God also turned Lots wife into a pillar of salt for commiting the heinous crime of checks book again looking over her shoulder, that harlot!
Also, once they were homeless those same daughters drugged and raped him!
The Bible: fun for the whole family!
The pillar-of-salt thing is really weird, even for a deity as capricious as Yahweh. He doesn’t strike her dead. He turns her into salt. There must be something that got lost in translation there.
I think that area where the story was supposed to have happened is known for having salt pillars, so maybe it was like a warning, “look at all those that got punished”
Maybe Yahweh was hungry and wanted some salt to add to his dinner?
In the story, Lot’s wife had gone around to neighbors asking to borrow salt, which alerted them to the strangers’ presence. Hence the irony of the punishment. Still, cruel and bizarre and more befitting a medieval fairytale than… well, a bronze-age one.
Funny thing. I had an illustrated kid’s Bible when I was young. The angels clearly told Lot’s feeling family not to look back. Figured it was a FAFO lesson.
Just got done reading the story. No one told anyone not to look back.
No, the angels told them. It’s still stupid. God kills a woman for looking back, he kills a kid for picking up sticks on the sabbath, he kills a guy who tries to keep the ark of the covenant from tipping over. He calls up a bear to maul 42 children because they called one of his prophets baldy.
The Biblical God’s just complete bullshit, honestly.
At least she was punished for looking back herself. Poor Eurydice, on the other hand…
Please, take my wife!
I think it was more that she was metaphorically looking back, as in she was missing the life she used to have. But yeah, god sucks