Uhh who’s joking about identify theft?
Could one of you scholars please explain the joke for us smoothbrains who don’t get it? All I see is a boolean matrix, and I’m not even sure that is correct.
A square matrix with the ones in the diagonal is called the identity matrix
It’s an identity matrix. You multiple a vector with it and the result is still the same (identical) vector
Eigen see how this is confusing, I don’t get it either
It’s like if you multiply or divide by one. Just a bit bigger cuz linear algebra.
Identity theft is not a joke, Jim. Millions of families suffer every year. Also one that the internet gets wrong all the time: “dude, this is a Wendy’s”, not “sir this is a Wendy’s”
I believe it’s actually, “dude, this is a Wendy’s restaurant.” Check and mate.
Well done sir, well done… I mean dude
At least they’re symmetric.