I was thinking it’s funny that they’d write an event into Star Trek so close to the time the episode aired and then I realized it was 30 YEARS AGO
Captain Benjamin Holt would be kind of scary if i’m being honest.
Captain Benjamin
HoltHawkNow lets see Captain Raymond Hawk. :)
Now I can’t read that without hearing Avery Brooks’ voice.
I really enjoy never having watched a single Star Trek anything and getting little hints of the lore through all of the memes here and there.
c/Tenforward is primarily an educational community after all!
I was a terrible student in this educational community college you speak of … where’s my diploma?
with an Associates of Science
FictionDegree… will this increase my job prospects now? I think I can build a career. … right?
Chief Transport Officer position is available on the Enterprise since O’Brien left to Deep Space 9
In order to narrow down your job prospects please answer the following:
- Are you any good at writing science fiction, or drawing sexy space babes and space ships?
- Which of the following motivates you the most: Money, Honour, Self Growth, or Faith of the heart
- Would you sleep in a bucket?
- Do you like quiet solitude mixed with the high paced world of transporting things?
- Can you smell profit on the wind?
- How do you feel about long stories?
- How long can you make the B’nar?
My friend thinks I’m a huge trek fan because of all the memes I send her from here
This community is definitively better than Star Trek.
…or, maybe, excluding Lower Decks…
With this event’s non-occurence, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.
Trying to post a video on Lemmy during the Bell Riots …
Crow, did you know you can upload gifs directly now? It must have happened when Jadzia got us onto the interface.
Interesting … tried uploading some of my old GIFs (average file sizes of 2MB to 6MB) and couldn’t upload them … probably limited by file size because yours was only about 0.5MB … GIFs are a pain because its nearly impossible to get a quality GIF of a decent size to run longer than one second and keep it under 1MB, anything longer and it easily becomes a 3-5MB file.
Same old situation … any GIF bigger than about 1 - 2 MB and your data link gets terminated … damned Bell Riots!
Uploaded one of my old WEBM and it seems to be working
World war 3
Invent warp drive
I’ve always wondered why Tinkerbell was so angry that she started rioting.