I wonder if Elon chose a timeframe of 5 years because Yann LeCun won the Turing Award in 2018.
I don’t think he deserves that much credit
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Found the /p/ troll
Usually I’d say you gotta end that with a /s. But I think the 7 way orgy should be enough.
It seems like it’s just trolling, not sarcasm as a joke. Just take a quick look at his comments on his profile.
Holy shit, this is some seriously delusional nonsense, seek help
He isn’t that smart.
That gives him too much credit.
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Ttereal tellers is ttattElonkows nothing about AI. Anyone involved in the field knows all of the big names because we read their papers, listen to their lectures, and talk about their models. He then goes on to be dismissive of work he’s not even close to understanding. It’s blatant ignorance, and Elon is used to just being able to power through his ignorance by either BSing his way past people who know no more than him or firing anyone who is actually qualified and as a result disagrees with him.
Why do people give that douche the time of day?
Because he owns a bunch of shit. That’s literally it. Nobody would give a single shit about him if he didn’t have money. I saw it put very eloquently like this:
Elon Musk is so poor that all he has is money.
his Twitter feed is full of things that would make you turn your head and act as it you don’t hear anything if it came from a random person on the subway. the only difference between this guy and the “crazy people” you see outside is that this guy has money he doesn’t deserve.
edit: i don’t know why i said Twitter feed. this includes everything he says in interviews as well
Damn that’s a good line.
His money gives him influence and power. That’s the real reason.
Because he is not your run-of-the-mill tech billionaire.
He’s an asshole, yes, but you don’t see Zuckerberg, Gates, Bezos or anyone else make the kind of big moves he does.
Big moves like losing billions on Twitter? Or producing an ugly truck that does nothing it was promised to do for twice the promised price? Or getting a government contract to build 50 THOUSAND electric vehicle chargers nationwide then firing literally everyone working on actually building them?
Big moves like founding SpaceX
big moves
did you mean boner moves? makes more sense re: musk
the miracle of Spacex is Gwynne Shotwell* managing elon so well that he hasn’t fucked it up yet.
I believe her name is Gwynne, not Gwen.
Gwen Shotwell
I stand corrected, thanks!
Oh thank you, I’ve been wondering how spaceX ever succeeded.
Ah yes. None of those others listed founded aerospace companies.
Blue Origin has yet to deliver a single gram of payload to orbit. They likely will in the next year or so, but they’re still way behind SpaceX, or even Rocket Lab in that respect.
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What an asshole.
And I’m not talking about the scientist.
college grade troll (who tragically has billions)
Bro Elon got absolutely ratio’d there when the scientist shared their papers. Like less people saw it and double the amount of likes.
That is very surprising honestly.
Does 80 technical papers in 2.5 years seem kind of off to anyone else? That’s more than a paper every 2 weeks. Is there really time for meaningful research if you’re publishing that often? Is he advising a lot of students? If that’s the case, is he providing the attention generally needed for each one? Is his field just super different than mine?
In acamedia you usually get your name on most papers where you help a bit. And if you’re the boss, you get your name on papers without even helping but perhaps supplying space, material, budget.
I’ve been in academia. My field required a “significant intellectual contribution” to the research and the writing, so no putting your name on papers if you just supplied space/material/budget. You can get an acknowledgement for that, not an authorship credit.
This definitely varies by field, lab, university.
Yes, thought the same but have a quick look at this: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=WLN3QrAAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate Seems about right? But yeah, must be advising lots of students or something. He is rarely the first, second or even third author on the papers.
Also many arxiv preprints
Ah. I hadn’t really considered preprints or workshops. If I just count the ones that seem to be published in journals or conferences, it’s 28. Still prolific. But reasonable in a 10-15 person lab.
Importance of order changes by field. In my field, at least for in lab work: first is the main lab person that worked on the project. Last is the PI, everyone that helped goes in the sandwich. I’m unsure about collaborations between labs and at that point too afraid to ask.
There are some people in this world who are smarter and more motivated than we are.
And then there are people who get a head start when their rich daddy gives 'em a bunch of money and they get lucky with how they invest that money but pretend to be a genius anyway.
Yeah, even if he is advising or contributing, the way he put it sounds very disingenuous like he’s trying to inflate the number for his argument. Which MIGHT mean there likely was not many with immediately recognizable significance in that time (don’t yell at me, I have not taken the time to verify this).
Either way, the way he responded comes across as very “I’m published, you’re not, neener neener!” which is not a good look for anyone with a doctorates.
Also, genuine question, how significant was the contribution of LeNet-5 to the field of deep learning vs Neocognitron?
He could’ve just said “I have a turing award, you don’t” if he wanted to show off.
He is also called one of the godfathers of deep learning, so I’d say his contributions are very significant.
Stephen King claims he writes 2000 words a day.
R. L. Stein supposedly wrote a new (admittedly short) novel every two weeks.
This Spanish romance novelist apparently wrote over 4000 novels in her lifetime.
So sure, why not 80 technical papers in 2.5 years?
It’s easier to write that much if you are just making stuff up…
Successful writers generally don’t just make stuff up. They do plenty of research.
You can’t just compare creative writing to writing a paper.
True, but you can compare writing 4000 novels a year with being able to write 80 papers a few pages long in 2.5 and say that both are possible.
The writing of the paper is generally a trivial part of the work. Each technical paper is supposed to be a succinct summary of months or years of technical work.
He didn’t write all those papers. He put his name on them. He also finds it worth his time to publicly argue with a pig in shit, so there’s that.
Try harder!
It’s okay, Elon, we all know you try the hardest.
Elon is such a fucking tool
I strongly disagree with that statement… tools are useful.
He’s a piece of modern art
He’s right there with Duchamp’s Fountain, no doubt
modern fart
He’s the arch-twit
I like those. Those get shit done.
I think that this is the paper he’s referring to: https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/1989/hash/53c3bce66e43be4f209556518c2fcb54-Abstract.html
Ooh yes, that’s a classic paper!
Also methodology.
Read part 2.
Why are we still sharing snapshots from twitter?
Let’s start capturing more interesting conversations that are happening on Lemmy and other places!
I persistently work to get Twitter, elon, musk, cyber truck, Tesla, spacex, and every other x-affiliated bullshit out of my newsfeed, just for people to screenshot this shitty website. You like twitter, keep it on twitter. Cool.
I suppose I’ll block the person who uploaded it.
Nah. Brinfing them here is more diversity, and lets people choose.
People will use twitter and tumbler and instagram, even if they switch from reddit to lemmy.
I’ll teach that evil billionaire a lesson by creating content on his platform! Boy, I sure showed him!
Unfortunately, without anyone of note calling him out on that platform, it turns into pure echo chamber cult activity. There are so, so many people that are like lemmings, that will just follow that flow without doing any personal reflection or critical thinking. It’s healthy to have voices of dissent, even if it’s indirectly helping/enabling someone that’s cultivating mindlessness among the masses. Hell, just look at how his idiotic response has over 2 million “likes”. Granted, I’m sure 70-80% of those are fake, but that’s still a frightening number of people who support someone like him.
When you fight Musk on his platform, you fight Musk by his terms. Allowing some criticism creates the illusion of legitimacy.
It’s delusional to think you’re going to change things from inside the platform. Would you go on Trump’s platform to argue with MAGA cultists? This is no different.
Getting a smart comeback on Elon isn’t the W you think it is; you’re still using his platform and validating it and keeping it relevant. Just stop using it.
I’m not arguing that it’s a W. I’m saying that much of the reason we’re in this hyper polarized society now is due to echo chambers. If we refuse to engage with those we disagree with, then you’re falling into the exact same trap. The entire platform isn’t only Musk/MAGA supporters. It’s toxic and awful, but so is TikTok and Facebook yet millions still use them every day.
I love how muskrat had to put “science” in quotes.
“*pffffbtbtbt* Facts are meaningless. You can use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true.” - Homer Simpson
What does you’re going soft, try harder even mean in this case? I think that’s a troll, right? Right? I mean, even one solid theory from a paper can change the course of an industry. How do people think things work? I feel dizzy reading this whole exchange
damn I remember using CNNs back in the day for image processing. never realized truly how far back they go.
Edge detection CNNs, remember those.