Like trying to get Windows to stop spying on you? Is that what you mean, Bill?
That’s really easy to accomplish.
Just remove windows.
I threw a brick through my window, what now. Theres glass everywhere.
LOL. Guess we found the Microsoft service rep.
(cuz you broke windows,)
I bought an eufy doorbell and it had a feature that it would only alert you if a person was spotted, well apparently it thinks wheels are heads and it kept sending me notifications all night long every time a car passed by and their headlights reflected off of my car.
Are you pronouncing it “oofy” or e-u-f-y… Because “an eufy XXXX” is wigging me out.
We laugh now, but all this really means is the Ai now has a really good failure case to improve upon
This happened like half a decade ago
So when covid started lol. That hurts to think about
This makes for way better TV than if the camera simply worked. It’s a mistake that a human would probably never make, and definitely not persist in making.
I bet a there’s a group in the LGBT+ community that would like to watch adult movies filmed with such AI cameras.
Who up votes this stupid shit?
Who writes stupid comments like this?
You shut your whore mouth. This is the single greatest thing AI has ever done.
Trial and error
Just think, pretty soon our missiles will be able to blow up schools and hospitals without us needing to find them first
Make no mistake. This is a military AI that also happens to be useful for sports.
You mean Israel?
I just imagine Pierluigi Collina looking at the camera with his famous/scary stare.
Me too Ai buddy, Me too.