It will widen your horizon, they said. And here I was, foolishly thinking I could get away with half-assing statistics during my degree.
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As somebody with a degree in bioinformatics, I have never seen something more true in my whole life.
Some more lies from my time in academia:
- “Planning and executing medical trials” = 6 months of statistics
- “Machine Learning” = 6 months of statistics
- “Pattern Recognition” = 6 months of statistics
- “Health Data Science” = 6 months of statistics
- Biostatistics = lol jk just 6 months of statistics
Biostatistics was the only part of my biomedical engineering PhD course load that I enjoyed
Guess who doesn’t have a PhD
Almost every Baby Boomer ever.
I thought the punch line was that biostatistics is actual biology, and biology is statistics :)