“Baby baby, I brought you your toast again.”
Def annoyed her.
I no longer say these because of reasons…
“why do we argue so much when we both know you are wrong”?
“if you promise to love me forever then I promise to let you love me forever”.
Her aim has improved alot during this marriage.
Sometimes when she tells me she’s going to do… anything, really, I just say something along the lines of “no”, “out of the question” or “you’re not allowed to do that”. Almost 15 years later, it didn’t get old - for me! - yet. As for her, I think at this point she just tuned out these things hahaha
I look her in the eyes romantically, with a touch of mischief, and state “you’re a very useful girlfriend”.
I only do it a couple times a year at most.
The look of disdain is priceless.
She knows I love the hell out of her, and the anti climax is brilliant.
“What am I?! Your bloody house cleaner?!”
Then we laugh. Cuddle. She feigns a cold shoulder.
Too much fun.
I do at least two things that she pretends to hate, but definitely does not.
- When discussing something I always reply this way:
- Her: Come on, say something.
- Me: Something.
- When she needs to do something in the future:
- Her: Remind me, that I have to buy milk tomorrow.
- Me: instantly You know, you have to buy milk tomorrow.
That second one followed by “I’ve done my part so don’t forget!”
I do that with everyone that tells me “I’m going to the bathroom”
I reply with “Good luck! 👍”
I usually say “have fun”
Whenever she tells me she’s going to do something I react “Hey honey, you should go and do something.”
“I’m going to the store to get some milk”
“You know what? You should go to the store and get some milk”
“I’m going to wash some pants.”
“Honey, I think maybe you should wash some pants.”
When I leave her, just to go to the bathroom, or to the store or leave her in the car while I go into the store, I’ll say, “See you tomorrow” x 15 yrs
I sneak up behind her and give her “tiger rubs”, which is aggressive up & down motion on the ribs & side meat.
She loves it x20 years
Whenever I let out a big fart close to her I say her name out loud in a surprised tone accompanied by “that’s absolutely disgusting!” and she eye rolls immediately lol
I have a Mickey Mouse impression. A very, very vulgar Mickey Mouse impression.