I’ll teach that evil billionaire a lesson by creating content on his platform! Boy, I sure showed him!
Unfortunately, without anyone of note calling him out on that platform, it turns into pure echo chamber cult activity. There are so, so many people that are like lemmings, that will just follow that flow without doing any personal reflection or critical thinking. It’s healthy to have voices of dissent, even if it’s indirectly helping/enabling someone that’s cultivating mindlessness among the masses. Hell, just look at how his idiotic response has over 2 million “likes”. Granted, I’m sure 70-80% of those are fake, but that’s still a frightening number of people who support someone like him.
When you fight Musk on his platform, you fight Musk by his terms. Allowing some criticism creates the illusion of legitimacy.
It’s delusional to think you’re going to change things from inside the platform. Would you go on Trump’s platform to argue with MAGA cultists? This is no different.
Getting a smart comeback on Elon isn’t the W you think it is; you’re still using his platform and validating it and keeping it relevant. Just stop using it.
I’m not arguing that it’s a W. I’m saying that much of the reason we’re in this hyper polarized society now is due to echo chambers. If we refuse to engage with those we disagree with, then you’re falling into the exact same trap. The entire platform isn’t only Musk/MAGA supporters. It’s toxic and awful, but so is TikTok and Facebook yet millions still use them every day.