As your income increases you increase your defenses. Guards, armored caravans, a bank to store your gold, a connection to the local ruler so guards respond quickly, etc.
Besides, a wizard is probably spending most of their profits and books and other spell supplies. They gotta fund that Wizard’s Tower of Compensation some how.
Overcompensation, you mean. /picklerick.gif
This is why I loved the old Stronghold Builders Guide. Give your players a base, something to care about AND something to adventure for. “Give up? And only have 7 bedrooms? I think not!”
I’m partial to the 2e Castle Guide. Aside from some minor parts that book is system agnostic which I’m a big fan of. It also talks a lot about the culture around castles and who is needed to run one
Shit that’s glorious
Here’s hoping Palworld spawns a BG3 spoof with a live market and politics…
Wizard: I’m not keeping cash, I’m buying paper and ink and scrolls with it.
Being a wizard is super expensive.
Adventurers don’t know that. My horc fighter sees a wizard tower and automatically wants to raid it for magic weapons.
Instead of magic weapons in the vault you just find 300 years of tax paperwork
Even the lich king doesn’t want to throw down with the IRS
Death by papercuts
Good thing I kept this crown of intelligence.
Ever had an 8 int horc do your paperwork? It’s not good.
caleb widogast: but i am the thieves too