Am I supposed to panic because it’s unlikely to hit? Meanwhile I’m out here wishing for death by meteor.
Just in case this comment is not a joke, here’s the WHO page on suicide prevention.
Either way, there are a few billion other people on this planet who would rather not die by meteor, thank you very much.
Yeah I’ll take one for the team. I go to the point of impact and when it finaly hits, I’m gonna try to punch it back into orbit.
You don’t have to thank me.
But I’m on team meteor
Not to be a doomer but most of us will be dead by then I just hope the meteor takes out any lucky oligarchs still alive in a bunker.
You think “most of us” will be dead in … 7 years? That’s pretty doomer if you ask me.
Very doomer. Does lemmy have a “remind me in 7 years” bot? 😅
I just read the ipcc reports and if you read those and don’t start a bucket list for the time we have left. I don’t know what to tell you. Trust me I don’t want to be this way I will fight where I can but I’m going to live my life the same time way a terminal patient lives. Cherish the days we got and if I’m wrong I will eat crow happily with a big smile on my face.