The tesseract Lemmy app, has a little overview from (MBFC). It seems like a clever way to foster a healthy community.
If you click on the ranking you get details.
EDIT: Sorry to stir up an old hornet’s nest.
EDIT2: Commenters have some valid criticisms of MBFC. Even if there are flaws, I would like to celebrate all attempts at elevating the conversations we are having.
you likely won’t find an unbiased opinion regarding that here. Members tend not do their own research and only live to complain about the existence of it.
I share the same opinion as yours, I would rather have a sometimes inaccurate listing than no listing at all. The complaints people have about it are what I enjoy using it for, it lets me know to look for certain things on the article before I enter so I know if I should take it with a grain of salt or not.