Spider bro is my ally against the wool moths, at the moment. If I catch one I’m putting it in the closet.
They earn their keep.
We had aphids in the garden last year. Wolf spider moved in, big fat guy. Made short work of em. Wolf spider is welcome among my lettuce any day.
Those spiders you find inside may be of a type completely adapted to living indoors with humans. Putting one outside means death.
I made this mistake with a stink bug when it was winter. It was ok with being on the piece of paper I had it on. When I opened the door and the cold air hit it, it backed away towards me. I set it down and it stopped moving. Oops. :(
I have severe arachnophobia, i can’t kill spiders i am too afraid of them. But my cat is a ruthless killer and never fails to make them dissappear.
My wife and all my kids are deathly afraid of spiders. I put them all outside and I’m happy that’s the example I’m setting.
Spider bro, spider bro, keeping that fly population low.
I agree that we shouldn’t disturb nature, but let’s not forget that animals kill each other all the time. There’s no such thing as ethics in nature.
What if we are the ethics in nature
My preferred method is using a piece of paper, slide it gently under them and lift.
Tried and true! I also add a jar because they make me jump, I can’t help it lol. I have had big orb spiders crawl on me in the woods while climbing in the US and we have large spiders here incl. the giant English house spider here. They are both the size of hands. Freak me the fuck out haha.
I saw a couple recluse spiders in my apartment several months ago and maybe I’m an idiot, but I left them alone. They were truly more scared of me than I was of them. They don’t want to bother me and only will if I threaten them. So I left them alone and they just chilled in their “recluse” hiding spots.
Uhhhh…I would not fuck around with recluses. One bite will melt a golf ball size hole in your flesh. If you really want, you can catch and release but you for sure don’t want them in your house. If they breed, you’re looking at a serious problem.
Widows are more common in my area and I do the same.
Sylvari spotted.
I have no idea what you are talking about. ;)
Can’t say I’ve seen any…
Asian Lady beetles on the other hand…