Too late, Pratchett and Ponder did it with ants, so it’s more micro
Also what happens when the crabs die? Does the computer start recycling itself?
Do we need any more proof that crabs are indeed the ultimate lifeform?
At what framerate?
I’m not doing that math. One every 6 hours.
What if you overclock the crabs? Surely you could reach 1 per hour!
Oh so computers are doing carcinization now as well
(For anyone unfamiliar with it, there’s a similar concept in Cixin Liu‘s Three Body series. Forgot which of the books.)
Also in Adrian Tchaikovsky’s “Children of Time” and the following books!
The first one
How do you store a tweet in logic gates? Would you not need to construct crab based memory?
And to play doom you would need a crab based cpu with much more functionality than the few logic gates they have working.
If you can have NAND-gates, a clock and some wires, you can build anything.
Go visit to try it out yourself!
You can create memory by arranging logic gates in bistable or latch circuits.
If the logic gates can feed back onto themselves, you can build a simple [flip flop](\)) that can store a bit.
Yeah but you need 2 logic gates for one bit so it would take 16 logic gates for a byte, not 8.
Rust has gone too far.