I pick it up again every once in a while. I just had a slate of particularly miserable emeritus short losses, including one where 9 of the 13 Klingons left were in one sector. I was docked in a Starbase adjacent to that sector, and I could have sent an armed probe. Instead, to not get any more planet loss points, I decided, “I’m just gonna take em with phasers.” I got killed immediately.
I grew up with this variation on my C64. Good times. https://gaming.trekcore.com/startrekc64-1/
I’ve also come across this mashup with 25th Anniversary, which looks like great fun: https://emabolo.itch.io/super-star-trek-25th
I’ve seen that one before! 😁
Not since about 1988. Thanks for the memory!
I don’t think so, but I do have very fond memories of playing a Trek game that I have not been able to identify despite quite a bit of searching.
Part of the problem was that I think my dad would get the game to a certain stage for me and then hand over the computer so I could fly around space and shoot things, so my memories are only of a very specific little bit of the game.
This would have been early to mid 90s, on a dual-boot machine, but I think I remember launching it in Linux?
If anybody has the faintest recollection of a 90s (or earlier) Trek game where you could fire phasers or photon torpedoes, and the photon torpedoes looked kind of like a pair of twinkling yellow stars, I would at least feel a little less crazy.
Maybe Netrek?
Nah, 99% sure that it wasn’t multiplayer.
Thanks for trying though!
Yes! But not in a very long time.