“I’m going to step over you like the back of a chair.”
Main villain has a secret base that is filled with chairs with really high backs on all of them.
“You picked the wrong dining set, Bad Guy.”
I hated that episode. The teleporter is a death machine, Bones is correct.
What if sleep is also death and we awake a new person with all the memories of the old? We will never know
No need for Star Trek level technobabble to have an existential crisis: Your cells, organs, and bioelectric connections have been regrown and replaced countless times. Your “memory” as it were is doing the best it can to retain previous input while simultaneously replenishing itself.
Instead of a training montage, there’s a beard growing montage. That’s when you know they mean business.
“You thinking what I’m thinking? It’s time…”.
“To grow the beard.”But then! Just as they’re about to lose, there is no hope…
They combine their beards together into one unstoppable… uh, beard!
This thing just writes itself, we’re not even doing anything!
It’s two brothers… And a… And they’re gonna… It’s called two brothers.
The way he loses his shit at the end gets me everytime