Without seeing actual statistics, both accounts are anecdotal. But it’s my experience that I have had a lot less interaction of people who prefer new Reddit and a lot more with people who prefer old Reddit. Many Lemmy instances host old Reddit inspired front ends. I’m not aware of a single front end for Lemmy that strives to emulate new Reddit
I think Voyager is one of the most popular Lemmy web frontends. I haven’t used reddit for a long time but it seems to be more similar to the new than old design… I honestly don’t talk about reddit designs with people in the real world
To be fair I don’t talk about Reddit/Lemmy front ends with anyone except in meta discussions as well.
I used Apollo/use Voyager as well, my experience in the early days after the API migration on the voyager community was that most people used the compact view and card view was more for iPad usage
I use Voyager, but I have it set to compact view.
In My opinion, the best design is usually one that gives users a choice in the design.