A particular group of people… who ran the program and used it as a tool of oppression.
Because of this, I think that it’s valid that I direct my criticisms towards the program. Would you rather I start rattling off names? Or should I focus on the structural inequities that enabled and rewarded these bad actors?
I suspect that these overreaches of power contributed to the rampant public animosity towards these programs and enabled fascism.
I hope that someone learns from my criticisms so that we can prevent what happened last year from happening again.
Because of this, I think that it’s valid that I direct my criticisms towards the program
That is exactly the incel mentality. These people did me wrong so I will blame the entirety of what, in my eyes, they represent.
No, it’s not incel mentality.
It’s the mentality of addressing structural issues and inequities instead of symptomatic bad actors.
It’s the mentality of trying to fix broken systems that wronged me.
Inequality is structural and needs to be addressed structurally if we want to solve it.
Blaming people and trying to get revenge by punishing them is the mentality that created the problematic structures that I’m trying to address.
Can you give me a few solid examples or some slides that they shared for your specific DEI program? I’ve done two and it’s some of the most boring and dry shit that I’ve ever listened to.
For ours, it was mainly that you can get talent from anywhere. It wasn’t about hating white men or nothing. I mean, at least it wasn’t for the ones that I’ve attended?