Your car keys have better range if you press them to your head, since your skull will act as an antenna. It sounds like some made up pseudoscience that would never work in practice or have a negligible effect, but it actually works.
Edit: idk if it’s actually because your skull acts as an antenna, although that’s what I’ve heard. I looked it up and it seems like it’s your head acting as a reasonance chamber. Since your body is conductive, your head can bounce and amplify the radio signal.
On one side you have people that think 5g causes cancer. On the other, you have people directly beaming shit into their skulls to open their cars from a couple extra feet away.
i dont believe it causes cancer necessarily, but i think 5g is worrying for the sake of big increase in location tracking precision
Lighters were invented before matches! 1823 vs 1826
So why did anyone use matches then? Was it just more economically viable?
If you’ve ever played around with an old-style lighter (think classic Zippo) you’d get it! They’re fairly expensive, and aren’t airtight so they need to be refilled every few days/weeks. If you fill them too much they need to be kept upright or they’ll spill lighter fluid on you. Super cool and can hold flames for a while but not nearly as conventient as a matchbook for quick fire lighting
It just occurred to me that zippos are basically the same type of oil lanterns that we’ve been using for thousands of years
The world is running out of sand.
It’s one of the most used materials in the world for construction but islands are disappearing because of its limited supply.
if you scramble a rubiks cube up there is a good chance that it is the first cube to be in that state. there are 43,252,003,247,489,856,000 possible states that a cube(3x3) can be scrambled up in to.
And the thing that makes that particular statistic insane to me is that every single one of those possible arrangements is no further than 20 face turns from being fully solved again.
The chance that a mixed up 52 card deck was in that combination is pretty slim too. Probability is roughly an 8 with 67 zeros to 1. And don’t hope for that flush draw, kid, it’s even more unlikely.
The USA is not a true democracy in the academic sense of the word.
A democratic republic more specifically
That’s virtually meaningless. A “republic” is virtually any country that doesn’t have a monarchy or dictator.
So drawing a distinction between a “democracy” and a “democratic republic” in this manner is a waste of time. There plenty of democratic monarchies, which are equally democracies, too.
Its just not a democracy.
IMO the US is de-facto like the ancient Roman republic, where plebeians, could vote but only for patricians, so “everybody” (ofc slaves and womens rights were neglected back then) could vote but all questions that were ever discussed in the senate were interests of patricians, same goes for political “coverage” and campaign elections.
So there was dissent and processes that were democratic on the surface but they exclusively revolved around the interests of the patricians.
The US is like that where patrician interests are replaced with capital interests. You can only vote multi-millionaires into the white house and the only issues to ever change are the issues of a fraction within the capitalist class (meaning someone living off of someone elses labour rather than their own).
If you belong to those capitalists you enjoy democratic representation, if not you can only decide which capitalist position you find better and vote for that.
There has never been a true democracy anywhere and anytime in history, even today.
Every democratic government in existence currently today is severely affected or influenced by monied, corporate, aristocratic, hereditary or powerful interests to some degree. Some countries manage it better than others but all of them fall short of a true democracy … a system that is controlled by the people and benefits everyone equally.
What would it be called from an academic standpoint?
Democratic republic
Can’t a system be a true democracy and a democratic republic at the same time? I don’t see how adding some republic detracts from the democracy.
Republic: “A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.”
Democracy: “A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.”
Well they are just different. It’s like saying a despotism is a monarchy. Technically a despotism is a monarchy, but having a monarchy doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be a despotism.
It’s currently deemed a flawed democracy. That is, primarily democratic, but with some authoritarian or illiberal features.
And it was never designed to be. It was always meant to be a republic.
We first were a confederation. Were your idea of a true democracy was more or less in place. The revolutionary war was won in 1783. The constitution wasn’t ratified till 1789, and the bill of rights written until 1793. Before that the US had almost no central government, and each state was independent from one another. Had their own currency, banking system, laws, and military.
States still have a lot of that same autonomy today, but there was no central government tying them together. If the US went to war and a state didn’t want to go, they wouldn’t. A little more complex than that, but generally that’s what it amounted to.
Having this type of system created a bunch of problems and came to a head when Shay’s Rebellion happened. I won’t go into depth about it, but mainly confederated Massachusetts couldn’t fight off the rebels attempting to take over the state. Since the US was a confederation there was no central government the state couldnt call on for help, and all the other states more or less said ‘meh sucks for you’.
This incident lead to the Constitutional Convention that wrote the document we still uphold today, and bringing in more of a centralized Federal Republic, and not a decentralized confederated one.
My ranty point is, we tried the whole true democracy thing and it failed. So we went to a Federal Republic, still very much democratic, but moved away from a true democracy.
“republic” is opposite to “monarchy”. It is unrelated to democracy or authoritarianism. Nazi Germany was a republic. France is a republic.
Your republic is flawed by design. Your founders didn’t trust democracy so they weakened it, the country hasn’t managed to improve the democracy since.
Australia is also a Federation, but a monarchy not a republic. Australia is quite a bit more democratic than America
Interesting, didn’t know about the Shay Rebellion.
Lettuces in landfills take up to 25 years to decompose.
I find this so hard to believe.
Had a quick search, nothing really credible.
Of course it’s going to depend on a lot of variables, but I can’t imagine it taking more than a year in any case.
A lot of bacteria doesn’t need significant oxygen to decompose things, and it’s not like it’s the bottom of the dead sea.
Hard to believe was what was being asked 😅 the number is present in many websites about trash or composting, but I don’t know it’s exact origin. But I guess at some moment someone digged on a 25 year old landfill and found remains of a lettuce.
Even if this is exaggerating, the moral of the story is that it’s such a waste to send organics to landfills at a time where we’re losing soils at record pace. Food waste should be composted and returned to the soil.
But it’s possible that that lettuce was a fresh and plastic wrapped thrown to the landfill like that, because that does happen as well. And maybe that created optimal conditions to prevent decomposition.
Hard to believe was what was being asked
Not really, Hard to believe but true was the question - but there’s no evidence or even theory that this one may be true.
Ordinarily I’m not a super nitpicky asshole, but given the 100% true requirement it feels kind of appropriate?
the number is present in many websites about trash or composting
The number of websites quoting the same thing makes it seem credible but ultimately doesn’t mean much. All I can find is blog-spam quoting this number. Suppose I write on my blog that lettuce decays in 25 days.
Even if this is exaggerating, the moral of the story is […]
Obviously, we shouldn’t be putting vegetable matter in landfill, but hyperbole has ever been a very poor way to promote ones cause.
But it’s possible that that lettuce was a fresh and plastic wrapped thrown to the landfill like that, because that does happen as well. And maybe that created optimal conditions to prevent decomposition.
The anaerobes are already present on the lettuce from day 1. Wrapping in plastic doesn’t keep them out because they’re already in. Even if you could create optimal conditions for preserving lettuce in landfill, that’s not really the same as the claim which is being made here.
I really don’t know anything about this but … It looks as though most vegetables will be 100% sludge after 8 weeks in anaerobic conditions.
I suspect that this 25 year factoid is derived from some specific conditions and very specific use of the term “completely decomposed”. For example, maybe under laboratory conditions, anaerobic decomposition quickly turns a lettuce to sludge in 8 weeks, but can’t break down cellulose polymer chains or something. So for all intents and purposes the lettuce is gone but if you looked at the sludge 20 years later you would still find some of those polymer chains present.
I first heard this number at a conference by a PhD expert who studies these issues. But I never went looking for the exact origin, because I didn’t find it so hard to believe (given the context).
Certainly there are some specific conditions that freeze that decomposition and that might not always be present. This article mentions the lignin effect, that delays decomposition in anaerobic conditions, but no specific reference to lettuce. Can’t open other articles that seem more directly related.
So the claim is something like
Lettuces in landfills [generally decompose within a few weeks, but under some very specific and unusual circumstances in a controlled simulation of what a landfill might be like it can] take up to 25 years to [completely] decompose [due to something related to the lignin effect, although I can’t find any reliable source for this].
Thank God you’re not super nitpicky.
It’s a fact published in dozens of websites included official websites of trash management services and companies.
This is not my area of expertise and I won’t look up anything else, but do feel free to do it and inform all those websites about your findings
I’m not sure it’s “nitpicky” to ask for clarification of a claim of 25 years when in reality 8 weeks is far more likely.
Is it so hard to admit that perhaps claim is misleading at best and therefore probably not “100% true” ?
I’ve noticed Americans tend to be surprised that Europe is bigger than the US
As an European I’m also surprised that the US’ vertical Expansion is only around twice that of France.
What do you mean by vertical expansion?
Is that including Russia?
Europe includes the parts of Russia that are in Europe but not those that are in Asia.
Communism can be achieved.
Sure but can it be achieved without going all Animal Farm?
On a kibbutz?
If Animal Farm is not an option, there is still Animal Crossing, which can also be communist in some ways.
Isn’t Tom Nook basically an evil CEO of a corporation?
Maybe in the absence of human greed.
Because greed corrupts any system including communism.
Capitalism works because of greed and the concentration of power to a small group of people. But the more successful it is, the more inequality there is and eventually the system will fail … for the majority not the minority.
Communism failed because of greed and the concentration of power to a small group of people. The more they concentrated power the more inequality there was and eventually the system failed.
The problem to any human system are humans … conversely, the solution to and human system are humans.
We are our greatest ally and we are also our own worst enemy.
Communism failed because of greed and the concentration of power to a small group of people. The more they concentrated power the more inequality there was and eventually the system failed.
Your description is highly inaccurate to begin with, but for one moment I will put it aside. Is there no hand, in “failure”, of Western colonialist powers forming what is called today NATO, and what is called Cold War, going on since post WW2? You think 20+ million Russians died to defeat Nazis out of no reason?
Also, how did the below happen, after Russia and China defeated Nazism?
If your body healed as fast as your tongue you would starve to death.
I did not realize there were inquiries: Please excuse me, I’m new.
Your tongue is the fastest healing organ in your entire body, it uses an excessive amount of energy in order to heal your tongue 10x faster than the rest of your body. If your entire body were to heal at this rate, with the amount that your skin naturally replaces itself, compimented with the increased demand, you would starve to death.
I was also not able to find a source for this. There was a source outlining and comparing the healing speed of the tongue by comparison to the body.
Can you elaborate please?
I’m not sure how they got to that conclusion, but we can kinda guess.
The tongue is PACKED with blood vessels, so in case of any damage it can get tons of nutrients to fix itself. But this takes a very energy-intensive.
So if the rest of the body would have the same density of blood vessels, we’d need drastically more energy to feed all of that.
And I guess they’re asserting that all else being the same we wouldn’t be able to ingest or process sufficient food to keep that going.
It’s a bit of a strange argument though, I’m going far outside of my physiology understanding, but you’d have to imagine that had we evolved such advanced healing capabilities, we’d have also evolved the means to feed them. And OP underestimates just how much food someone can eat. As someone dealing with an ED, I can tell you that you can easily triple your calorie intake (though whether that’s sufficient I wouldn’t be able to say…).
All in I’d look forward to OP defending their assertion.
I asked ChatGPT, because everyone knows it is a source of reliable and not hallucinated information.
The human body has a remarkable capacity to heal itself, but the rate of healing can vary depending on the type of tissue and the extent of the injury. While it is true that the tongue, due to its rich blood supply, has a relatively fast healing process compared to other parts of the body, it doesn’t mean that the entire body would be unable to maintain its energy if it healed at the same rapid rate.
The healing process requires energy and resources, including nutrients, oxygen, and metabolic activity. When a specific area of the body is injured, the body redirects resources to that area to facilitate the healing process. In the case of the tongue, the abundant blood supply helps deliver these resources efficiently, allowing for a faster healing time.
If the entire body were to heal rapidly at the same pace as the tongue, it would require a significant amount of energy and resources. However, the body is highly adaptive and has complex systems in place to regulate energy usage and resource allocation. It prioritizes healing based on the severity and urgency of injuries, allowing for a balanced distribution of resources throughout the body.
It’s important to note that healing rates can vary based on factors such as the type of tissue, the extent of the injury, individual health conditions, and other variables. While the tongue may heal relatively quickly, other parts of the body have their own healing mechanisms suited to their specific functions and requirements.
Overall, the human body is designed to efficiently manage healing processes while maintaining energy balance and overall health.
When I asked for sources it started backtracking very quickly
When I asked for sources it started backtracking very quickly
oh, god… its more human than I realized. :(
I apologize, I’m new and not very attentive. I do remember the logic however was unable to find the source. Your body heals approximately 10x slower than your tongue. The claim is that without naturally evolving to the state that both healed equally as fast as you’ve outlined. It’s if by some miracle your body started to heal at the same rate, your body in it’s current state would not be able to convert food to energy fast enough to maintain the level and speed of healing. And your caloric intake would need to (I can only assume) 10x what it currently is, and that’s a lot of food. I’m sorry to hear of your ED, I trust you recognize I’m not attempting to be pedantic or triggering, I intended this to be as the title stated, a fun fact that people don’t believe is true.
Your gastrointestinal system is basically a continuation of your outer skin … it does the same thing of keeping foreign material away from your internal organs.
When you think of your body this way … we are all just basically tubes.
you are loved and deserve happiness
I love this!
Bullshit and lies.
No one loves me, and i deserve nothing, for I am trash.
perfect answer, everyone needs to be reminded this sometimes
Fuck Lemmy is unexpectedly wholesome
Awwww <3 that’s something that should be taught at school AND home
Cleopatra was born closer to the invention of cellphones than the building of the pyramids
I always love this one, just it sounds so crazy
We live closer in time to the T-Rex than the T-Rex to the stegosaurus. Which makes the land before time a fictional story not based on true events.
Also the T in T-shirt stands for tyrannosaurus because it has short arms, just like the T-Rex.
Where did you get that the T stands for Tyrannosaurus? 😂
It looks like a T, that’s why it’s called T shirt, imo, no source either.
black holes can have any density, even lower than water
Why don’t we have black holes floating around our oceans?
It’s not as if the Schwartzchild radius is a physical boundary though; it’s just the event horizon, a mathematical definition. If you were free falling into a black hole you might not even notice when you passed through it. The black hole is still a singularity and speaking about it’s density this way is absurd. (I mean absurd in the way it makes no sense, not as an insult to you personally.) These concepts of density at the local physical level and cosmic level are very different.
because the parameter that determines size of black hole, per as in its Schwarzshild radius, is its mass. black holes that are not dense are supermassive black holes like those in center of galaxy, so it would just not fit. for example, black hole with density 0.64 g/ml has radius 3.3x greater than distance between earth and sun
also it’s really bad for trout population
Most people have more than the average number of legs.
The average person has one fallopian tube
"The average person has… " is very different from “People on average have…”.
I suspect you meant the second, but sometimes people truly mean the first.
The difference doesn’t matter until it very suddenly matters. 😉
I was actually quoting Bo Burnham, it’s a direct quote from his 2010 special Words Words Words
I didn’t know the specific reference (I haven’t seen that special yet, so thanks for mentioning it), but I recognize the joke structure.
You should definitely watch it! It’s a little rough around the edges because he was only 19 when he wrote and performed it, but it’s also extremely impressive because he was only 19 when he wrote and performed it.
99.99% of population have more arms than average value.
What about the legs? What happened to the legs?
America bombed the Nord Stream
If it’s not proven, it’s not a fact