What happened:
mr show goat
My son’s favorite shirt:
Where can I get this? Lol
I think my wife got it on Amazon
The real problem here is the nostalgia factor. A lot of people grew up having the planets ingrained into their brains with various mnemonics. Hard to say goodbye to “pizza”.
Mary’s Virgin Explanation Made Joseph Suspect Upstairs Neighbour
There was no scenario where your precious mnemonics got preserved. If Pluto was still a planet, then Ceres would be too and it would fuck them all up.
Kinda silly when ‘dwarf planet’ has planet still in the name.
Just change the name. Can’t be Pluto, but maybe Gimli will work.
Do we name asteroids after hobbits, then?
No, but we’ve come close: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2675_Tolkien
You’re right. We should call them planitos (or planitas if the dwarf planet is female)
Even sillier to get pissed on behalf of a giant space rock that doesn’t care what you call it.
That’s messed up.
Is that Bruton Gaster?
His name is Jazz Hands
Sh (Comma to the top) Dynasty
There’s a LOT of dwarf planets we’ve found since Pluto is what happened, basically.
If Emilia is a scientist at heart and heard that Pluto was reclassified because we found many more like it, she’d probably be fascinated. Mind blown, even, that we’ve found Sedna, Ceres, Makemake, a bunch of others I’ve forgotten the name of, and a few more that just have a number.
On the other hand, she was just introduced to the concept of things like interstellar travel and aliens, so “someone took away one of our planets” wouldn’t have been all that far-fetched. (Especially since the dialogue in the post doesn’t actually mention Pluto. Maybe she thought it was Venus.)
Granted, we found Ceres, christened it a planet, and demoted it to asteroid long before we found Pluto.