Regular reminder you’ve lost The Game
You bastard.
Noooo Kenny!
I believe this is referring to ‘An Earful of Jaw’ by Gould, however the diagram takes some serious liberties in its specifics.
It says regular reminder but this is the first one I got! To whom do I direct my complaints??
Creationists maybe
Did you maybe accidentally reply “UNSUBSCRIBE” to your shark-facts text?
Regular doesn’t mean often. It could be regular by evolutionary standard, in which case the next reminder should come when we’ve evolved into crabs
I take metamucil daily, I know a little something about being regular
Cool, but it’s pretty hard to decipher the illustration
Wait, I grabbed the wrong one. I didn’t know why he sent one that was cropped
Human embryo: alien looking blob
Shark embryo: happy little fellaSpinal catastrophe fucked up the being alive meta on this planet. Everything is spinal now. So unoriginal
> sees shark on the top one
Does this mean I’m part-Blåhaj?
That’s really cool! I always wondered how gills evolved out. Now I wanna research this to see how accurate it is.