    5829 days ago

    I am a bit worried the response to this here is not a unified everyone’s an asshole in this screenshot.

    Academic publishing is in a very sorry state for a long time by now. A lot of research that is published is not reproducible. A lot of actual research is also in fact never published like that because companies base their products on it and publish those results only as patents.

    So just by trying to be smug and oppose the Muskie you show yourself to be an idiot. Well done.

    • @OhNoMoreLemmy@lemmy.ml
      29 days ago

      It’s worth saying that ml is in a very different position to most of academic publishing.

      All of the serious journals are free to publish and fully open access and a significant amount of publication includes enough code that things are mostly replicable. GitHub has done wonders for our field. Also many tech companies use publications as an indication of prestige and go out of their way to publish stuff.

      We’re still drowning in too many papers and 95% of everything is shit, but that’s every field really. Talking to musk on twitter is the not right place for a nuanced discussion about publication.

  • FreshLight
    930 days ago

    Is the Tweet still up or did it not sit right with Elmo so he took it down?

  • @zod000@lemmy.ml
    3029 days ago

    Fuck, I really hate to agree with Elon on anything, but that is a ridiculous argument. LeCun must also really believe that trees only fall in the woods when someone is around to see it happen.

    • @Drewelite@lemmynsfw.com
      2029 days ago

      Yeah, they’re both pretty wildly off base. Publishing papers that are vetted and used as a foundation for other work is science. Also, sorry, but developing advancements behind closed doors is still science. Oppenheimer’s secret research for the government is pretty fucking foundational. Thomas Edison wasn’t interested in sharing his ideas, but rather in selling them. Everyone remembers him.

      This argument reads like two people having an ego trip past each other.

      • @xenoclast@lemmy.world
        129 days ago

        You were correct in the first, but the things you’re describing are product research and development.

        All super important, but not exactly what I call science as a socially beneficial activity humans do specifically to learn the truths of the universe.

    • @x0x7@lemmy.world
      529 days ago

      Also how transparently published and reproduced was Pfizer’s vaccine trials, considering a judge had to force the contents released, yet it was science right away. You can’t have cake and eat too.

    • @OutsizedWalrus@lemmy.world
      428 days ago

      Science is just the process of testing things in the world in a reproducible way.

      LeCun’s argument is good career advice (you only get credit for what others know you did), but it’s not factual correct.

  • @TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
    29 days ago

    Seems like a very elitist and gatekeeping perspective, specially considering how closed off the academic world is for the rest of society in some places, never mind expensive to publish. It’s also basically saying that if you, say, come up with a groundbreaking hypothesis, that that’s not science until you get a research paper out, and that might require mastery that goes beyond the hypothesis.

    Sure, this might stop most of the looney theories from being called Science, but it also prevents public access in favor of those with the means and capacity to sustain an ever more complex geocentric model of the fashion of the times, from which any divergent theories must generally part from or involve renown in.

    You think the person who made that hypothesis will die bitter and forgotten? Is that the general view of people who are not Scientists by Scientists? They might know what’s up, and might not want the gatekeeper to take all the credit, as is often the case in academic circles, and might just feel satisfaction in seeing their hypothesis gratified. They might place more importance in exploring and understanding reality than compensating for personal insecurities. Perhaps it is science itself that might stagnate by stalling until it itself is able to discover these hypothesis under the properly accepted emeritus when they are eventually able to get to it.

    Mostly it’s just looney theories, but given Musk is involved, I imagine this discussion involves proprietary patents that do have a lot of research involved and under peer review of teams under non-disclosure agreements. Then again, it’s Musk, could be mostly looney theories too. But the fact that it involves Musk, the man living off of Nikola Tesla’s fame, a man whose demise could have been described to have occurred under the circumstances of a bitter and forgotten end, makes the gatekeeping particularly ironic.

    • AbsentBird
      29 days ago

      It doesn’t need to be published in a scientific journal. Publication in journals is the most streamlined way to go through the process, but you could publish your hypothesis and methodology to a blog and potentially get the same benefits.

      Even patents need to be published. Publication is how discoveries are shared and verified.

      • @TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
        -129 days ago

        You would still need to be recognized before someone more recognizable takes it and sticks their name on it the moment they see any validity in it. Plagiarism isn’t a myth, and good luck getting recognition even just for a hypothesis without a master and just as a hobbyist.

        Academics want a well prepared research paper without evidencing crude freshman mistakes, and by its nature yours might be far cruder than academic standards. Even if you do end up releasing it and if it does by some miracle get acknowledged, it will by its nature take longer and run more risks from a lack of peer review that might discard it due to simple but correctable mistakes while running the risk of getting it plagiarized by someone capable of fixing it up, and no one is going to take a random blog as the proof of a preexisting theory over a research paper with a name with some masters to it that claims the idea was entirely theirs shortly thereafter. And if all you care about is the study of reality and science, why risk the heartbreak of getting personally involved?

        Patents don’t need to be a full comprehensive research pieces, they just have to be enough to define and identify particular intellectual property.

      • @Kwakigra@beehaw.org
        729 days ago

        I often fantasize about guerilla science done by serious people outside of official channels. While there are plenty of crackpots who desire this for political reasons, I would really like to see an open-source “journal” by and for those scientists who are in it purely for science and have become disenchanted with the current model which is compromised in some ways that prevents progress on certain concepts.

        • @TheObviousSolution@lemm.ee
          29 days ago

          To be fair, it would probably be full of crackpot theories, which would make anything released on it a crackpot theory by association. Unless it involves a heavy but fair dose of educated moderation, and it’s already hard enough to simply get moderators that don’t simply want to reenact the Stanford prison experiment.

          • @Kwakigra@beehaw.org
            529 days ago

            Not necessarily. Just because my theoretical journal wouldn’t be subject to the existing academic establishment it does not mean it would accept everything. This journal would be more rigorous because it would be composed exclusively by fidelity to the scientific process. I am not anti-academia, only acknowledging that the existing structures are so large and composed of so many egos that there is necessarily over-focus on some areas and under-focus on other areas as a consequence of the structure. My pretend journal wouldn’t be for everyone rejected from those institutions for explicit reasons of incompetence, it would be for those scientists who want to pool resources to do work that would not be easy to support on the current academic model.

            • @towerful@programming.dev
              329 days ago

              How to you vet papers that are being submitted?
              If it is outside of your specific experience, how do you get someone else who is specialised to vet the paper?

              • @Kwakigra@beehaw.org
                229 days ago

                Fortunately I don’t need to have all the answers in my imaginary journal. I imagine it more as a cooperative enterprise among scientists who have become disenchanted with established academic paradigms and are looking to do the research and experimentation in that zone which is of interest to scientists themselves but not necessarily supported by the need to publish in the areas most emphasized by the academic establishment. This is not anything against what exists and what is being produced which I personally consider to be important, only to provide additional avenues to serve science in ways it’s not currently being served.

                You’re right that credentials in this model are fuzzy. At least at the beginning it would be composed exclusively of scientists already working in their field who would want something like this. It could be possible that these scientists answering only to their immediate guerilla journal peers may see fit to support the research of an individual with no doctorate but who has demonstrated their self-education has made them capable of designing an experiment which can be quantified, criticized, and re-produced. Whether this standard would be agreed upon by the greater community would certainly be controversial with plenty of politics involved, but that reality it outside of the scope of my daydream.

                As for the sustainability, it’s as in question as any open source project. It lives and dies based on peoples’ desire to do it only because they want to do it and others want to support them doing it. This couldn’t be a career alternative to academia because making it into a business or non-profit would defeat the purpose as it would attain the same vulnerabilities to a much more severe degree than the much larger and stable existing model.

                • @towerful@programming.dev
                  329 days ago

                  How the Linux kernel “made it” and is still free and open source is - imo - one of the pinnacles of humanity.
                  It’s inspired so much other software to adopt the same philosophy, and modern humanity/science/society stands on those shoulders.

                  I think science has missed that boat.
                  Or that pinnacle was before the tools to support such an open source atmosphere/community were around… So not missed the boat, but swam before the boat was built

        • @howrar@lemmy.ca
          329 days ago

          That’s how things work in the AI community. Publications all go through various conferences and journals that are free to submit to. In many of these avenues, if you submit something, the cost is to get a certain number of papers reviewed (not necessarily doing it yourself, but you have to find someone capable of doing it). The publications are then made freely available for anyone to read. Everything is organized by the research community for the benefit of that same community.

    • @uis@lemm.ee
      28 days ago

      never mind expensive to publish.

      Academic world is very not happy about it either. Academic world hates journals publishing corporations.

      See lawsuits against ResearchGate, lawsuits against Sci-Hub and lawsuits against many students and academics that shared scientific papers.

  • @SuddenDownpour@sh.itjust.works
    3829 days ago

    There are differences between “experimenting”, “research”, “analysis” and “science”. You can do the first three at your home, scribbling some notes that no one will ever read or know about, but science, in its hard definition, is a methodology that requires the specific dynamics that are expected of the scientific community, where plenty of people check each other’s work for faults, blind spots, biases, lazy interpretations and so on.

    This is fundamental because everyone, including universally recognized geniuses, do sometimes fuck up. Have you heard of Einstein’s famous phrase “God does not play dice with the universe”? This refers to his conviction that the laws of physics were fundamentally deterministic, which was put in question by the early experiments that were opening the way for quantum physics. Einstein found himself at odds with a new generation of physicists that weren’t as inflexible as he was on this issue, and whenever there were indications that extremely small particles may behave in a non-deterministic way, Einstein would argue and push for the most hostile interpretation possible, which did lead other physicists to put his interpretations to the test, which did ironically further prove the non-deterministic pillars of quantum physics.

    Science is necessarily a social endeavor because it is meant to help us overcome the fact that each individual human is doomed to be, sooner or later, at one specific issue of many, an inflexible idiot.

    • @thanks_shakey_snake@lemmy.ca
      228 days ago

      If we’re talking about gatekeeping what is and isn’t capital-S Science, I’d really like to know where these “hard definitions” are coming from.

      Wikipedia’s page for the Scientific Method seems to get it wrong when it describes it as “a general set of principles,” the core of which is forming falsifiable hypotheses and testing them… and the details vary from field to field and across different time periods. Sounds like you can do that at home.

      The page for Science appears to also contradict the “hard definition” when it describes science as spanning most of human history, long before the modern institutions of formal publication and peer review, and doesn’t describe them as mandatory at all. Definitely doable at home, as far as I can tell.

      That’s not to say that scientific collaboration isn’t valuable, btw… I just can’t find any basis to support the idea that if it’s not published in a formal academic journal, then it’s definitely not science, and that science CAN’T happen without the involvement of the institutions.

      So like… Where does this “hard definition” that people keep talking about come from, and why doesn’t Wikipedia seem to know about it?

      • @SuddenDownpour@sh.itjust.works
        127 days ago

        It comes from literature I did read over a decade ago, which titles I no longer have, which argued (in a very summarised sense), that science as we know it today is only possible due to the development of social institutions and methodology that have been refined over centuries (and arguably, are currently in an evolving process), in ways that make it fundamentally different (in its workings, its results, how it is envisioned and how well it procures reliable knowledge) from what the natural philosophers of antiquity did, ultimately requiring an ample social system for it to even be viable. You will notice that the majority of attempts to schematize the scientific method include either reporting or publishing, or delegate the task of replicating experiments to third parties.

        The page for Science appears to also contradict the “hard definition” when it describes science as spanning most of human history, long before the modern institutions of formal publication and peer review, and doesn’t describe them as mandatory at all. Definitely doable at home, as far as I can tell.

        Sure, you can see sketches of what we currently consider science in the historical development of astronomy across Mesopotamia, Egypt and elsewhere (lacking the modern core methodology), or in Newton’s writings about alchemy (lacking communication), but most of it was intertwined with mysticism and esotericism. You can use a more lax definition if you want, but I think that in doing so, you’re making the concept lose meaning.

        That’s not to say that scientific collaboration isn’t valuable, btw… I just can’t find any basis to support the idea that if it’s not published in a formal academic journal, then it’s definitely not science, and that science CAN’T happen without the involvement of the institutions.

        150 years ago, the contemporary institutions of formal publication and peer review didn’t exist, but equivalent processes were already starting to take form. These contemporary institutions aren’t as important as it is that the tasks they fulfill do get done in one way or another.

  • @Ilovethebomb@lemm.ee
    1130 days ago

    They both come across as pompous asses in this one.

    If you develop a product in secret, take it to market, and make a fortune off it, far more people will know your name than almost any scientist.

    • Lemminary
      030 days ago

      They’ve been feuding for a while so I’d be surprised if they both didn’t try to one-up the other insufferably.

  • kn0wmad1c
    2830 days ago

    I’ve seen published scientific papers that were written by chatgpt, complete with prompts.

  • @A_A@lemmy.world
    6430 days ago

    The rules and conventions to do science today are quite well known and understood by educated people (including of course Helen Mosque) … but any rules have exceptions :
    Project Manhattan to produce the atomic bomb was secret science : in many countries military will have secret science development. Pharmaceutical companies will do as well.
    People in those projects will not have recognition by the wider public but they will have recognition from their group.

    • gregorum
      3630 days ago

      yes, but even within those “secret groups”, there are SOP and conventions of intergrity.

      • @A_A@lemmy.world
        1630 days ago

        Thanks ! … if anyone else wants to know :
        SOP stands for Standard Operating Procedure. Within secret scientific research groups, SOPs are established guidelines or instructions for carrying out routine operations to ensure consistency, quality, and compliance with regulations. These SOPs help maintain integrity, confidentiality, and efficiency within the research group.

        • @BigPotato@lemmy.world
          -229 days ago

          Secret scientific research groups? Lol. Anyone with a passing familiarity with government work knows about SOPs.

          • @A_A@lemmy.world
            129 days ago

            GPT told me it was “Standard Operating Procedure” in the context of the previous comment. That wasn enough for me. I didn’t have to know it applies to your job in an English speaking country.

            • @BigPotato@lemmy.world
              129 days ago

              You’re over here asking GPT about “secret scientific research groups” but wanna point out that it’s an English acronym? You could’ve asked Encyclopedia Britannica instead and gotten the right answer.

    • @testfactor@lemmy.world
      2530 days ago

      Heck, I can think of a half dozen other examples of things that aren’t published and/or can’t be reproduced but would be considered science.

      If I had an unpublished workbook of Albert Einstein, would I say the work in it “isn’t science”?

      If I publish a book outlining a hypothesis about the origins of the Big Bang, is it not science because it doesn’t have any reproducible experiments?

      Is any research that deadends in a uninteresting way that isn’t worthy of publication not science?

      I like dunking on Elon as much as the next guy, but like, “only things that are published get the title of ‘science’” seems like a pretty indefensible take to me…

      • @A_A@lemmy.world
        1030 days ago

        i agree because what I usually mean when i talk of science is scientific work even if this work doesn’t result in proving that an hypothesis is right so that it becomes a scientific theory.
        For me the main criteria is to follow the scientific method.

      • Lemminary
        130 days ago

        I’d say it’s just research. Science is a group activity by necessity, even if the scientific method is not.

        • @testfactor@lemmy.world
          1130 days ago

          What makes science a group activity by necessity?

          Why is one person employing the scientific method to better understand the world around them “not doing science”?

          • Lemminary
            30 days ago

            Well, modern science is interdisciplinary, it relies on resource sharing and peer review to reach consensus, which all require many people. In practice, it’s merely research without collaboration if contributions aren’t being made because Science isn’t defined when you apply the scientific method. Science is what we do collectively. So when offshoot research is vetted, it becomes part of the science.

            This reminds me of a few people I’ve met who believe themselves to be scientists who claim to do science by themselves, but in reality, it’s numerology nonsense. They’re arguably researching a system they invented but nobody worth their weight would take them seriously.

            Why is one person employing the scientific method to better understand the world around them “not doing science”?

            Why is “research” not the appropriate label?

            • @testfactor@lemmy.world
              430 days ago

              So, first and foremost it is important to recognize we are having a definition argument. The crux of our disagreement is over the definition of “science,” specifically as it relates to the act of doing it.

              Now, obviously anyone can claim that any word means anything they want. I can claim that the definition of “doing science” is making grilled cheese sandwiches. That doesn’t make it so.

              So, as with all arguments over the definition of words, I find appealing to the dictionary a good place to start. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/science Which, having read through all the possible definitions, does not seem to carry any connotation of mandatory collaboration.

              Now, the dictionary is obviously not the be all and end all. Words have colloquial meanings that are sometimes not captured, or nuance can be lost in transcribing the straight meaning of the word. But I think that the onus is on you to justify why you believe that meaning is lost.

              And note, what I’m not arguing is that science isn’t collaborative. Of course it is. There are huge benefits to collaboration, and it is very much the norm. But you have stated an absolute. “Science isn’t science without collaboration.” And that is the crux of our disagreement.

              And as to why I wouldn’t just call it “research.” First, I see no reason to. By both my colloquial definition and the one in the dictionary (by my estimation), it is in fact science. But, more importantly, if we take your definition, you are relegating the likes of great scientists like Newton, Cavendish, Mendel, and Killing to the title of mere “researchers.” And I find the idea of calling any of those greats anything short of a scientist absurdly reductive.

              • Lemminary
                230 days ago

                I mostly agree with you.

                But you have stated an absolute. “Science isn’t science without collaboration.”

                I don’t think that’s what I’m saying, at least, that’s not my stance. I’m trying to say that how we formally define Science is one thing. But in practice, Science can only be collaborative because of the complexity of topics, the nuance that needs to be captured in experimental design, and the human error that needs to be avoided. There’s also the connotation that science is the collective body beyond its works that encompasses a community, a culture, a history, a way of thinking, and so on. If you’re “doing science”, then we have the mutual understanding that you’re participating in all of the above, because otherwise, you’re just conducting independent research that could eventually find its way into the whole.

                But if it doesn’t ever find its way into the greater body of science, how can we label that as doing science if it hasn’t made an impact besides personal profits? And even if those findings work as advertised in a product, how do we know that the hand-waiving explanation in this black box isn’t true? It does nothing for our understanding. I won’t argue that it works as a colloquial term because a theory could mean whatever possibility popped into someone’s head even if it’s wrong. Strictly speaking, a theory is much more than a plausible thought and I think that analogy carries on.

                you are relegating the likes of great scientists like Newton, Cavendish, Mendel, and Killing to the title of mere “researchers.”

                That’s a relic of what worked back then but their independent research eventually made it into the science, which is consistent with what I’m saying. Labeling them as researchers takes nothing away from their great achievements. I see no issue with calling an apple a fruit when broadly speaking.

                • @testfactor@lemmy.world
                  129 days ago

                  If you aren’t saying that “science isn’t science without collaboration,” can you give an example of something that is science without collaboration? I only ask because you state that’s not what you’re saying, but follow it up with what, to my attempt at reading comprehension, is you just restating the thing you said you aren’t saying.

                  And I would argue science done in secret can have enormous impacts beyond “simply profits.” The Manhattan Project for example. I think it would be absurd to say what was going on there was anything but science, but there was no collaboration with the greater scientific community or intent to share their findings.

                  And look, of course you can be a researcher without being a scientist. Historians are researchers but not scientists obviously. But when what you are researching is physics and natural sciences, you are a scientist. That’s what the word literally means. When your definition requires you to eliminate Sir Isaac Newton, maybe it’s your definition that’s wrong.

                  You say you see no problem with calling an apple a fruit when broadly speaking. Neither do I. But that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t be absolutely delusional to insist that an apple wasn’t actually an apple.

      -230 days ago

      The Manhattan Project, being a project with no end game but genocide, really shouldn’t fucking be considered science; not unless you’re gonna crack out and try and tell me that indiscriminate, horrific mass murder deserves to be acknowledged in the same breath as mathematics and medicine.

      • @qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website
        230 days ago

        But science doesn’t care about morality. Maybe you’re thinking about religion?

        It’s fair to say that the Manhattan Project wasn’t a “science first” project, but to deny that science was happening is…misguided, let’s say.

          -130 days ago

          “First do no harm” is an axiom of medicine that more of you STEMlords should probably internalize, so maybe stow the condescension. I categorically refuse to accept a tool of mass genocide being counted next to that which would save lives and objectively measure our reality.

  • @JohnDClay@sh.itjust.works
    2330 days ago

    There’s private company r&d science and military science as well, even though those aren’t academic science with it’s peer review and publication.

    • Pennomi
      730 days ago

      I agree that for it to be science it needs to be reproducible, but obviously publication could happen internally. It just ends up as science that no one else can benefit from, which is contrary to what most scientists actually want.

      Musk is just an ass who doesn’t want to share his toys.

  • @pyre@lemmy.world
    1729 days ago

    how about you figure out how to make a gas pedal that doesn’t try to kill people before you talk shit?

  • @qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website
    8730 days ago

    I like the sentiment, but there are non-peer reviewed papers that are real science. Politics and funding are real things, and there is a bit of gatekeeping here, which isn’t really good IMHO.

    Also, reproducibility is a sticky subject, especially with immoral experiments (which can still be the product of science, however unsavory), or experiments for which there are only one apparatus in the world (e.g., some particle physics).

    • @CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world
      1229 days ago

      The things you’re describing are not science. This might seem nit picky but the scientific method as we know it today require that peer review and require methods of reproduction. Whether you can reproduce results is a different story.

      The entire difference between research and science is whether or not you engage in the process of peer review and review often requires method of replication. So you usually can’t have one without the other. If you aren’t trying to have your paper reviewed by your peers, that’s fine, but that isn’t science.

      To address the gatekeeping, I get it. We shouldn’t be using the word to demean people who do valuable research but don’t strictly engage in the scientific process. That’s really not important to do. However we should all be interested in preventing the scientific process from being muddied to include every R&D process under the sun. That’s all research, not science, and we call them separate things for a reason.

      • @kernelle@lemmy.world
        1829 days ago

        I think the word you’re looking for is merit, publication which are cited and peer reviewed hold much more merit than those who don’t.

        Science is a rigorous, systematic endeavor that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world. 1

        Nothing in this quote requires external publication. Following the scientific method, publishing, peer reviewing and reproduction can all happen internally in organisation using independent teams. Those private publications hold but a fraction of the merit of publications in recognised journals, but are science nonetheless.

        • @Wintex@lemm.ee
          -129 days ago

          I don’t particularly agree. Publishing is a tricky thing in the private sector, and we’ve seen a lot of scientific suppression by companies. Peer review literally requires the field to assess your work, and doesn’t end with the publication, but is a process that continues forever. Reproduction is a major issue, especially in fields proximal to mine (neuroscience , Medicine and psychology) and the whole process of open science with this type of review process makes it much easier to create papers that are reproducible.

          The external influence is basically a given to produce science that holds up.

          • @kernelle@lemmy.world
            229 days ago

            I agree though, we can argue open science is much better and more reliable. We can argue privatly conducting a study and doing all the steps that would be conducted by the academic community within one organisation leads to more biased and less reliable results. But it’s still science by its very definition, I’d even argue denying that is a bit disrespectful to all scientists doing so.

        • @CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world
          129 days ago

          Oh yeah strictly speaking if you follow the scientific method you are doing “science” however what the twitter thread is getting at and what I’m getting at is that science without the scientific process isn’t the same thing. Typically in a professional setting we just call that research.

          The scientific process contains the scientific methods but there is an aspect of connection to the scientific community. I’d argue that if you’re using a company to build and develop a working base of knowledge through the scientific method, you’re failing at the building and organizing knowledge part of that science definition by not sharing what you know.

          • @kernelle@lemmy.world
            329 days ago

            For sure, and calling Elon a twat would be an insult to twats out there. But saying “if it’s not published it’s not science” to one of the greatest grifters while having to explain the nuance of what you tweeted is a big L in my book.

      • @WhatIsH2O4@lemmy.ml
        229 days ago

        Counterpoint: the scientific method is much simpler than you described.

        1. Fuck around
        2. Find out
        3. Write it down

        The rest are details of the above or elitism.

        • @Fedizen@lemmy.world
          228 days ago

          I think the sticking point is this: if people can’t reproduce it then you missed writing down an important detail and therefore didn’t finish step 3.

          The elitism is thinking peer review suffices for reproducibility.

          • @WhatIsH2O4@lemmy.ml
            222 days ago

            I agree with you last point, and I really, really want to with the first.

            Sometimes science feels more like an art, for chemistry at least. I suppose the counter-point to this is: if you provide sufficient detail to reproduce but your results are still difficult to reproduce reliably by others, then your process wasn’t very robust and should have undergone more development before publishing. Those details may be so minor that you don’t even realize that you overlooked something.

            • @Fedizen@lemmy.world
              122 days ago

              I mean that makes sense. I guess it would be fairer to say that enough should be written down its still usable in tracking down what is missing.

  • MuchPineapples
    5229 days ago

    She’s wrong though, everything following the scientific method is science. The fact that you didn’t pay out of your ass to publicize your research doesn’t matter. Of course it reaches less people, but that’s a separate issue.

  • @IrritableOcelot@beehaw.org
    29 days ago

    tl;dr: science is in the eye of the beholder, you can only know if it’s science if the methods are transparent and you have access to data, as well as critiques from unbiased parties.

    This thread seems to have formed two sides:

    1. unless it’s published, peer reviewed and replicated it’s not science, and
    2. LeCun is being elitist, science doesn’t have to be published. This point of view often is accompanied by something about academic publishing being inaccessible or about corporate/private/closed science still being science.

    I would say that “closed”/unpublished science may be science, but since peer review and replication of results are the only way we can tell if something is legitimate science, the problem is that we simply can’t know until a third party (or preferably, many third parties) have reviewed it.

    There are a lot of forms that review can take. The most thorough is to release it to the world and let anyone read and review it, and so it and the opinions of others with expertise in the subject are also public. Anyone can read both the publications and response, do their own criticism, and know whether it is science.

    If “closed” science has been heavily reviewed and critiqued internally, by as unbiased a party as possible, then whoever has access to the work and critique can know it’s science, but the scientific community and the general public will never be able to be sure.

    The points folks have made about individuals working in secret making progress actually support this; I’ll use Oppenheimer as an example.

    In the 40s, no one outside the Manhattan project knew how nuclear bombs were made. Sure, they exploded, but no one outside that small group knew if the reasoning behind why they exploded was correct.

    Now, through released records, we know what the supporting theory was, and how it was tested. We also know that subsequent work based on that theory (H-bomb development, etc.) and replication (countries other than the US figuring out how to make nukes, in some cases without access to US documents on how it was originally done) was successful and supported the original explanations of why it worked. So now we all know that it was science.

    • The Bard in GreenA
      127 days ago

      If we put Elon Musk in a box along with a detector calibrated to detect the emission of a radio active particle, with a device that will cause Elon Musk to do science if it detects the particle and make up bullshit if it doesn’t, does Elon Musk remain an arrogant asshole no matter what the particle does?