I wonder if they are aware that in Europe the Disney character is called Vaiana, because there is a porn star named Moana.
Thank you kind sir for the vintage research material.
Apparently there were legitimate trademark issues also at play. Apparently its an Ice cream brand in Romania and a perfume brand in Spain.
Idk it’s not the worst name ever. Definitely sounds like a “kooky millennial parents wanted an interesting name” name. But there’s worse. Much worse. He should’ve told her where it came from though, kinda a dumb thing to not involve your wife in. You know. The name of her child.
Mahua is a perfectly cromulent Bengali name.
Is the kid Bengali?
By the law of names, the kid is now a cicada.
Stop genus appropriation now!
UrGenus is a gas giant.
What’s wrong with bugs? They’re cool, while a made up string of characters (that sounds good) might be better I don’t see what’s wrong with using an uncommon scientific name. Then again being honest is likely helpful.
There’s nothing wrong with bugs. It’s all about intent, and he clearly intended to hide this from her because he knew (correctly) it would be a problem for her. So it was a lie by withholding relevant information. About their daughters name. Its messed up. It’s also dumb because it’s so easy to look up the origin of a name that this “secret” isn’t really one at all.
I was questioning why it became so problematic. It’s still a good name and could totally have been a coincidence. The name being related to work seems like the main issue to me.
I was questioning why it became so problematic.
I guess I left this part out: If you haven’t noticed, many people don’t like bugs.
It would be, but he did say he thought it was a harmless secret. That could be read as though he didn’t know it would bother her.
Like, my name allegedly means things, but unless my mom really hates the Irish, I don’t think many of them would set her off.
I see your point, but can’t square it.
If he had said “I didn’t think it mattered so I didn’t think to tell her” that would make sense, but the fact that he said he deliberately hid it (ie harmless secret) means he knew she wouldn’t like it. Which makes sense because I think it would be pretty common to get “no” for an answer when you ask your spouse if you can name your kid after a bug.
Mm, yeah, that’s possible, too. I think I just considered that to be a turn a phrase.
This is almost off-topic, but I’ve always found it kind of funny that people ask questions like these in AITA when they could get an answer if they just thought about it for 5 minutes. Like, “Wow, my wife really hates this. And, it either was or was not my fault, so… hm.”
What’s wrong with bugs?
they give programmers nightmares
What? Why would I have nightmares about the thing that secures my continued paycheck?
I fucking love 'em.i guess it depends on whether you’re working for someone else or not. I’d guess most independent programmers would rather make new things rather then just fixing what they’ve made before.
Because having a weird name makes you a target for bullying. Also the name of a loud and annoying beetle is worse.
In my experience having a common name has that effect too. I feel like every name has the potential for bullies to target it. Also this is only one subcategory of beetle (that most people likely don’t know) if I read it correctly.
Pro level gaslighting
Children do descend upon large amounts of sweets in the same way that insects do. That’s all I’m saying.
They buzz around too. Sometimes in swarms. They can be adorable and fuzzy, as well as annoying and gross. They can be vampires and drain your energy. They can be essential to our life/enviroment too.
Could’ve been any of the million awful names that have popped up over the last decade…
Aliviyah, Ashlynn, Brynlee, Andreanna, Alyviana, Camdyn
Need I go on?
Rise of the -dens:
Bonus: Rise of the -leighs:
Maua. Maua is what bwings us togeva today.
Man and Wife! Say man and wife!
Wife should have Googled it, she’s the buttface.
The Cicada species doesn’t pop up in the first 3 pages though
deleted by creator
I’d be mad if my child was named after a cicada instead of a cooler bug. If you name the child after something more dangerous they will be ready to dominate the playground. No toddler would have the courage to mess with a kid named Yellowjacket.
My little girl Mantissa entering the sunday school:
She would be easily dominated by that kid called Exponent.
Kid named every digit of Tree(3):
Life of Pi, such an irrational kid
Little Bobby Tables enters the playground
no one is going to know unless you tell them. there are worse things to be called.
literally nothing wrong with that it’s just a name
Wife doesn’t seem to like cicadas but still read through his work notes?
She didn’t one day googe it for some reason, she read through his papers and found it for some reason.
It’s really hard to put myself in the shoes of someone so against cicadas… Like I get that it’s possible to not like them so intensely you wouldn’t want your name to be inspired by them, but I’m just not sure how I’d have that person in my life.
A rose by any other name?
Who the fuck names their kid without googling it
People who don’t care what other think? I don’t think people googled names they like in the 1900’s
Well she obviously does care.
And thats how you get kids named Chlamydia
misty hymen
And apparently this person.