So based it’s purple.
I better block this instance. I’m not here to see sinful content like chemistry.
I’m pH <3.
oh shit those colors are a standard?
Yes, because most universal pH testers will use the same indicators.
I have a feeling it’s the other way around. They use the same indicators because it’s standard.
Theres some slight variance, but generally, because they usually use the same indicators, the resulting colours will be the same across most tests.
E: Double post because lag, oh well.
I’m a vagina with a pH of 4
This is much more likely to actually hang on someone’s wall.
I think…I’m acidic?
I actually kinda want that as a flag now.
like this?
I am a pool with a ph of 7.4.
I have a proposal: what if we map where you are in the Gender Spectrum like we map colors? Red is how much female you feel, Blue how much male and Green how much you are willing to change sex or something…
Have you seen the terrible gender input controls?
Why in God’s name would you want a pool test strip on your wall?
Hey! This even has голубой!