And why did you stop watching them?
Rooster Teeth. They stopped being watchable a few years ago. Now they’re gone. Never sell your baby to a giant, faceless corporation or it will either die ugly or be mutated into a cancerous abomination.
Same. I’ll occasionally download some of their old podcasts if I’m flying and just need something to pass the time, but their new stuff was dull. It’s a shame that it ended the way it did.
Well a lot of the old guard left and all the new “talent” sucked ass. Mostly I just liked RvB until it outlived itself.
Was rip once ray left
Still miss him
My interest in gaming plummeted after he passed.
I was also in this position, there is so much gaming content out there but the whole state of journalism seems to have really fallen off.
Last year I discovered MinnMax though and some of my faith has been restored. They are a community funded group of journalists and enthusiasts who run a weekly ~3 hour podcast about games and the industry. They are mature, lucid, insightful, and also pretty funny. They’ve also been doing a yearly best-of list for a long time which is a good jumping off point if you want to dip your toe in. Definitely recommend for anyone interested in gaming and the industry.
Especially this week.
Same here, friend. Still hits me every now and then when I see a Steam game with a recommendation from his curator page. Doesn’t happen too often these days, but still the occasional older game I haven’t picked up yet goes on sale.
Aw man.
Guy was a legend, I bought Terraria because of him. His voice and style was amazing. Rest in piece!
The hot wings first we feast channel
It’s entertaining but I got tired of the premise
Ask a Ninja.
Too many to list.
They all either:
Got cancelled
Pandered to a younger audience of which I am not.
LTT and their other channels. I only watch because of Emily/Anthony. Now that she’s not active in videos anymore, I just lost interest and realised that Linus and those two hosts of Techquickie annoys the hell out of me.
Anthony was great and so full of super geeky information, hopefully Emily will make an appearance at some point but i fully understand if she doesn’t. Internet can be a ruthless place.
I actually still like some LTT videos. I just find the thumbnails off-putting … so unless the topic interests me I don’t typically watch anymore.
I really enjoyed the Emily/Anthony bits too.
I just use DeArrow so I don’t know what the original thumbnails are. Thank God.
+1 for DeArrow, sometimes I reveal the original just to see how atrocious the channel will be with clickbait thumbnails.
Every time I open YT on my tablet I am extremely confused what the shit titles and thumbnails are. DeArrow is one heck of an essential extension.
Yeah, tech quickie is full of great info but they are just trying wayyyyy too hard to be fun and quirky.
deleted by creator
i still enjoy some of them every once in a while, for entertainment value and the crazy stuff they do.
but that whole overworking and treating his workers like shit debacle turned me off the channel by quite a lot.
Anthony was great, always loved how in depth they were on whatever tech they were talking about.
I like Jake’s videos on networking too. I love how nonchalant he is when it comes to certain things that would just never fly where I work. Makes for good entertainment.
Other than them, I like tech linked and game linked to stay up to date on tech and game news.
Lindybeige was a formative part of my early nerd life. Unfortunately he’s a conservative and it’s a big part of his personality. I do totally agree with him about the British pound being superior to the decimalized euro though. I would literally beat someone to death if it would give me the opportunity to rearrange the values of dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies into something based around a highly composite number like 240 or 360
Absolutely. I never cared for his political stuff. Get that shit out of here. Just geek out on historic stuff, but please no more misogynist social darwinist garbage…
I watched Linus Tech Tips, and NCIX Tech Tips before that. My wife and I were discussing how the level of information was tanking but the production quality was great, then GN released their video a few weeks after we stored watching LTT and I unsubsidized.
NCIX Tech Tips: Special Victims Unit
Most beauty “influencers”
I watched them before they were “influencers”, and then I couldn’t trust the products they were using or recommending.
MatthiasGaming: I felt like when he got bigger his personality changed, it almost became like a show/fake persona.
Arumba: Became a cranky unhappy person unfortunately…
A fewl (I don’t want to give a platform): Became angry biggots:X
Jesse Cox/Pewdie Pie/Markiplier: outgrew the sense of humor/entertainment.
TLDR: Usually some change in personality alienated me.
In terms of the gaming ones you listed I only watched markiplier. Specifically the FNAF stuff. That was a lot of fun almost 10 years ago when it was novel and new. But now the genre is so played out and the whole “scariest game scream at the camera” thing, while maybe based on something genuine then, became obviously forced and annoying after not that long.
Pains me to say it, but Cody’s Lab.
I still catch an episode now and again. It just hasn’t been the same since he moved to Nevada.
Demo ranch. Started making comments about the George Floyd protests and I was out
AvE started praising the trucker convoys
Shadiversity got super homo/transphobic and also is just an arrogant douche since his book.
Same deal with ave. It’s fine, his content also started going downhill.
i watched demo ranch for a while but figured it would only be a matter of time before that guy would dissapoint me with blatant fascism apologia. guess i wasnt wrong.
Shad is constantly trying to get one over on his co-hosts to the point where it’s difficult to watch. Always has to win. I liked learning about how castles worked a hundred times more.
Oh it gets worse with Shadiversity. Huge AI art guy, his brother’s an actual artist too so it’s hard seeing Shad brag to him. Very “anti-woke” and paints his conservative Mormon beliefs on everything.
The worst unforgivable part is the end of his book has impregnated rape victims step up to defend the rapist protagonist because he “gave them” a child, while the ones that didn’t get pregnant were jealous.
He loves to bring up that the book is supposed to explore this immoral character. But this isn’t the protagonist’s viewpoint this is just how Shad thinks the world works. This is how Shad believes rape victims think.
Very sad to see, I followed him for swords and castles but Jesus Christ.
His brother (Jezza) is a great artist and while I don’t know much about him I don’t think he’s anything like shad. I regularly see him cooperate on a warhammer channel called tabletop time and they have videos about women in the warhammer scene (made by one of their female members). So I highly doubt those two have much in common.
Oh yeah, Jezza seems great, from what I know he actively left the Mormon faith and was ostracized by most his family. He uses this experience to be a more empathetic and better person.
All the more sad when Shad tries to claim he’s just as good an artist and Jezza doesn’t have the heart to call him out on it.
Veritasium. Over time I realized his content is mostly about flashy half baked “sciencey” content like Discovery Channel. It’s meant to get an audience and nothing more. It lacks quality control, and fact checking. I only realized how many errors his videos have when he covered a topic I know more about. Also, the whole electricity thing and self driving car debacle only reinforced my views on his content.
What happened with the electricity thing an self driving cars?
Not sure about the self-driving, but he had a video challenging the idea that electrons in wires that carry electricity. Basically arguing that it was the electric fields themselves that carried the power, which is largely outside of the actual wires.
Not sure if that’s the same one where he asked what would happen if you used a light switch connected to a lamp by two wires. Apart from some truly egregious mistaken units (1s/c as unit of time), I vaguely recall thinking it was basically a huge clusterfuck of misunderstandings about what an electrical circuit diagram even is (stuff like real vs idealized components, parasitic capacitance / inductance etc.)
They’re the kind of ‘Well actually’ half true factoids that you never hope to encounter in the wild if you actually understand the stuff. For someone claiming to be enthusiastic about science communication he did one heck of a job poisoning concepts with subtly wrong/misleading explanations that make it a lot harder to explain stuff to anyone with the misfortune to encounter his version first.
electricity works by making the electrons jump through hoops. that video was pretty damn stupid and got ripped apart by every serious EE guy on youtube.
His shit got waaaay too long too.
I’ll end with haemmoroids if I watch his feature lengtj vids when I take a shit.
Damn algorithm really pushed good creators to ramble and add fluff.
Good Mythical Morning
At some point they got so popular that I just felt like they sold out. I felt like I was just watching 1 giant ad with all of their videos trying to get me to buy something. Also, some of their rants that they started going on got annoying. Seemed like at some point they lost the chemistry that they had together. I just enjoyed watching their banter and them doing goofy stuff.
Huge agree about pushing their merch! They’re shameless. I used to watch every day for years but stopped a long time ago; when every episode became a food episode. Their podcast (Ear Biscuits) is a bit better, it’s more them talking about things long form, just being 40+ year old fairly normal (if not very successful) guys. They’ve talked about quitting GMM, I think once their various kids are done with school they’ll pack it up (the main show at least). They both have other passions but it’s really difficult to stop when you’ve built a successful, working media company with your childhood best friend, even if they’re both ready to retire.
They actually bought Smosh and brought Ian and Anthony back, and then sold Smosh back to them a few years later. That was a really cool move to me and and got them a HUGE pass in my book, they’re stand-up guys.
Full disclosure: despite not watching much of their video content anymore I still went and saw them on their most recent tour (about a month ago, it was a gift) and had a great time. They did some of their games but modified them to be specific to my state, did a food ranking with some local-foods, and of course had a couple musical numbers.
It seems that it’s about 50/50 whether you stopped watching someone based on some allegations that came out, or you just outgrew their style.
One that I outgrew is probably Game Grumps. I watched them regularly for years, then one day just kinda stopped.
Shows like that rely a lot on real conversation & stories. Eventually, Dan & Arin had been doing game hrumps for so long they just sorta, ran out of both? At least, not to be able to support such a hellish release schedule of episodes. Too much time together, playing games, means they didn’t have anything to supplement it with anymore, so all that was left was the same jokes repeated for timekillers.
Occasionally broken by Arin being a music dork instead of a gaming dork, leading to magic like introducing him to Gen1 Pokemon designs.
… oh god that was nine years ago.