All of this hopefulness assumes they don’t erode voting rights over the next 4 years. And they’ve had plenty of time to stage exactly that, including captured courts when anyone fights those new laws.
Don’t give it to them freely. If we give in, they can just move on to the next thing. Make even minor law changes a pain for them. Fight every battle so that they cannot spend as much time eroding voting rights.
Elections are run at the state level, even ones for federal office. Make sure every local office is filled with a progressive that will stand up for it. Some states have elections next year (before midterms) for offices that are going to matter for exactly that
I don’t think any supreme court justices are in this thread, and they are the ones that mostly have a say.
Eroding voting rights will be done on a federal level.
I’m not saying you are wrong, we should definitely protest, resist, and vote in local elections, but we don’t really get a say now that the country decided to give the reigns to fascists. I don’t think people realize how hard this will be to undo. These SC justices are going to be there for a very long time.
I’ve heard tentative plans for a mass general strike in 4 years. It won’t be easy, but if they won’t hear our voices, they don’t get our labor. There’s a lot of preparation to do between now and then, and we’re going to have to look out for each other. But labor has more power than we realize if we just use it.
Even then, that doesn’t mean it’s over.
The fight against fascism is literally never over, even if Trump lost it wouldn’t be over.
The sooner everyone acknowledges that, the better off we’ll be.
What’s holding us back is the DNC insisting every election is life or death and could be the last election to justify shit the Dem voting base doesn’t want.