Fight idiocy with idiocy?
You sure look smart citing sources though, my goodness. So when i ask why anyone would vote for someone based on smell, you cite “sources” that confirms he smells. Okayyy…
And your most relevant sentence is trying to say that trump is hypocritical because he has judged people based on their smell? So you think we should be holding ourselves to trumps standards?
Maybe explain to me one more time, in your own words, why a candidates smell should be a factor when im deciding how to vote for?
I hope I’ve done that, but if not. Ok.
You definitely have not.
Good thing you’re already pre-disappointed.
All of this to avoid telling me why smell is a determining factor when voting for a political candidate. Oh, i guess that makes sense if there is no legitimate reason as you claim. Seems like a simple question doesnt it?