That ended with me finally explaining to him how the way he and my mother treated me as a child, with undiagnosed (and really not even conceptually understood at the time) ADHD caused me lasting trauma that persists to this day. I’m a 45 year old man, and I cried.

    65 hours ago

    I have started to mentally replace “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” with “every hurt you heal makes you stronger”. I am sorry you got hurt, I wish you the best on your journey to heal.

  • The Bard in GreenA
    1111 hours ago

    I feel like I’m having that conversation with my father all the time and he still doesn’t get it.

    The icing on that cake is that he totally has undiagnosed ADHD and PTSD, and he’s a rich old white man so he gets to go through life ignoring the consequences (for other people) and saying things like “That’s not my problem,” when anyone calls him out.

      27 hours ago

      Similar story. The old man was adhd/asd/ptsd and went through life a narcissist burning everyone around him, but it was never his fault when it ha renga rice consequences. Hope you have better success, mike never really learned or accepted what he was doing.

    2818 hours ago

    Hey brother, it fucking sucks and I can only imagine how teachers and folks around you responded to you out of ignorance when, with understanding, there are excellent ways to mitigate and control your expression and thought process in a healthy manner.

    I’m glad you figured yourself out and I hope things get smoother from here on out. Much love from a fellow neurodivergent - if you need to vent or talk things through we’re always here and listening.

    1718 hours ago

    Imagine there being no ND diagnosis at all, no concept between normal and short-bus, and the parents mostly taking advice from fellow Christians because there were no other authorities to look to beyond the family doctor.

    You missed that wonder by about a decade.

    Also, those previous gens were obvs not diagnosed themselves, and had their own traumas they were masking.

    If you’re up to it, think about where those parents came from.

    The 20th century was toxic, we’re just starting to climb out.

  • The Snark Urge
    1118 hours ago

    Meanwhile I have done my best with my kid. My best obviously wasn’t good enough. Even a psych degree did not prepare me, and I still feel like that talk is headed my way in a decade or two. ADHD is a fucking nightmare.

    1118 hours ago

    I’m 43. I feel you. Lately I started processing what happened to me because of ADD. I’m lucky, fell on my feet and have a good life but I’ve lost so much time and was misunderstood for so long.

    518 hours ago

    Been there, had that talk. Thankfully, my parents are mature, capable of introspection and have worked on becoming better people throughout their lives. So it went quite well, although I will say it doesn’t make much of a difference with regard to the past. That’s for me to sort out now.