Great, and they’re going to try to federate? Hope it doesn’t go well for them.
Seriously, day one and it’s basically Stormfront Lite
Why is everybody on these platforms “4 something” now? Politics isn’t football, you don’t pick your team and have to let everyone know about it.
They are basically corporate accounts that are payed to be bigots online. You are looking at literal astroturf and asking why it doesn’t feel like grass.
Everything is political. To assume otherwise if naive at best.
After over 3 decades of voting, across 3 countries, even having held beliefs all the way from what I though was “communism” (when I was little more than a kid) through neoliberalism and finally settling down to a sort of social democracy (shaped by and subservient to my principles) and having even been involved in a supposedly thinking leftwing party around here I would stay that mindless tribalism is exactly what almost the entirety of politics is nowadays.
The whole “building your on political beliefs starting from your core principles upwards, and always keeping them in mind” thing is very unusually: normally (even in that supposedly “thinking” people party) it’s all about choosing sides, growing an emotional bond with your side and then just blindly waving the team’s flag and unskeptically take in and parrot whatever your side’s celebrities says as if they’re unchallangeable truths delivered down all the way from the gods.
In fact I’m pretty pissed from discovering that most people in even that party of supposedly thinking people are little more than clubist political parrots. It does however explain why so many measures people parrot as the right thing to do are actually one-sided and in practice not anchored in the principles we’re told they’re suppose to promote, sometime even de facto going against them: when people are unskeptical unthinking fans of the team, they’re really easy to lead by the nose by womever captures the leadership positions on that team, an sometimes said leaders aren’t even purposefully manipulative, they’re just nowere as bright as their small-pond celebrity status makes them think and generally have ridiculously narrow life experience and hence don’t really know much about how the World works outside their tiny tiny bubble.
I am only on a platform “for something” if that “something” is AOC. Purely for professional reason.
No lie, her Amongus Twitch streams were pretty lit.
If you’re a racist/white nationalist you do in coded language.
I am now 4 being a sloth, working hard is overrated.
I dunno, they have to climb all the way down to the ground once a week to poop. That sounds like a lot of effort.
If I were a sloth, I’d just hang from a branch and let fly.
I have locked this post because of comments deviating from the main topic.
Imagine thinking this wouldn’t be a problem if lemmy was popular.
I have more faith in mods here than on Threads.
Please report this thread for not talking about potatoes
What is a potato?
A type of bean
Absolutely no surprise there. When you keep the barrier to entry low and throw in an algorithm to increase “engagement” via outrage, the soup turns to poison quickly.
This is why every time someone says the Fediverse is “too confusing,” I just smile and nod. That attitude of petulant, lazy, self-imposed gatekeeping is what’s keeping the Fediverse a much nicer place to be.
This this this. The fediverse being “confusing” keeps the idiots, boomers, trolls, and overall horrible people away. Having to learn something new is too much for those people. Lemmy/Mastodon and so on are “nerd” platforms, and I really like it that way.
Easy on the boomer stuff. You just lumped “horrible people” into the same group as regular people that happen to have lived more years than you. If you are looking for a “nerd” platform, you’ll do well to remember that there are a ton of extremely nerdy boomers out there and you just helped turn the soup to poison for them
Well said! A high barrier to entry, and a low barrier to exit working as intended. Let’s enjoy the good times while they last.
Its not even a high barrier. You just have to choose an instance from a list.
Holy shit, they launched Threads pre-enshittified. Massive time saver if you ask me.
I suspect they had to jump on it when Elon shat the bed over the weekend. Suckerberg probably saw that disasterpiece and was like “quick, spit-shine the dev build and go live!”
removed by mod
Threads is already banned in Europe and won’t withstand the scrutiny of Federation. Too many bigots. I’m certain Zuck doesn’t care either way. The thing is set up as an advertising medium for the GOP. Same old Cambridge Analytica scheme repeating.
The Zuck had been a bigger threat to democracy than Russia until Russia’s failed Ukraine invasion. As long as he’s making more money, it’s all okay.
Time and time again, it has been proven that “absolute free speech” online just attracts the absolute worst kind of people.
I did expected them to fail immediately, but this is way funnier than I expected. They either need to start banning immediately and start throwing money at celebs to use Threads, otherwise no one mainstream will ever advertise there.
You mean the non-heavily moderated platforms allow for discussion on topics you care about by people who disagree with you.
Except much like your comment, they aren’t actually trying to have a good faith discussion.
If you insist on trying to turn us all miserable and hateful again, then I think you should leave.
ROFLMAO some people say it’s sad.
What’s sad is that people even noticed it.
Honestly apps like Threads and Twitter should just be a containment site for these types of people. Let them be…
We’re this close to conservatives referring to trans people like ((this)).
Nazis have always been the most progressive, referring to Jewish people as the gender neutral (((them))).
I thought they went beyond that when they started calling for the “eradication” of trans people and suggesting they should face firing squads.
This looks like a play store preview image, probably because of the names and correct spelling. I don’t know why it would be official, nnah
prob because that would be accurate according to the comments down here lol