Well then use this as a teaching moment and elaborate then?
I live in a country that uses the King’s English, not the American version so please enlighten me - I do enjoy learning.
But don’t say there are an amount of errors without even trying to quantify them….given the burden of proof rests with you.
Fair enough, let’s have at it, Mr. “King’s English”. (God, do you even hear how insufferably pretentious that sounds?)
Let’s start with the original comment. My edits in [brackets].
“God safe us” - [the] irony right there[… something? “is funny”? What about the irony? You have to finish the thought.][missing comma] especially when critical of someone else’s use of an acronym[comma] perhaps one’s own grasp of the English language should be a little better!!! [Overuse of exclamation points, although one could argue the level of severity in the contents of your message…]
God save us …. [space between “us” and the ellipsis"; and an extra period after the ellipsis]
Next comment!
Well then[missing comma] use this as a teaching moment and elaborate[missing comma; also another “then”? Then then then then.] then?
I live in a country that uses the King’s English[pretentious af but nothing wrong here], not the American version[missing comma] so please enlighten me - [hyphen instead of en dash] I do enjoy learning. [Good, you’re learning right now.]
But don’t say there are [“is an amount”, probably? I don’t know what the King says, but that’s what I would say] an amount of errors without even trying to quantify them….given [again, ellipsis with an extra period; also the weird use of an ellipsis here – it should be a comma] the burden of proof rests with you.
Did you learn something?