I guess it’s easier to have testicles on your chin at this point.
They look like something I made in Spore.
The only way to make this worse is to give them human feet.
Looks like one of the creatures in Francis Bacon’s tryptich “Three Studies For Figures At The Base Of A Crucifixion”.
I found this documentary on him interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgrO5za0lSY
Giant mommy moa gf
I think Moa are a cool candidate for de-extinction, cause we have close relatives, they wouldn’t be too dangerous, and we could house them well in zoos. Plus I’d super like to see one.
Not too dangerous, weren’t they identified as the predator in a lot of Maori stories about man hunting birds?
They were certainly feared but aren’t as dangerous as say, a tiger, which we keep regularly. Their poo suggests a herbivorous diet so unlikely to be hunting anything regularly, probably more like a cassowary that attack for defence.
featherlessa man? it is possible
My left and right testicles(not to scale)
Chickensaurus looks awesome
Wait which sign means female / male?
The one with the plus at the bottom is female, the one with the arrow at an upwards angle is male.