To maximize shareholders’ profits.
In the name of religion.
But my god is more peaceful than yours. You’ll accept this or I’ll have to kill you. /s
The whole world must learn our peaceful ways - by force!
Thank you for visualizing my comment. I did a 43 second google search and didn’t find it.
Try searx
Pol Pot mass murdered anyone wearing glasses.
For whistling.
A few years back it snowed in Seattle, which is uncommon. I saw a video where folks were having a snowball fight, as you do. A snowball entered the partially open window of a driver. The lady proceeded to Hop the curb, and drive up some embankments trying to hit people with her car.
For a fuckin snowball.
Well if you kill everyone, will there be anyone left to shame you? Therefore, it wouldn’t be dumb to kill people then.
“Your not a war criminal if there’s no more military to judge you.”
Because they don’t have same color skin.
Hold on.
There’s reasons to kill someone‽
“If someone tries to kill you, you kill 'em right back.” - Malcolm Reynolds, Firefly
You can almost always try to kiss someone and they’ll recoil and back down. Or is that just me?
Ime it works great for small town guys.
Except Bill. Bill… Bill went all the way.
Self defense is generally a pretty good reason.
because they’re mad at the person for being gay, trans, or a different race or religion than you.
Mistaken identity. “Sorry, my bad.”
We get in a fight at a tripple crossroads. He dies. Then I go back to his kingdom and marry his wife. Little did I know she was my mother and he was my father…
I feel like you were going for silly answers and got depressingly true answers. :(
Yeah I was.
Dumbest reason to kill someone is they got too serious on your silly thread.
Because they’ve given you everything you’ve ever wanted, been nothing but genuinely kind to you, and done nothing you’ve ever disagreed with.
These other answers are dumb, but for it to be the dumbest it has to be dumber than “they did something I don’t think is wrong” and instead is “they did something that everyone agrees is right.”
As a misguided act of gratitude