For me it is when companies/services market themselves as donating to XYZ cause if I buy their product. If they want to donate, they should have already done that with the money they have. Asking me to give them profit so that they can donate is so obviously pretentious.

  • BougieBirdie
    159 months ago

    There’s this ad I keep seeing that I really despise. It’s for teeth-whitening toothpaste. The actress is wearing a white coat then holds up a tissue to her teeth, lamenting that her sparkling white teeth are ‘still yellow’

    They cut away to teach you how toothpaste works, because surely you’ve never heard of this newfangled thing, and when they cut back she’s no longer wearing her white coat and says how much whiter her teeth are.

    It’s transparently obvious that the wardrobe and tissue are just to give you something whiter to look at. But like… your teeth aren’t supposed to be freakishly white. It’s just something that Big Toothpaste wants you to feel bad about the way your body is. Also, using whitening toothpaste when you don’t need it can damage your enamel and cause you long term problems.

      59 months ago

      PSA whitening toothpastes are just normal toothpastes with added abrasives. So they temporary whiten your teeth because you’ve removed the outer most enamel which gives your teeth its hardness. At the mere cost of tooth sensitivity and future staining, the deeper dentine layer is much softer and porous which is easily damaged by acidic foods but also more easily stained due to the porosity. So congratulations your teeth are now more stained.

      49 months ago

      Yes I hate teeth whitening in general. I really dislike that unnatural shade of white. What gets me of their advertising methods is that they usually prey on people’s insecurities based on the myth that the whiter your teeth the healthier they must be.

        9 months ago

        This isn’t complete bunk. The new indicator of wealth is healthy teeth. Poor kids don’t get to go to the dentist regularly, so have more problems later on; rich kids get regular cleanings to prevent buildup, and have much healthier teeth.

        The trick was making us equate white-white teeth with healthy teeth, even though there’s a shade of ‘white’ that is just healthy, clean enamel with no plaque buildup but isn’t true white.

        I only retained this when I heard it as I was a poor kid and, wow, am I glad I have a good job as our dental care is still mercenary as fuck.

    99 months ago

    The job of sales is the overpromise and write checks that their ass won’t have to personally cash. Anything they say is to get you to sign on the line.

    Fuck em all

    149 months ago

    I’m gonna go the other way. The only marketing I acknowledge is factual reporting of design features that make a product suitable for the intended task. Anything else is dishonest and manipulative.

    Think of Chris Cooper’s character from Interstate 50. Any marketing claim must be specific, measurable, verifiable, and accurate.

    449 months ago

    To me it’s sending me e-mails I have not explicitly signed up for. I have had once or twice, when I had filled out a form to order something and without pressing submit, they had already registered my e-mail address and signed me up for all kinds of spam, starting with ‘weren’t you about to order something’.

      159 months ago

      Especially when they sign me up for a bunch of different emails lists I need to unsubscribe from each one individually and eventually just spam everything from them. Then they sell my email.

      69 months ago

      Aheeem excuse me buddy, where the hell do you think you’re going? You left some ITEMS in your CART. You get back here right now and complete your purchase. Don’t make me tell you twice!

        19 months ago

        Yep this was Canal Digital in the Netherlands. I sent them an e-mail that they should really stop doing this or I would mention it to the AP (Dutch privacy guard dog).

        I mentioned it to the AP regardless.

      49 months ago

      Yep, I want marketing to not exist. If your product or service is good then its reputation will stand on its own and spread via word of mouth. Billboards and ads should be criminal as they ruin our scenery and waste our time

  • Chahk
    99 months ago

    All of them. I dislike every marketing tactic ever invented.

    139 months ago

    Hiding finished/already existing game content behind DLC. Day one patches. Pay 2 Win in General. I just want to play good, finished games :c.

      9 months ago

      Day one patches exist because the devs continued to work on the game after the physical editions went gold, so the data on disc versions will be behind. They’ll stick around even if the industry goes entirely digital due to online stores offering encrypted preloads that won’t have the patches either.

      Day one DLC usually (fuck Capcom) exists for a similar reason - the art and asset pipelines finished their work months before launch, so rather than lay them off or pay them to do nothing, the studios have them work on DLC for the last few months before release.

      No arguments about P2W. That and the death of persistent lobbies in favor of matchmaking destroyed my enjoyment of multiplayer games.

    139 months ago

    I dislike ads that don’t indicate the functional benefits of the product and instead nake it about the product being aspirational or about my worth.

    The “You’re worth getting some deliciousness” for a chocolate bar would be an example.

    I’d rather know if the chocolate was ethical, the price, and sweetness level.

    129 months ago

    The thing is, if I want something I’ll go looking for it. At the point where I’m looking for it or something like it, I am happy to consume ads even tangentially related to that thing. If analytics marketing worked this way (showing me relevant ads when I’m shopping for something, even if it’s for something I am not actively looking for), things would be better. But ads have worked their way into the cracks of everything and that’s my problem with them.

    I hate Billboards. I don’t like circulars (waste of paper and generally too much trash), I hate junk mail and I think it’s predatory. Popups (singing, flashing, scrolling when I scroll to stay on the page, tiny exit buttons, video, etc) are garbage.

  • m-p{3}
    99 months ago

    Asking me to give them profit so that they can donate is so obviously pretentious.

    It’s a way for them to have their cake and eat it too.

    They use the desire of people to buy something they want and think they did a good thing at the same time, while the business will just take that money to donate to a non-profit (helping their public image) while writing off a part of it on their tax records (helping their bottom line).

    They’re not doing this from the bottom of their heart, it’s just a cost of doing business for gaining some PR karma.

    9 months ago

    Stealing my time for nothing in return. Watching an ad to get content is a transaction. The door to door guy, or the guy who interrupts my shopping with “I’m not selling anything just asking you some questions” is annoying and I’m never going to use their product. The ones that persist after being told “not interested” can jump off a cliff.

      119 months ago

      I found a real easy approach to any undesired solicitation - zero contact, no reaction. Works on telemarketers, panhandlers, salespeople etc.

      I have no shame about ghosting you publicly when the only thing you’re after is my money. If I’m in the home generator store, sure thing bro talk to me about my home power needs. If I’m walking out the supermarket and you slide around a booth to “help me keep my home safe during unrest” nah fam you can fuck yourself.

      Cold open sales is parallel to pick-up “artists” imo. You want the transactional outcome for yourself, and my consent is the only thing you’re concerned about taking care of.

      29 months ago

      There’s a pest control salesman who goes door to door every year, who I can’t stand. Not only does he say outright incorrect things, but he can’t take no for an answer. Every polite refusal turns into, “You know what, we can knock 80 bucks off that right now” or “How about we just make the first month free.”

      Next time he comes knocking, I’m going to be immediately upfront. I’m not interested in paying money to spray poison, that will end up in the canal and the river, to kill bugs that birds and frogs and bats could be eating.

    9 months ago

    All of them. Make “banning advertising” an election platform, I’ll vote for you. Ban billboards and other forms of commercial advertising everywhere. Advertising works, nobody denies that. If you see enough ads, on average, your mind will be changed. By allowing advertising to exist, we are sanctioning widespread mind control. It sounds crazy when you say it that way, but it’s true. Advertising does not benefit the average person, it makes them buy stuff they have no native desire for. Advertising only benefits advertising agencies and their clients.

    Let word-of-mouth and genuine desire for a good or service drive purchases of that good or service, not advertising, and you’ll end up with a more efficient economy where our consumer choices better invest in our shared prosperity and future.

      89 months ago

      My vote too. It’s crazy, nothing can be trusted when it relies on ads. Everyone likes to think it doesn’t work on them or is worth the free content but they are wrong and it isn’t.

      29 months ago

      Advertising works, nobody denies that. If you see enough ads, on average, your mind will be changed.

      Can you point to scientific literature that does prove this statement?

        59 months ago

        Not what you’re asking for, but it’s the same core principle as irony poisoning, I think. And, I know that shit is real, because it’s happened to me. It was kind of a core life lesson to me to watch what I consume.