The monotheistic all powerful one.

    11 months ago

    My favorite paradox is the “Stay signed in” option Microsoft gives you when signing in. Because despite keeping you signed in on every other site in existence, Microsoft, who is usually hooked into your OS, does not. Thus, stay signed in runs contradictory to one’s expectations.

      1411 months ago

      They aren’t offering to do it, just asking if it’s what you want.

      Gotta check and be sure you’re being annoyed as much as possible.

    4311 months ago

    The Unexpected Hanging Paradox: A man is sentenced to death, but the judge decides to have a little fun with it. The man will be killed at noon on a day of the judge’s choosing in the next week, from Monday to Friday. The only stipulation is that the man will not expect it when he’s called to be killed.

    The man does some quick logic in his head. If Friday is the last day he could be killed, then if he makes it to Friday without dying, he knows he must die on that day. And since that wouldn’t be a surprise, he cannot be killed on Friday.

    He then extends the logic. Since he can’t be killed on Friday, the last day he can be killed is on Thursday. Thus, all the prior logic regarding Friday applies, and he cannot be killed on Thursday either. This then extends to Wednesday, then Tuesday, and then Monday. At the end, he grins with the knowledge that, through logic, he knows he cannot be killed on any of the days, and will therefore not be killed.

    Therefore, the man is astonished when he’s called to be killed on Wednesday.

      711 months ago

      How does the judge determine whether the condemned man is “expecting it”?

      Regardless of when he’s called, he could simply state that he was expecting to be called, and therefore the hanging would be called off.

      Its a bad paradox because it pivots on something that cannot be properly defined.

        11 months ago

        Cannot be properly defined? “Expecting it” means “regarding it likely to happen”, according to the dictionary. He regarded it as impossible to happen, so he was not expecting it. His own logic disproving the event (him being surprised) allowed the event to happen (he was surprised).

        Why does the paradox suffer if he lies about the solution? The paradox has already played out, and anything after that is just set dressing.

        Just off the top of my head, maybe the judge has a camera set to gauge his reaction to the knock on the door? Or maybe he goes into denial and tries to explain his logic, thus proving the paradox? Or maybe the judge doesn’t actually care as much as he said, but trusts the logic to hold out and make for a funny story?

          11 months ago

          You provide three flawed ways of measuring expectation; that’s the issue in a nutshell.

          Its not a true paradox as the whole gambit rests on a changeable emotion, not logic.

          The prisoner could wake up each morning and simply say “I expect to die today”. How would the judge determine the truth? It would be impossible.

          If someone punches you in the face after saying “knock knock”, it doesn’t make it a knock knock joke, and nor is this a paradox.

            311 months ago

            My dude. The paradox doesn’t change based on whether or not the judge knows the truth, or even if the man dies.

            The truth is the man was made not to expect a thing by his own logic proving he would always expect a thing. The paradox is based on his own prediction being wrong because of his prediction. In this instance, his prediction was what his emotions would be.

            A horse walks into a bar, and the barman says “why the long face?” I haven’t said how they remove the horse from the bar, so does that mean I didn’t tell a joke? Or does horse removal not actually matter to the joke?

              -111 months ago

              No. A paradox is a statement that, despite apparently valid reasoning from true premises, leads to a seemingly self-contradictory or a logically unacceptable conclusion.

              In this case, there is no true premesis.

              That’s the core of the problem. Your incorrect interpretation of the joke metaphor demonstrates that you don’t understand this.

                11 months ago

                I find it funny that you directly quoted wikipedia to write that (exact wording from the paradox article, I checked), but ignored the sentence immediately before it (…or a statement that runs contrary to one’s expectation). Also, the linked articles at the bottom include the unexpected hanging page. Maybe read the entire wiki page before citing it?

                Also, in case wikipedia suddenly isn’t enough, here’s an article on wolfram to back me up:

                  011 months ago

                  It doesn’t “back you up” at all, it simply restates the paradox. Maybe learn how to argue?

                  When you get to the point where you’re nitpicking sources, you’re admitting that you have no substantive argument available.

      211 months ago

      This is how I proposed to my wife. I said I’d propose at some point in the next year, and that according the the unexpected hanging paradox, we’re doomed to break up at the end of the year. Then I proposed on a random day in the year and she was totally surprised.

    1811 months ago

    I like George Carlin’s version: “If God is all powerful, can he make a rock so big that he himself can’t lift it?”

      3011 months ago

      Weird attribution, man :) That one, and a lot of others like it, come all the way from the 12th Century and thereabouts. Carlin’s influence is awesome and deserved, but I don’t think it stretches that far :)

        • 🖖USS-Ethernet
          111 months ago

          "All of the “is infinite power so powerful that it could overpower its own power” type questions just annoy me.

          Is infinite power so powerful it can do something that it can’t do?

          Yes it can. And then it can do that anyway. Otherwise it wouldn’t be infinite."

    9411 months ago

    The Astley paradox.

    If you ask Rick Astley for his copy of Disney Pixar’s Up, he can’t give it to you, because he’ll never give you Up. But by not doing so, you’d be let down, and he’ll never let you down.

    Testing this scenario is ofc incredibly risky to the state of our reality, so the Astley paradox must remain a thought experiment.

    2311 months ago

    Alanis morissette’s song ironic contains no solid cases of irony, mostly bad luck or poor timing, and is therefore ironic.

      1211 months ago

      I read an interview with her once that was kind of funny and humanizing. She wrote and recorded that song before she was famous and had no idea that it would ever be heard. Then it blew up and people have been giving her shit about it for decades now.

      Could you imagine if you wrote a shitty Lemmy comment that became extremely viral and people were like, “you fucking moron, how could you have written something so dumb?!”

    1511 months ago

    If there exists a place outside time, then the only way to travel there is to already be there, and if you are there, you can never leave.

      1411 months ago

      The measurement of time, the measurement of the constant of change, is very different than our experience of time. For example, you never experienced a past, you experienced Now measured as the Present, just as you are currently experiencing Now measured as the Present, and will not experience the future, it will be Now measured as the Present. All you have ever experienced is a perpetual fixed Now. This is true for all of us. All measurements of time occur within a fixed Now, so we can say all time is Now.

      Depending on certain spiritual views, what we call the Now is also called the “I Am”, or consciousness, or awareness, etc. This “I Am” is intangible and exists outside of time, therefore, depending on your spiritual beliefs, you are the object, existing in a place outside of time, and are already there, and have never left.

        111 months ago

        This could be assuming there’s only one timeline we’re currently inhabiting. There could be nested meta times or spacetimes encompassing the universe, leaving us in a series of overlapping Nows. Or maybe the forward passage of time and causality end up only being true locally, and in other places in the cosmos time can run in loops or backwards or not at all. In that case Now could mean different things to different observers depending where and when you are.

          111 months ago

          If Now exists outside of time, then the measurement of time weather it’s measured as a loop, forward, backward, in a spiral, etc. would have no effect on the Now. From the Now’s perspective all of time has already occurred, is occurring, and has yet to occur all at once. If Now’s position is fixed, then it would appear in multiple timelines at once, and in multiple locations at once.

          Time is simply a measurement of the constant of change, which is itself a paradox, something false that continuously proves itself to be false, or something in motion that continuously keeps itself in motion. So we can say something that is false is something that is mutable and movable. Then an object that is not false, outside of the constant of change, would be immutable, in-movable, and fixed, like the Now. Time would move around it, while it remains stationary and unaffected.

    611 months ago

    In gridiron football, if a penalty is committed close enough to the end zone, instead of the normal penalty yardage, the ball is spotted half the distance to the goal (i.e. if a defender holds an offensive player and the offense is 8 yards away from the end zone, instead of being penalized the normal 10 yards they would be penalized 4). In theory, there can be an infinite amount of penalties to the point where penalties would move the ball micrometers or even shorter without the ball ever crossing the end zone.

    There’s probably a name for this phenomenon, but I can’t think of it.

    511 months ago

    God clearly can’t exist because an omnipotent, omniscient, and just God is a paradox already. Omnipotence and omniscience means that God, if they exist, would have full control of every moment of the universe (even if they only “acted” initially). Some (I’d argue nearly all) people suffer for reasons out of their control. Only deserved suffering is just. Since undeserved suffering exists then God cannot exist (at least omniscient, omnipotent, and just - as we understand those terms). God could be an omniscient, omnipotent asshole or sadist… God could be omniscient and just (aka the martyr God who knows of all suffering but is powerless to prevent it)… or God could be omnipotent and just (aka the naive God who you could liken to a developer running around desperately trying to spot patch problems and just making things worse).

    Alternatively, by omnipotent maybe the scriptures are just hyping them up - “God is so fucking buff - this one time they lifted up this rock that was like this big. Fucking amazing.”

      211 months ago

      As you said, that does depend entirely on God having those properties, exactly as you define them.

      Alternatively, if definitive property is “universal consciousness”, then God clearly must exist. Either consciousness is an emergent property of sufficiently complex systems, in which case the entire universe is obviously more complex than the human nervous system and consciousness should certainly emerge within it; or, consciousness is some external field, like gravity or electromagnetism, that complex systems can channel. Either way, the existence of your own consciousness implies a universal one.

        111 months ago

        I don’t think your alternative proposal makes sense, at least not to me. An emergent property being present in one complex system doesn’t imply that it must be present in all complex systems.

          111 months ago

          What does imply it’s presence, then? The emergence of comparable effects is implied by isomorphic complexities. If you can’t define the foundational structure which implies emergence, you can only fall back on a probabilistic approach.

          Unless you can define exactly what structure it is that belies the emergence of consciousness, you must acknowledge that the comparative complexity of a more complex system is undoubtedly probabilistically suggestive of at least comparable, if not far more complex, emergent behavior.

          The proposition that consciousness is emergent, but only at a very specific and narrow band of complexity, falls quickly to Occam’s razor. It’s logically and probabilistically ridiculous.

            011 months ago

            My point is that not all complex systems are the same. Maybe it depends on your definition of consciousness but from what I know we have only ever observed that in a very specific set of complex systems which is brains and possibly fungi. Two different systems being complex isn’t enough in my view to infer that they would have the same properties unless there are other similarities.

              111 months ago

              It absolutely depends on your definition of consciousness. Every conversation about a concept depends on the definition of that concept. My definition is based upon sensation, processing, and decision-making, in regards to the self and the environment. I’d argue that plants and even cells exhibit simple forms of consciousness. If you take the emergent-property perspective, I’d argue even molecules and individual particles have a broad and abstract consciousness, although certainly several orders of magnitude less sophisticated than yours or mine.

              The statement “we have only ever observed that in a very specific set of complex systems which is brains and possibly fungi” tells me less about consciousness than it does about our ability to observe it.

  • Anna
    511 months ago

    I think Nietzsche already killed god decades ago. But not sure which one.

      11 months ago

      He killed the God that was knowing better than humans… but guess what God is coming back!

      AGI form, the know it all, with AI FOSS engineers as its deciples, sharing the good word and upholding the temples, free of charge!

    11 months ago

    I like Gödel numbering as a means of proving that it is impossible to have a complete model of logic.

    -211 months ago

    Why is “can god kill god” a paradox? They either can or they can’t (picking “they” because your particular god might not be a he). If they’re all-powerful then the answer is yes, because they can do anything. I don’t see how that’s paradoxical.

  • NoLifeGaming
    -111 months ago

    A similar one would be can God create a rock so heavy he can’t lift it. The problem with these statements is that they’re not logically sound. As this would be akin to saying, can god be god and not be god at the same time? Which is contradiction and syntactical jargon. A simpler example is like someone saying they have a squared circle.

    • Hobbes
      411 months ago

      Your “akin to saying” doesn’t track with the paradox. It is really a matter of anything being “all powerful” which cannot actually exist. There has to be a limit to the power, even if it is itself. That’s the entire point. It isn’t “syntactical jargon” at all.

      • NoLifeGaming
        011 months ago

        saying “all powerful” is to say that a being can realize any possibility which can exist. A possibility which cannot exist is like a squared circle. The strawman is that all powerful means to realize even things which cannot exist. In this world there are things which are necessary existence. Meaning they cannot not exist. An example would be the statement “1+1=2” that statement cannot not exist and it is true in all possible worlds. Then you have possible existence such as someone eating an apple. There isn’t anything necessary about it and the person could have very well not eaten it or eaten something else. The apple itself isn’t a necessary existence. Finally, there is an impossible existence. Which would be something that cannot exist like a squared circle. A God which deletes himself or that can create a rock heavier than himself is an impossible existence as it would contradict the very definition we’ve given God. Which is the same as saying A and not A. Or that he can both be God and not God. Thus it is syntactical jargon like a squared circle.

        • Hobbes
          -111 months ago

          You just replaced the word “paradox” incorrectly with strawman. Your issue is understanding what paradox means. The paradox stands. You also dont understand the full possibilities of “all powerful” since you keep applying things that couldn’t be done by an all powerful being. If there is anything a being cannot do, then they are, by definition, not all powerful.

          • NoLifeGaming
            011 months ago

            I understand it very well but you seem to not understand that there is such a thing as syntactical garbage that means nothing. What you’ve done is gone and applied “all powerful” to mean the realization of possibilities which cannot exist. It seems like you really wanna push that definition upon people so you can claim God is paradoxical and thus ridiculous. But your position is just as ridiculous as someone saying that an apple can both exist and not exist at the same time.

            • Hobbes
              -111 months ago

              No, you don’t. Especially since you swapped it for a strawman which you also dont understand. This, just like the definition of a paradox, isn’t up for debate. This paradox has existed for thousands of years and predates the Christian god itself. You are not “magically” smarter than the greatest philosophers of history, you are just far more arrogant.

              Cheers bud.

              • NoLifeGaming
                11 months ago

                And you bud seem to like to run with the authority fallacy instead of deconstructing my argument and showing it as false. A beacon of intelligence.

                • Hobbes
                  011 months ago

                  Coming from the person that thinks they are smarter than all of the collective philosophers from the past 2000 years. Rich.

  • Dessalines
    711 months ago

    Fermi’s Paradox. There are so many stars (more than there are grains of sand on earth), that the probablility that one of them has life, and even intelligent life, is >99% . So why haven’t we observed it yet? Cue a lot of brilliant people trying to answer that question.

      • Not really. The paradox is based on the idea that there are so many stars that even if an infinitesimal portion have intelligent life who have discovered radio, the universe would be much noisier than it is.

      111 months ago

      Space is big, light is slow, and the inverse square law is a thing. You think we’ve been pumping out radio broadcasts for hundreds of years and nobody has contacted us yet, but we’re only detectable to life within 200 lightyears if they’re specifically looking for the signals we pump out, and they’re looking exactly at us. We’ll only see a response if they decide to, and we can detect it, and we’re looking at them when their response reaches us, and we recognize that it’s a response and not a peryton.

      It’s not a paradox, you just have to look at this Wikipedia page.

      511 months ago

      The Dark Forest - no one wants to alert their presence or attract predators. Though knowing our Earth I think we’re stupid enough to do that. Cue the space lasers.

        111 months ago

        The dark forest hypothesis is compelling, but I still think the answer is the simpler one: it is the nature of intelligent life to destroy itself

      • Dessalines
        111 months ago

        Seems like a smart move to stay silent.

        It could’ve also been knowledge interstellar species gained through experience too: if in their first encounters they were either wiped out, or nearly wiped out, then they’re not going to reach out again.

      411 months ago

      The space is


      Fucking YUUUUUUGE

      What you observe of the universe died a really long time ago, it’s improbable that other intelligent life in the universe can observe us and the same with us.

      We could be multiple galaxies away from each other and never ever know of each other.