus, linear algebra and statistics.
mask label : STEM
face label : Maths
I have a degree in regular informatics and I don’t really know what that even means. 🤷
Damn, looks like an elaborate course in probabilistic graphical models, sign me up!